Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1157: Colleagues Who Are Always Late

Chapter 1157: Colleagues Who Are Always Late

A low voice rang out in the ninja’s ear. “You, guilty.”

Then, the wall on one side of the hallway rushed forward to meet him.


With a m.u.f.fled sound, half the ninja leader’s face was flattened.

It wasn’t because the guy had a tough head, but because Luke was deliberately keeping him alive.

At that moment, the nine ninjas behind Luke finally regained their senses.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, the black giant had grabbed their leader and smashed him into the wall.

“Kill!” A ninja who took his place as interim leader gave a low shout, and the group of ninjas charged forward.

Luke turned around at that moment, and his blood-red lenses lit up. “You, guilty.”

“Batman!” another ninja shouted.

This time, none of his comrades thought of cutting him down, since they were also shouting it in their hearts.

Luke, however, didn’t give them a chance to retreat as he charged forward.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three seconds later, nine ninjas collapsed in the hallway.

Most of them were lying on their backs, and some were kneeling with their heads against the wall. There were also two unlucky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who could only scream as they clutched their broken limbs.

Selina jumped lightly and pulled her knees back.

When the nine ninjas had attacked, the two ninjas behind her moved as well.

She simply did a backflip to dodge their blades. Grabbing their heads with both hands, she pressed down and hit them in the back with her knees, creating two more paraplegics.

Luke asked, “What about the four patrol officers?”

Although this was a trap, he didn’t want these innocent patrol officers to lose their lives for it.

Selina said, “I locked them up in the guardroom on the side. Just nice, they can let people know and come over now.”

Most people didn’t recognize her third generation Bastet Armor. She could only handcuff them and throw them into the room.

Luke said, “I’ll let them out.”

Selina nodded. Batman had a lot of prestige. After being released, the four officers probably wouldn’t think about drawing their guns.

Luke went to release them, and Selina went to cripple all the ninjas.

These ninjas were crazy.

Even if they only had one hand and one leg, they could still hurt innocent people.

She didn’t want to give them that chance.

As for whether or not they would die of blood loss, that wasn’t up to her.

She had already shown restraint by not killing them.

Luke had said that he wanted to continue using these guys as bait, but it didn’t matter if a few of them died.

The four patrol officers who had just been released by Batman saw her stomp on the ninjas until their limbs cracked. Two faces turned white and two turned dark.

The four patrol officers subconsciously looked at Batman.

Luke didn’t say anything and simply leaned against the ICU door.

Then, the patrol officers saw a certain Devil Bone Breaker stomp all over the ninjas before nodding at Batman and leaving.

How could the four patrol officers not understand that this Devil Bone Breaker and Batman were on the same side?

They relaxed. When they had been handcuffed by the “black leopard woman,” they thought they had run into a lunatic.

At that moment, Lawyer Matt finally arrived.

The four patrol officers were frightened by his dark red uniform, and thought that he was one of the ninjas’ accomplices.

Sensing that the ninjas had collapsed, Matt smiled bitterly. This was too strong.

This was a narrow hallway.

Matt wasn’t confident he could deal with ten ninjas in this terrain, but 20 had fallen here.

From the moment Batman threw out the darts to help take down the eight ninjas, it had taken Matt less than four minutes to get here.

The fact was that as soon as he entered the first floor, he had sensed that the battle upstairs had ended.

For the first time, Matt’s “ears” confirmed how powerful Batman and his partner were.

The troublesome Hand ninjas were no different from street hooligans in Batman’s eyes.

Thinking quickly, he walked over to Batman and gave him the darts. “Your darts…”

Luke nodded and used his secret transmission to say, “Leave right away. There are too many people who are paying attention to me. Don’t let them think that we’re close.”

Matt’s lips moved when he heard that, but he didn’t say anything in the end. He just nodded slightly and left.

The four patrol officers were stunned. Who was this? Was he here to deliver something? But why was he only delivering the darts to Batman after the fight was over?

For a moment, the patrol officers were full of doubts, and n.o.body spoke to Luke.

Ten minutes later, the first batch of patrol officers finally arrived.

To their surprise, Batman didn’t leave. He remained outside the ICU.

This time, two officers came forward to ask questions. Luke simply said that the ninjas belonged to the Hand, and that they were the ones who had kidnapped and injured the kids. He didn’t say anything else.

If he was going to ultimately eradicate the Hand, telling the police more now was useless.

He wouldn’t be disappointed if the police found the Hand before he did, but that was unlikely.

The patrol officers were also very tactful, except for a middle-aged patrol officer who looked like an old fanboy and wanted his autograph.

Luke decisively ignored him. Although the others glanced at him every now and then, n.o.body disturbed him again.

Ten minutes later, when ESU reinforcements arrived on the fourth floor, Luke took a running leap out of the window and glided away.

The ESU captain was stunned for a moment before he turned to the officers who were guarding the scene. He couldn’t help but ask, “Batman left the moment we arrived. Does he have a problem with us?”

The sergeant shook his head with a bitter smile. “No; he was afraid that we wouldn’t be able to deal with those criminals, so he waited for you to arrive before he left.”

The ESU captain’s expression immediately brightened. “Really? Did Batman really say that?”

The sergeant patted the captain’s shoulder. “No, I was just guessing.”

The captain was lost for words.

In fact, Luke and Selina hadn’t left the hospital.

They switched locations and hid in an office in a building not far away.

A wide desk was placed in front of the window for the both of them to sit on.

They had also removed their helmets. Selina’s face was naturally Halle Berry’s, and Luke’s was… Big Ben’s.

Sucking on a lollipop, Selina asked casually, “Will the Hand still dare come tonight?”

Luke rolled his own lollipop in his mouth. “I don’t think so. But they’re not normal. It’s fine if we waste some time.”

Selina nodded. “More than 50 ninjas broke into the hospital to kidnap people. That really isn’t something a normal person would do.”

Luke couldn’t help but glance at the system.

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