Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1173: I Love Running Into Bad Guys the Most

Chapter 1173: I Love Running Into Bad Guys the Most

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Alice said that she had killed many people on William’s orders in the last few months.

Logically speaking, she should be at least a mid-level red on the system’s list of good and evil, but she was just a light red.

That was because her actions were controlled by the electronic chip that connected her eyes to her brain. Even if she was unwilling, she would kill when she heard William’s order.

At the same time, William had set up this electronic chip as one of the detonators for the dam base.

Alice’s ability and her metal skeleton made her difficult to kill. She could send an alert to William at any time, and he could choose whether or not to blow up the base and destroy the evidence.

Whether or not Luke had placed Alice in s.p.a.ce 2 that night, the base was doomed to self-destruct.

William would never let evidence from the dam base fall into someone else’s hands, including research information that could be used as material evidence and superhumans that could act as witnesses..

As long as even a little of it was exposed, he would have to live in the dark forever and could no longer climb to a higher position.

Luke felt that William was definitely worth a lot of experience and credit points.

He felt that the system would place at least half of the bad things Sentinel Services had done on William’s head.

So, whether it was to avenge Alice and her daughter and the innocent superhumans who had suffered, or to stop William from continuing to do evil, he had to kill this guy.

It just so happened that the multifaceted system had found some leads on William Stryker.

The surveillance and number of t.i.tanium phone users in D.C. were among the top in America, and William wasn’t very deeply hidden here.

Perhaps he thought that with support from the military and some old men in Congress, n.o.body in America would dare touch him.

Then, the Star of Justice quietly set off!

A few days later, William Stryker mysteriously disappeared from D.C..

This matter caused a stir to some extent before it faded shortly after.

William Stryker had too much dirt on him, to the point that n.o.body dared to casually touch him, though there were very few people who were worried about being implicated.

After he went missing, several investigative teams were sent out, but none of them dared to talk about this openly.

These people were only concerned about William’s research, but wouldn’t rush to get involved without a clear goal.

After being interrogated repeatedly for a day, William completely disappeared from this world, and Luke received a huge amount of experience and credit points.

System: Kill William Stryker, head of Sentinel Services, and the remaining members. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 60,000. Total credit: 60,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +60,000. Credit +60,000.

Host’s experience: 258,500 / 500,000.

Credit: 452,500

By now, more than 90% of Sentinel Services, including the person in charge, had disappeared.

The baldie and his apprehension team from last time also didn’t escape this final clean-up. The first thing Luke had done was to use William to give them a secret order to return to D.C..

When they all went missing, William had yet to be found.

When word got out that William was missing, these people were suspected of running away with him.

The Star of Justice, who was wrapping things up, didn’t return to New York, but went straight to the airport and set off on a trip around the world.

Luke, on the other hand, stayed in New York. He didn’t spend as much time investigating cases during the day, nor did he go out as much at night.

He wasn’t good at mult.i.tasking yet. Even with sufficient Mental Strength, he wasn’t used to controlling two “Lukes” at the same time.

Letting one “Luke” rest was an inevitable choice.

On the other side, Luke returned to Rio after half a year.

After he got off the plane, he headed for Rocinha’s slums.

Walking along the winding streets with a lollipop in his mouth, he was as relaxed as a tourist.

When he entered the narrowest lane, several heads popped out from various buildings around him.

A moment later, they turned into seven or eight youngsters with guns.

Luke chuckled and his eyes flickered with interest as he looked at them over the top of his “What a familiar scene. I’ve missed it…”

His days in Rio back then had genuinely been good. It would be a lie to say that he didn’t miss them.

“You’re not welcome here. Go back the way you came.” A young man twirled his gun and raised his head slightly to give Luke an arrogant look.

Luke smiled. “This is convenient.”

The young man was stumped, and before he could understand what was going on, the white man was now standing right in front of him, the gun which he had wrested from the young man now aimed at his head.

The youngsters around them raised their guns. “You’re asking for it.”

“Let go of Diego.”

“What are you doing?”

Thankfully, this bunch wasn’t too rash. Otherwise, if one of them pulled the trigger faster than they could think, none of them would survive.

Luke said, “Tell the doctor that Puncher wants to meet.”

The group of youngsters suddenly fell silent. Many of them looked at each other but didn’t move.

“Don’t worry, I’m not hostile.” Luke smiled and gave the gun back to the young man. “I just don’t like being threatened. The doctor will understand.”

At that moment, beads of sweat broke out on the forehead of the young man in front of him, and his voice trembled. “Okay, wait.”

His pistol was loaded; his life had been in the man’s hands just now.

Now that the danger had been removed for the time being, he felt his legs tremble.

But the young man’s pride made him unwilling to show any fear in front of his friends. He simply waved his hand behind him. “Go tell the doctor that someone’s here.”

Seeing that a kid in the back had yet to stick his head back inside the window, Luke raised his voice and added, “Remember to say Puncher is here.”

Only then did he smile and look at a 15- or 16-year-old not far away. “Still want candy?”

The young man wasn’t holding a gun, but a book.

Seeing the smiling young man with a lollipop in his mouth, a vivid memory surfaced in the teenager’s mind, and he couldn’t help but cry out, “It’s you?”

Luke nodded with a smile and took out a lollipop from his pocket.

The young man subconsciously accepted it, but his hand suddenly froze and he trembled. “Don’t, don’t do anything. We, we’re just protecting ourselves…”

The young men around him looked at him in surprise. “Rivaldo, what are you doing?”

The teenager, Rivaldo, had no time to bother with them. He simply looked at Luke nervously. “After Boss Gerrard died, I no longer run with gangs, and I’m now going to school. Right, it’s the doctor who’s teaching us. We’re not bad people…”

Even now, Rivaldo still remembered what the young man had said to him last year: I love running into bad guys.

Then, Boss Gerrard and a dozen of his men were killed by this man.

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