Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1174: You Came Looking for Me Just to Talk?

Chapter 1174: You Came Looking for Me Just to Talk?

Although the young man in front of him had a different face from before, the way he held the lollipop and the calm smile on his face had left a deep impression on Rivaldo.

He had woken up in the middle of the night countless times after dreaming of how the young man smiled before opening fire, his expression unchanged after killing someone. He also dreamed of his warning before he left: If you still want to be a bad guy, you might run into me again one day!

Rivaldo knew that he would die if he ran into this young man again.

However easily Boss Gerrard died, his own death would be even simpler.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but he could only force a smile. “I haven’t run with gangs for a long time.”

Crossing his arms, Luke looked at the math book in the boy’s hand and nodded. “I see. Then, I wish you good luck for the rest of your life.”

A few minutes later, the kid from earlier stuck his head out again a little further away. “The doctor said to bring him over.”

“Got it.” The young man whom Luke had held at gunpoint earlier gestured at him. “Follow me.”

After Luke disappeared down the path, the youngsters finally relaxed.

One of the kids couldn’t help but ask, “Rivaldo, do you know this guy?”

Various emotions flashed across his face, but he nodded in the end. “Do you remember how Boss Gerrard died last year?”

The youngsters all drew in sharp breaths.

Someone asked, “Did he do it?”

With a bitter smile, Rivaldo gestured at the math book in his hand. “Otherwise? Why do you think I suddenly want to study? It’s because this gentleman broke Boss Gerrard’s limbs in front of me before shooting him in the head. He then told me that the next time I do anything bad, I’ll end up like Boss Gerrard.”

Everybody was stupefied. “Huh?”

They had often joked about Rivaldo, who obediently studied every day. Only now did they know that this guy wasn’t really obedient, but had been frightened into obedience.

But when they recalled how Luke had pointed his gun at Diego’s head, they felt that it was understandable that Rivaldo would be terrified.

While they were poor now, there was still hope; if they died, there was nothing.

Two minutes later, Luke was standing in front of a broken metal sheet that pa.s.sed for a door.

Diego, who led the way, simply said, “The doctor’s inside,” before he quickly slipped away.

Luke chuckled and knocked. “Is anyone home?”

After a brief silence, a woman said, “Come in.”

Luke pushed the door open and entered.

It wasn’t very bright in the room, which was very common in crowded slums.

In the dim light, a woman was cleaning a girl’s knee.

Luke didn’t disturb her and simply sat down in a plastic chair.

A few minutes later, the woman put down the medical tape in her hands and patted the little girl’s head. “Okay, go home. Remember not to let your wound get wet. You can come back tomorrow to change the bandage.”

The little girl stood up. “Thank you, doctor.”

The woman hummed in response.

As the girl limped off, she glanced at Luke, who was sitting not far away, before she left the room.

After the door was shut, the woman quickly cleaned up the medical refuse on the table.

Luke looked at her from behind with great interest and couldn’t help but mutter to himself, She’s improved a lot! Did she specially train with the Brazilian girls here?

Sensing his intense gaze, the woman paused in tidying up and turned around. “Why are you looking for me? Just tell me what you want.”

Luke was amused. “It’s nothing serious. I just dropped by to tell you that Sloan and all the at No. 17 Textile Mill were killed by someone. You can go back now.”

The woman was stunned. “What? Are you kidding?”

Luke chuckled. “Rebecca, you know I don’t like to make jokes.”

The woman was Rebecca, the Redback who had betrayed the Fraternity.

However, her figure had filled out compared with half a year ago. Clearly, she hadn’t seen much action.

Hearing that, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. You tricked me and Mr. X in the bar back then, you big liar.

However, the news of the destruction of the Fraternity’s core shocked her greatly. She quickly calmed down. “I’m doing very well here.”

Luke thought for a moment and nodded. “That’s true. As long as you like it, you can live whatever life you want. So, you’re not going back to America?”

Stumped for a moment, Rebecca gritted her teeth and said, “You came looking for me just to say that?”

Luke shrugged. “I dropped by to see an old friend. What’s wrong with that?”

Looking at his unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar face, she frowned. “You’re using this face?”

Luke chuckled. “I’m used to it. There are too many strangers here.”

Rebecca thought about it.

Their ident.i.ties were a little sensitive, so it was understandable that he would come in disguise.

“Then, why are you still sitting there?” she asked.

Luke got up with a smile. “Okay. Where to?”

Rebecca asked, “You don’t remember?”

Luke chuckled and extended his hand. “Beautiful lady, would you like to have… juice with me?”

Rebecca finally couldn’t hold back anymore and smiled. “Your treat.”

Luke said, “Of course.”

The next morning, when they returned to the hut, someone was inside having breakfast.

Rebecca smiled. “Riley, we brought breakfast back. Let’s eat together.”

The middle-aged woman put down her sandwich and looked at Luke. “Puncher?”

Luke chuckled. “Long time no see, Bloodmint. How have you been?”

Rebecca jabbed him with her elbow. “Cut the c.r.a.p. I told you already, right?”

Luke wasn’t bothered that she had exposed him. He simply smiled. “Well, I heard that you’re doing well.”

After a brief hesitation, Riley smiled back. “She’s right.”

They sat down and had breakfast.

That afternoon, Luke set off again on his own.

Neither Rebecca nor Riley planned to return to America. They chose to stay in Rio.

Actually, a group of youngsters had already gathered around them in Rocinha.

Of course, they weren’t suitors.

Rebecca had a small clinic and Riley had opened a small school.

So, the group called Rebecca “the doctor,” and Riley “the teacher.”

Medicine and education were what the slums needed the most.

Both women weren’t short of money. What they were doing was purely out of interest.

Nevertheless, they leaned toward a sense of justice, and still took action on the sly, regardless of Luke’s advice from back then.

But after Cross reduced the Fraternity to a state of paranoia, Luke had then cleaned them up; it wouldn’t recover for a long time.

Even if it did, the organization might not be in the mood to continue making trouble for them.

The two women were safe.

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