Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1195: You’re Everywhere

Chapter 1195: You’re Everywhere

In the end, these bigshots gave him more than 1,000 per person, and most of them had more than 100 bodyguards.

He obtained more than 60,000 experience and credit points again, but the Star of Justice’s consumption this time was much lower.

After all, this was just a matter of cutting off the head. Each operation took less than five minutes, and the clone only consumed 3,000 credit points.

At that moment, the host’s experience was 421,000 / 500,000.

Credit: 615,000

Sure enough, shearing sheep in one place wasn’t the way to go.

He could take turns shearing sheep all over America, and when he was free, he could go abroad to shear certain fat sheep. This was the sustainable development route.

If it was true that a fish’s memory was only seven seconds long, then the memories of all the criminals in the world added up wouldn’t be more than seven months in total.

Luke felt that it was impossible for him to weed out all these people worldwide in seven months.

So, even though he was on the verge of leveling up, he had his clone return to New York.

Now, he preferred to let this sockpuppet do the physical work while he stayed home to do research.

The biggest benefit of this was that the chance of him being discovered dropped.

After all, whichever sockpuppet appeared, Luke had an alibi. It was the best cover.

He couldn’t do it before, but he could do it now.

For this purpose, Luke had already started planning a few new operations.

He would carry them out when the time was right.

It was April. The cold in New York gradually faded, but the rain was as heavy as in March.

Selina didn’t go out that night.

The rain had a slightly bigger impact on the stealth system, so she and Luke would do their best to avoid going out on rainy nights.

Luke didn’t go to the bas.e.m.e.nt to do research or train. Instead, he sat in the living room and read.

Ever since the appearance of the Star of Justice, he had been trying to adapt to his new life with two heads and four arms.

So far, things were going smoothly. He could basically fight and rest at the same time.

It wouldn’t be long before they would enter battle at the same time in the future. It was just a matter of habit and proficiency.

His clone was making its way through Manhattan in the Batman suit in the drizzle, and taking note of robberies and home invasions.

Most of the time, he didn’t show himself for small things like this. He simply threw some junk at the hoodlums to knock them out.

In the future, only the most heinous of criminals would have the honor of him personally showing up to judge them.

Luke wanted Batman’s judgment to be a symbol.

It wouldn’t take the whole world more than a few years to learn that when Batman p.r.o.nounced a person “guilty,” they were definitely heinous criminals.

As a paragon of righteousness, Batman was the most suitable for drawing attention and p.r.o.nouncing judgment on people like these.

Batman had already pa.s.sed the stage of relying on small things to boost his popularity.

Saving people was the goal; injuring others was a means.

But it wasn’t like he couldn’t lob junk at some of the more vile ones and give them concussions.

Doing that would give these people second thoughts about robbing others as they nursed aching heads for several days.

With this large-scale crackdown, all the hooligans understood that a “wolf” had come to Clinton. There wasn’t even a shadow of him, and he especially liked hitting people in the head.

These people could only move to other areas, and law and order in Clinton improved.

Although Clinton was known as h.e.l.l’s Kitchen, it was no longer as terrifying after Kingpin quietly retreated and the Hand was severely injured.

But the further south these people went, the closer they got to NYPD HQ.

North was Central Park and the Upper East and Upper West Side. NYPD focused on law and order in these areas, which wasn’t suitable for gangs at all.

Thus, these people could only go further north to East Harlem, which meant that most of Luke’s patrol s.h.i.+fted north as well. Otherwise, after trawling Clinton for half an hour at most, he would basically have nothing else to do.

Compared with Clinton, which Matt, he and Selina had cleaned up countless times, East Harlem was a vast land of possibilities.

As for where the gangsters who had rushed over from Clinton would go next, that wasn’t something he needed to think about.

Luke planned to have his clone push the “war zone” into Brooklyn by the end of the year.

As long as these gangsters didn’t move out of New York, it was only a matter of time before they received a second and third round of education about the law.

Thinking that, Luke landed on the roof of an apartment building and stood in a corner, ready to scout out the situation before continuing his patrol.

Then, he saw two people standing behind the gla.s.s windows of a Chinese restaurant diagonally opposite him.

He had read the file on one of them a few days ago, and the other… was very familiar.

Red Matt? Why are you everywhere? he mumbled inwardly.

But he already knew why they were together.

The person next to Matt was Danny Rand, a rich heir who had yet to take back his a.s.sets.

These two had just fought someone from the Hand, and were clearly more familiar with each other now.

Luke was a little lost for words as the Batman suit’s A.I. program read their lips.

Not only did they alert the enemy, they even charged straight into their nest?

What a joke! If you’ve already done everything, what use is there for the Star of Justice? I am the emissary of justice, the embodiment of love, and America’s number one busybody vigilante.

Although he complained, Luke knew that he couldn’t take it slow with the Hand any longer.

These youngsters were too hot-tempered, but they weren’t weak. It was very likely that they might beat the Hand back into hiding.

Rather than that, he would rather first harvest the gift bags of experience that he had already found and also prevent these hot-blooded youngsters from being heavily injured.

Red Matt hadn’t had it easy recently. He had been injured too often, and should continue to recuperate. It was best if he didn’t do anything.

That was settled! Luke made up his mind, but didn’t leave. Two mini drones flew toward the restaurant.

At that moment, a limo stopped in front of the Chinese restaurant. The driver opened an umbrella, and a woman in her fifties got out and walked to the entrance.

Luke raised an eyebrow and took note of the position one step behind her.

There was a woman there, but she was invisible to regular people.

But she couldn’t escape the various detection methods on the Batman suit.

It wasn’t her body temperature or heartbeat that gave her away, but sound waves.

Clearly, her stealth ability couldn’t block detection via sound waves, and focused more on fooling the senses.

Luke approached the Chinese restaurant and activated Sharp Nose.

He detected the lingering scent.

He had a strange expression on his face. This was… Matt’s ex-girlfriend? Did she and Matt have a huge fight, so she found her mother to back her up and make Red, this heartless wretch, take responsibility, and they would be married the next day?

Of course, it was an outrageous notion.

He also recognized the fifty-year-old woman who had entered the room: It was Alexandra.

She was the big boss behind Midland Circle Financial, suspected of being an important leader of the Hand and the lead whom Luke had been keeping the closest eye on.

But why was she here with Matt’s ex-girlfriend?

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