Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1226: Captured and Delivered

Chapter 1226: Captured and Delivered

The legs of the monster that was lunging at the two officers was Luke’s primary target.

The first two bullets. .h.i.t its left ankle and knee the moment it lifted its left foot.

When the monster staggered slightly and was about to raise its right foot to steady itself, the next two bullets. .h.i.t its right ankle and knee.

At that moment, the monster couldn’t maintain its center of gravity anymore, and it pitched forward.

The fifth and final bullet was fired at the monster’s left shoulder, further speeding up the process.

The monster’s huge body fell awkwardly to the ground. Its powerful momentum caused it to roll twice before it crashed into the police car.


The police car shook heavily. Caught off guard, the two men hiding on the other side were hit and rolled away.

Both of them tensed up in shock.

And that was just the aftermath of the monster losing control. The police car shook violently from the impact.

What if it hadn’t lost control? They would probably have been sent flying along with the police car! Sweating, they got up and stared at their police car as they quickly retreated.

In this brief confrontation, they realized that this monster was invulnerable to gunfire and was too strong for them to deal with.

They had better give up now, or the director would have to send medals to their wives. Thinking that, they hid in a corner on the side of the road before they finally checked to see who it was that had helped them.

Luke’s car had stopped 20 meters away.

He and Selina dashed out the front doors.

Selina fired the M4A1 first, and the short and powerful triple shots rang out in a fixed rhythm as they hit the monster that was crawling up from behind the police car. Her accuracy was close to 90%.

The dizzy monster was immediately hit in the face.

It howled in pain and waved its hands, as if to block the painful bullets.

Luke, on the other hand, was holding something that looked like a grenade launcher. He found an opportunity to pull the trigger.


With a dull bang, a black canister shot out of the 50mm muzzle.

A few meters away, the black canister exploded into a black net which flew at the monster, who was screaming as it covered its face.

In the blink of an eye, the black net completely wrapped around the monster, and the edges of the net automatically latched together before the net contracted.

The monster hadn’t even removed its hands from its face before it was firmly locked in place by the black net.

Luke took out his personal phone and called Phil.

Phil had been in New York for the past few days, and so was the most convenient person to call.

The call was picked up, and Phil’s exhausted voice rang out. “Luke, it’s late. Is there an emergency?”

Luke said, “I caught a monster on 145th Street in Upper Manhattan. It’s very similar to Bruce the tyrannosaur at Odyssey Hotel in Los Angeles. It can’t be killed with a gun. Gray smoke comes out of the bullet holes after it’s. .h.i.t.”

Phil was silent for two seconds. “I’ll be right there.”

Luke heard the faint sound of footsteps.

Phil asked again, “You didn’t call anyone else this time, did you?”

Luke was amused. “I called you the moment I caught it.”

Phil nodded. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Don’t let anyone take it away.”

Putting his phone away, Phil called out a few people’s names as he walked. “Bring along the equipment provided by RIPD. We’re bringing back an ‘undead.’”

His subordinates immediately got up and ran off.

As the boss, Phil naturally didn’t have to move the equipment. He just needed to sit in the helicopter and watch his subordinates move things.

Looking at the black net the monster was trapped in, Luke took out a second canister and loaded it into the launcher.


A second black net flew out to cover the struggling monster and wrap it up before it contracted.

Coupled with the first black net, the monster, who had yet to give up, lost the s.p.a.ce to exert force. Its struggles instantly decreased, and it could only roar angrily, “No, let me go, let me go.”

As calm as ever, Luke took off his Gucci and put on a pair of yellow lenses.

It wasn’t that he was posturing and liked to wear at night. The modified Gucci could freely transform into many different modes, including colorless or night vision.

In the end, however, the Gucci were the ones Selina had given him, and he had only made minor modifications to them.

The yellow lenses, on the other hand, were a top DIY product by Luke. They were more comprehensive and powerful, and equipped with an A.I. program that was more suitable for battle.

As Luke circled the monster and examined it, Selina walked to the side and started talking to her two colleagues who had almost died, to prevent them from interrupting Luke.

Soon, Luke was done examining the monster. He then focused his attention on the old suitcase that the monster had been holding, and his showed that there were some irregular pieces of metal inside.

Luke checked the suitcase again with his own abilities. After confirming that it was safe, he opened the very ordinary suitcase, and saw a few unusual yellow fragments.

Puzzled, he looked at the test results on his lenses. Gold? Did monsters who couldn’t die also like gold?

He picked up a piece, and left a light fingerprint on it. He could only wipe it off before casually tossing the piece back into the suitcase.

This really was gold. It was quite pure and soft to the touch.

At that moment, his two colleagues walked over.

Human curiosity was boundless, especially when the situation wasn’t too dangerous.

While Ricky, Kajit and Selina were chatting, they had been distracted by how Luke observed the monster like it was a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

They had only taken care of a brawl in an alley not far away earlier, which was nothing compared with this attack.

Kajit walked over and stretched out his hand gratefully. “Thank you, Detective Luke Coulson. If you hadn’t come, we would’ve been sent to the morgue today.”

Luke shook his hand with a smile. “Don’t make it sound so serious. We’re colleagues. Of course we have to help.”

Kajit, however, didn’t let go of his hand immediately. Instead, he shook it hard with both hands. “We owe you a favor. If you need anything in the future, come find us.”

He didn’t let go until he was done, and then it was Ricky’s turn.

Luke nodded with a smile. He knew that they would remember this favor, and he could build a relations.h.i.+p with them.

For capable people like Luke and Selina, nothing was better than personal relations.h.i.+ps.

Many times when your boss didn’t support you, your subordinates didn’t support you, or your colleagues didn’t support you, it would be your personal friends who did.

It was for this reason that John McClane and Luke enjoyed secure positions in the police department.

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