Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1231: The Undying Monsters’ Attack and Phil’s Predicament

Chapter 1231: The Undying Monsters’ Attack and Phil’s Predicament

Splitting up into three teams was also in consideration of the current situation.

These undying monsters were causing havoc in the three most populated areas in New York, though most of them were still in Queens and Brooklyn.

Conversely, the Bronx or Staten Island were completely quiet.

Luke understood.

There were too few people in these two districts. What was the point of the undying monsters making a fuss there? The most that would be destroyed was vegetation.

But it would be bad in Queens or Brooklyn.

There were a lot of people there, and it was a big area.

If Luke and Selina didn’t split up, they would be much less efficient.

More importantly, the fact that these guys couldn’t die was a big headache.

Apart from professional hunters like the old man and the blonde, only Luke and Selina were threats to them.

The good news was that when Luke had realized that something was wrong, he used his Batman ident.i.ty to let Phil know.

Phil said that they had weapons especially for the situation, which would be deployed immediately.

Luke didn’t say more. He simply told Phil to pay attention to their exclusive comm. He would immediately send notifications about the monsters’ locations in New York.

Phil probably wouldn’t have as accurate a lock on them as Luke.

The detection algorithm for the undying monsters had already been added to the multifaceted system. s.h.i.+ELD probably didn’t have an algorithm like that. After all, there had been very few undying monsters in the past, so there was no point creating this algorithm.

His clone circled Manhattan and killed the undying monsters that were scattered throughout the area. It then entered Brooklyn from the west and headed east in Luke’s direction.

Selina, on the other hand, was working hard in Queens.

There was no need to ask how she was doing; from time to time, the system would be refreshed with the deaths of one or two undying monsters, and 50% of the experience points would be shared with Luke. It was even more accurate than her own reporting.

As Luke flew over Brooklyn, he “directed” Phil’s ten teams.

Although he and Selina were killing the monsters quickly, if they didn’t coordinate with Phil, some of the teams wouldn’t realize that the target had been killed until they arrived, which would greatly affect their efficiency in taking the monsters down.

Experience and credit weren’t as important. What was important was that the monsters were causing a lot of casualties.

Luke liked experience and credit points, but he didn’t want to trade innocent lives for them.

Killing these monsters a minute earlier might save a life.

When the s.h.i.+ELD agents on Phil’s side all arrived in Queens and Brooklyn, it was already chaos.

A large number of police cars were already on the streets, but there was basically no way to control the situation.

Ordinary officers couldn’t do anything about the undying monsters.

They weren’t as rich and capable as Luke; naturally, they wouldn’t develop restraint-type weapons when they were bored and carry them around.

In the face of the monsters’ fierce counterattacks, they were too fl.u.s.tered to help the panic-stricken crowd.

The police radio exploded with calls for backup.

But the alarmed senior management of NYPD was soon dumbfounded: There were monsters everywhere. Guns were useless, the monsters were strong, and they could defy gravity as they ran freely on the walls.

How were they supposed to provide backup? Or rather, what weapons were they supposed to use?

NYPD’s main responsibility was to maintain law and order.

Even EUS and SWAT members were just a little more professional; none of them had heavy firepower.

Helpless! That was what all the NYPD higher-ups were feeling.

Phil received a lot of calls from the bigshots in New York.

They had found s.h.i.+ELD through various channels and the calls had been transferred to him.

Phil, this level-headed general, also had a headache.

He had already dispatched the New York branch and all his men.

But s.h.i.+ELD didn’t belong to America, and the agents weren’t puppets; calling on more than 70 people in one go was the limit.

Now, only a bunch of tech support and logistics personnel was left in s.h.i.+ELD’s New York branch. All the field agents who could be deployed had been sent out. What else could they do?

It would take time, maybe even several hours, for reinforcements from the other branches to arrive.

Looking at the current situation, the damage to New York this time wasn’t small.

If this triggered a riot, that would be when the biggest casualties would happen.

s.h.i.+ELD’s responsibility was to prevent mysterious events from adversely affecting society.

A lot of bureaucrats would definitely hold s.h.i.+ELD accountable for this huge incident.

At that time, these black-hearted officials wouldn’t remember that they were the ones who had asked s.h.i.+ELD to limit the number of s.h.i.+ELD members stationed in various parts of the United States.

They would only push the blame on s.h.i.+ELD.

It was still the same old saying: The more capable you were, the more responsibility you had, and the more likely you were to be blamed for something.

Phil was sweating all over. His black suit had long been replaced with a bulletproof vest.

Not far away, one of his best shooters was holding a revolver, but he didn’t dare open fire.

s.h.i.+ELD had been specially supplied this gun by RIPD, but the number of bullets was limited.

These revolvers were specially designed to deal with the “undead,” and on average, each of them only had twelve bullets. Fortunately, the revolvers were full and they each had an extra clip.

Each team had one of these guns, and they could only be given to the best shooters.

Everyone else had all sorts of restraint-type weapons on them. Their mission was to restrict the movements of the “undead,” so that their best marksman could shoot them one by one.

They didn’t have enough bullets to waste.

But now, they had run into two undying monsters who were clearly much smarter than the regular ones, and who were running amok in an apartment building, putting them at an

Also, these two guys had caused a lot of chaos and casualties just now, and couldn’t be allowed to roam wild.

Phil helplessly realized that they were stalling.

He couldn’t help but raise the phone which he used to contact Batman for a look. There were more than a hundred red dots on it. While the number was continually shrinking, it would be a while before they were all completely eradicated.

He wanted to curse, because this was too much of a coincidence.

A few days ago, he had been scornful of the troublesome Asgardian crown prince who wouldn’t leave Earth, but in the end, just a few days after his departure, this sort of mess happened in New York.

Phil had also asked Thor about things like the undying monsters.

Thor hadn’t thought much of it and casually said that they were just mediocre “undead.”

Most of Asgard’s weapons could effectively kill such an existence. For example, Thor’s Mjölnir hammer could easily clean up a large area.

Sif’s divine spear could also kill them.

The weapons of the Warriors Three weren’t that exaggerated, but coupled with their skills, it wasn’t hard for them to kill dozens of these undead on their own.

However… these most suitable fighters had just returned to Asgard.

That was depressing.

What was even more depressing was that a certain tyc.o.o.n had run back to his Malibu villa in Los Angeles to do research that night, and would take an hour or two to get here.

By then, there would be nothing left for him to clean up.

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