Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1242: Taking Stock of Gains and Inevitable Losses

Chapter 1242: Taking Stock of Gains and Inevitable Losses

That was all of the experience and credit points which Luke had earned from last night.

There was one system notification that puzzled him.

System: Hurt Mephisto and delay his clone’s descent to Earth for a year. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 2,000. Total credit: 2,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +2,000. Credit +2,000.

When he noticed the notification, the cupcake in Luke’s mouth almost fell out. What the h.e.l.l? He was still on Earth, and Mephisto’s clone had been destroyed. He couldn’t descend to Earth for ten years at least.

So, the question was, how had Luke injured this great Lord when he was still on Earth?

Wait, had Mephis...o...b..en one of the undead last night? Thinking of this possibility, Luke couldn’t help but feel a chill run down his spine as he paused in making breakfast.

But after frowning and thinking for a moment, he immediately rejected the possibility.

Mephisto’s main body wouldn’t be that weak. Even the strongest undead yesterday, the one with bat wings, had been pathetically weak. It couldn’t be Mephisto at all.

The system was clearly still very hostile toward Mephisto. Luke had earned so many credit points last night. If he ran into this Lord of h.e.l.l, the system would probably give him a six-figure “in-app purchase option” on the spot.

So, what was the relations.h.i.+p between that bat-winged undead and Mephisto?

That was because a bat-winged undead had escaped last night and even teleported away.

At that moment, Luke recalled that this guy indeed didn’t look like any other ghost. Instead, he looked more like a demon.

After thinking for a long while, Luke gave up on pursuing the matter.

If Mephisto dared to come, Luke would dare fight him.

Weren’t Luke’s six-figure credit points precisely for top bigshots like these?

In a critical moment, Luke didn’t mind going all in and smas.h.i.+ng an enemy bigshot with his credit points.

Overall, although what happened last night had been unexpected, just from the experience and credit points alone, Luke hadn’t worked his a.s.s off for nothing.

But the experience and credit points were just the tip of the iceberg.

The system notification for the golden cross was: You have obtained the key to the door to the afterlife. Can be converted into 100,000 credit points or modify the inventory’s functions. Convert / modify?

There was nothing to be said. He would definitely throw it into his inventory to be eaten up. Keeping this thing around would be absolutely harmful.

Although Luke had earned a lot of experience and credit points from killing those b*stards, their numbers had been in a range which he could handle.

If thousands of undead had charged out of the great vortex, there was no way he could stop so many of them from scattering.

Who knew what the world would look like when that happened, but New York would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

There were far more undead in that great vortex.

At that time, Luke had felt that there were at least 100,00 undead in the vortex, like a swarm of locusts.

He wouldn’t ignore such danger for the sake of earning experience and credit points.

Naturally, there was another system notification for the dragon bone from the stone vault.

System: You have obtained “strength of the dragon.” Can be converted into 500,000 credit points or modify the inventory’s functions. Convert / modify?

He would have to think about this treasure for a while.

He definitely wouldn’t use it to modify his inventory.

Because it was a “longevity drug.”

Alessandra and Mrs. Gao had ways to extend their lifespans with the strength of the dragon.

Luke and Selina didn’t need to think about this for the next few decades, but there were others who would want it.

Alessandra had been almost 500 years old, but looked like she was only 50.

Mrs. Gao looked like she was in her sixties, but that had been a personal choice.

A shortcoming of using the strength of the dragon to live forever was that if they utilized this power in battle, their lifespans and appearances would be affected.

As long as the strength of the dragon wasn’t used in battle, it wasn’t hard to look 30 forever.

Luke wouldn’t let his family use the strength of the dragon in battle. Why else was he making so much money and manufacturing so many suits of armor?

He had always been someone who prioritized safety. If he could use money in exchange for technology to achieve his goals, he would do his best not to stake everything on his physique.

But there was no rush.

Robert and Catherine were only in their forties and in good health. They could spend a few years learning the Kunlun Chi Refining technique and how to use the strength of the dragon to extend their lifespans.

Although Robert was a 1-star teammate, Luke never planned to mobilize this “heavyweight” backup.

As long as they were happy, they could stay in the American south, which was safest. It was better not to come to places like New York and D.C.. In any case, they didn’t like living in big cities for long.

His only regret was that none of the remaining three “fingers” of the Hand had appeared last night.

Luke reckoned that it was because Batman’s team had been too ruthless last time. These three “fingers” had a strong will to survive, and so didn’t show their faces at all. Instead, they had their subordinates directly round up the hired guns to do the grunt work.

This was a lot of work, but in the end, it was the mercenaries who would take the blame.

These mercenaries weren’t close to the Hand, and were more like an “a.s.signed joint unit.”

The Hand forked out money long-term for these mercenaries to carry out some missions for them.

This wasn’t an uncommon method. The American government worked with teams who called themselves “defense companies” or “private military contractors,” when they were in fact mercenaries, and this sort of cooperation was happening more and more.

The mercenary teams didn’t mind taking the blame.

As long as they had enough money, there was a lot of liquidity in the business; they could change names and start a new defense company, and carry on as always.

One really didn’t know how to feel about such a stable foundation.

Luke knew that it would be hard to eat up these three big gift packs so soon.

But now that he had a clone, his experience and credit points wouldn’t stop increasing.

Let them live for a few more days! Consoling himself, Luke silently noted down these three big gift packs in his little black notebook.

After he caught them, he would definitely let them live a few days more.

Thinking that, Luke collected his thoughts and decided to modify the inventory with the golden cross.

Then, the system fell silent.

At that moment, Selina got up.

After breakfast, they took the packed food to the police department.

They first delivered a portion to Dustin, this lonely middle-aged man who was missing his girlfriend thanks to work.

Then, they went to look for Elsa and Elizabeth, and chatted about what happened last night in a quiet corner.

One of them was responsible for administration, and the other was responsible for gathering intelligence. They hadn’t gotten off work since last night and had been working overtime.

The two girls almost teared up when Luke gave them lunch.

The main thing was that this lunch… was very expensive.

The ingredients and culinary techniques involved were exquisite. Coupled with the ratio for a nutritious balance provided by the medical A.I. Osiris, selling this meal for 200 dollars in a regular restaurant would be considered generous.

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