Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1253: Inspection, and Thank You, Uncle

Chapter 1253: Inspection, and Thank You, Uncle

The co-owned range in Shackelford bustled with activity, but Luke’s clone in New York wasn’t idle either.

He was already quite proficient at this dual operation. As long as he didn’t have to face two complicated battlefields at the same time, he could respond easily. At most, it was a matter of how much effort he put in.

He was purely relaxing on the ranch, so he could sit in a chair and s.p.a.ce out from time to time. He basically had nothing to do, so he naturally gave more attention to his clone in New York.

Logically speaking, with him and Selina back for a break, his clone could visit Elena and spend a few days with her.

As long as he stayed under the radar, it wasn’t a problem.

But he needed to oversee the daily training of many potential teammates in New York, New Jersey, and Na.s.sau. He really didn’t have much time to go out and play.

Besides, it wasn’t safe for two Lukes to appear at the same time, so he endured it.

The three girls had already adjusted to their new life. Soon after Stephanie’s new single was released, the record company got busy.

The three girls didn’t have time to think about anything else for the time being, and got busy with their first job after changing their appearances.

Lorna and Carol were in a similar situation at the record company. It was just that when Lorna saw Stephanie, she was a little tempted to become a star herself.

Few young people in America didn’t want to become a celebrity.

So, she dragged Carol into the circle to see if there was a way for her to become a star.

Luke didn’t interfere too much in their daily lives.

After leaving a normal life, it was very easy for people to go crazy.

The five of them needed to adapt to society again. One or two years wasn’t a short time, and three to five years wasn’t a lot. They could also undertake various types of training.

He was patient enough to wait for them to mature.

On the other side, things weren’t as optimistic for Alice and Carrie.

Although they had recovered a lot, there was still a long way to go before they could return to a normal life.

Alice needed regular sessions of Pheromone Control to calm down.

Carrie was the same. She needed Pheromone Control to prevent her autism from worsening.

In short, Luke couldn’t stop acting as an exclusive drug for them.

After checking on these potential teammates, he was about to return to his workshop at the seaside villa to continue working overtime, when he received a notification from Alfred about an unusual event.

It was already noon, so his clone went out with the second Thousand Faces System set.

The face wasn’t that handsome, but it had distinct features and deep eye sockets. The eyes were long and narrow, and the thin lips were naturally pursed, exuding a grim villainous air.

Of course, the face belonged to V, who had shown up at Weasel’s bar.

Hiding under an overpa.s.s, Luke at the traffic jam up ahead. He canceled his invisibility, adjusted his black suit, and walked forward.

Gunshots rang out in the front. Many people got out of their cars and ran in panic in the opposite direction.

But n.o.body cared about him.

Many people looked at the middle-aged man in a suit and in surprise, but that was all.

The gunshots and explosions behind them were too dangerous.

Luke ignored them.

That was because the image transmitted by the mini drone was already projected onto his Although the battle ahead was still ongoing, it was coming to an end.

Even if these people didn’t run, they would be fine.

As he was thinking this, a woman around 35 years old ran over with a little girl.

Both of them were terrified. The middle-aged woman looked back as she ran, as if afraid of someone chasing them.

Luke’s nose twitched, and he could clearly smell the smoke and blood on them.

It was clear that the mother and daughter had “watched” the gunfight at close range, but they weren’t the sort who would risk their lives just to be a “live audience,” and they fled in fear.

Not far from them was a lone teddy bear lying on the ground, probably dropped by its previous young owner.

The middle-aged woman, who was running in a panic, didn’t even notice as she stepped on it.

Her sharp heel pierced the bear’s head.

Mostly focused on the rear, the woman staggered and took two steps with her heel still stuck in the poor bear’s head.

The woman flailed as she started to lose her balance, but she forgot that she was still holding her daughter in one arm.

The little girl wasn’t fat, and kept b.u.mping against her mother as the latter ran.

The mother and daughter completely lost their balance. The woman staggered even more, and the ground was rus.h.i.+ng up to meet her face.

Looking at the mother and daughter, who were about to fall to their knees, Luke was lost for words. It was only May, and someone was already taking the initiative to kowtow and give him new year greetings.

The mother and daughter widened their eyes; they didn’t even have time to feel afraid before they were about to hit the ground.

At that moment, however, the ground stopped getting closer, and instead moved further away.

They were propped up, and they saw a calm but grim face.

Although the face wasn’t ugly, and on closer look was actually very dapper, the mother and daughter subconsciously exclaimed and stepped back.

Luke was amused. This face was a bit of a loss!

Thankfully, he had never relied on his looks to make a living! A man had to rely on his strength.

Thinking that, he withdrew his hands and moved forward.

Both mother and daughter were stunned for a moment, but the little girl was still more innocent. She couldn’t help but shout at his back, “Thank you, uncle.”

Her teacher had taught her to sincerely thank anyone who helped her.

Luke stopped in his tracks. Huh? Uncle? Hm, fine, he was an uncle.

The mother came back to her senses and quickly shouted, “Thank you.” She then picked up her daughter and continued running.

She had only taken one step, when she felt soft under her right foot, and she dropped to her knees.

She lowered her head, only to see that her heel was still stuck in the now-squashed head of the teddy bear.

Luke didn’t have eyes on his back, but the drone was in the air. When he saw this image, his lips twitched.

In the end, the woman still couldn’t escape kneeling.

Following this little interlude, Luke’s mood improved.

It was an inevitable instinct to laugh at other people’s bad luck.

It wasn’t because you didn’t have any sympathy, but because you saw how unlucky the other party was.

At the very least, the woman who had crushed the bear wasn’t too pitiful. At most, her knees would be bruised for a few days.

Her husband probably wouldn’t think anything of it.

As Luke thought that, he reached the gunfight.

A dozen cars had been flipped over on the overpa.s.s. There were broken parts, bullet and blood everywhere.

Luke ignored them and simply walked over.

He coughed lightly.

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