Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1294: Relax and Harvest

Chapter 1294: Relax and Harvest

Phil’s expression was calm. After thinking for a moment, he nodded. “Don’t mention this to anyone else. This isn’t something you can handle.”

After saying that, he felt that it would be easy for Luke to misunderstand, and added, “We can only let the higher-ups handle this internal matter. Those people definitely won’t let word of this get out. After all, the robbers are all dead, and the witch escaped. There’s no evidence…”

Luke chuckled. “I know. I’m just telling you to pay attention to that witch. Iron Man was almost killed instantly, and she can teleport very quickly. If you run into her, stay away. Don’t rush to your death.”

Phil didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Wasn’t this the other way round? Am I warning you, or are you warning me?

But just like how Luke couldn’t reject his warning, he couldn’t reject Luke’s advice either.

The sort of private speculations Luke shared were only things he told people he trusted.

Based on Phil’s understanding of Luke, this guy wasn’t very friendly in private.

Apart from Dustin and his old colleagues from Los Angeles, there weren’t as many new colleagues in NYPD whom he had close personal contact with.

What else could Phil say, given how much Luke trusted him?

After that, the handover was complete.

As per Phil’s M.O., s.h.i.+ELD and the other departments wouldn’t send anyone else to ask questions.

So, it wasn’t a loss for Luke to say more.

He wouldn’t be so relaxed if everything was done through official channels; he would be forced to write reports for a week or two.

Although reports were Selina’s business, it wouldn’t be just one or two reports.

If things followed official procedure, several departments would never stop hounding him to add to his report, and would compare the details and make sure that he hadn’t missed anything, or even lied.

Naturally, there was no need for that now.

Walking out of the subway station, Luke took out his phone. Looking at the message from Jenny, he smiled and murmured, “Boss, you should get your promotion this time.”

He found a number on his phone and dialed it. “Inspector Cobb, how have you been? Are you well enough to take down a bunch of criminals now…”

As he spoke, he left the cordoned area and got into the police car on the street.

Selina, who was in the pa.s.senger seat, didn’t say anything. She just ate her cake, while Gold Nugget also munched on some in the backseat.

A few minutes later, Luke ended the call.

Selina pointed at the cake in her hand. “Want some?”

“Forget it. You don’t know what I’ve been through.” Luke shook his head and started the car.

Selina was curious. “It can’t be to the point that you can’t eat, right?”

Nowadays, neither she nor Luke ever stopped feeling hungry, which was one of the biggest prices they paid.

As someone who experienced all sorts of battles, it was unlikely that Luke wouldn’t be able to eat in a normal situation.

He sighed. “Someone created monsters pitch black all over and which look like they have s.h.i.+ny fish eggs growing on them.”

Selina exclaimed in disgust. “Gross.”

However, she looked at the Napoleon cake in her hand. It didn’t look like the monster at all.

Luke said, “Someone then roasted them. The smell… was like a public toilet on fire.”

Selina glared at him angrily. “You did that on purpose! How can you say something so disgusting?”

Luke chuckled. “That’s because you’re too curious. You’re only imagining it now, while I spent a long time there.”

Selina was lost for words and could only nod. “Alright, Gold Nugget will make dinner.”

Gold Nugget raised its head in surprise. “Huh?”

Selina said, “It’s just pressing a few b.u.t.tons. You can’t even do that? You’re really lazy.”

Gold Nugget whined aggrievedly to indicate that it could use the smart kitchenware, but it still felt that something wasn’t right.

A moment later, it suddenly realized: If it’s just pressing a few b.u.t.tons, why can’t you do it?

Unfortunately, the two people in the front were talking non-stop about today and had no plans to bother with it

The dog shook its head helplessly. Forget it. It was already good to have this fiend backing it; it could only endure and treasure this situation.

As night fell, Luke and Selina returned home and washed up.

In the end, it was Selina who made dinner. She didn’t really make the dog head use the smart kitchenware, complaining that it got fur everywhere.

Gold Nugget was elated. So what if it shed fur? It was better than serving a certain someone.

Training and work projects were canceled tonight.

Everyone had their limits.

That was clearly the case with Luke.

He had to play three roles today, and had to constantly multi-task and take care not to make any mistakes. He was exhausted, which was rare for him.

Selina, whom Luke had deliberately sent away at the last station, had run back and forth as she saved a lot of people; who knew how many hooligans she had taken down for taking advantage of the chaos and disrupting law and order.

She had shared more than a thousand experience and credit points with Luke today.

He told her most of what happened in the car, and Selina didn’t ask him anything else after they got home.

Two people and one dog ate dinner quietly in the living room and read the news and files.

Only then did Luke check his gains from today.

The biggest gain was naturally the experience and credit points for killing Targo and Simon.

Targo was probably the fish-egg monster whom Tony had burned to a crisp, and Luke had cut Simon into pieces with the plasma whip.

Luke had a 100% contribution rate for killing Simon, and 40% for Targo.

Killing Simon gave him 15,000 points, while Targo gave him 8,000 points.

In other words, Targo’s “net worth” was 20,000 experience and credit points, which was slightly higher than for Simon.

This guy had probably done too many bad things when he was a freelance terrorist. Today, he finally met his end.

Luke had no regrets.

In that situation, he hadn’t been in the mood to think about experience and credit points.

The witch was unlike most of the opponents he had faced before, and there was no benefit in thinking too much about gains during battle.

Back then, he had a good chance of killing her with enhanced telekinesis. The fallout from it might not necessarily be troublesome, if it wasn’t for the faint sense of crisis in his heart.

But he trusted his intuition more, because it wasn’t an ordinary intuition.

His 40 Mental Strength and Mental Communication, as well as some of the functions of the Star of Justice clone, gave him this “intuition.”

It was a subtle mental force, and could be called a “sense for danger.”

However, this “sense for danger” was still in its infancy, and there was nothing about it in the system at all.

Luke, however, was very satisfied.

Having it made a huge difference.

At the very least, this was a magical route.

Humans should always have dreams. Who knew when it might turn into some great prophetic skill some day!

Apart from the 20,000 experience and credit points which the two ringleaders had given him, the robbers and fish-egg monsters he killed gave him over 200 points each; as expected of people who were red in the system’s list of good and evil.

These elite monsters gave him 26,000 experience and credit points in total, which was more than for the two ringleaders combined.

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