Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1300: The Importance of Taste

Chapter 1300: The Importance of Taste

Luke didn’t say anything else.

2-KAO was a well-known, established nightclub in New York. Most of the people who went there were celebrities or famous personages; just booking a table cost over 1,000 dollars.

Going there was basically to burn money.

This was similar to the 9,998 private custom-made phones sold by t.i.tanium Phone Company.

People with such extravagant expenditure usually had to maintain a certain level of cla.s.s.

The ordinary middle cla.s.s didn’t have to adhere to this sort of standard. They just went once in a while, and used it as a conversation topic after that. If they went too often, it would definitely have a huge impact on their quality of life.

After Han left his car with the valet a little worriedly, he saw a sweet, round-faced girl of average height next to Luke and the other two.

He thought it was Luke’s friend, but Luke waved at him. “Han, we just met a new friend, Kelly. You’re responsible for taking her in.”

Han: “Huh?”

Of course, Luke wouldn’t say that he had used Mental Communication to find the most suitable girl in the queue.

The girl, Kelly, was simply following the trend, and wasn’t a regular at this trendy nightclub.

Like Max, she was here just to have a look inside and not because she wanted to snare a male celebrity or something.

Then, it was time to enter.

Many nightclubs sold door tickets. The price ranged from over 10 bucks to 30 to 50 bucks, which was the normal price for the more popular clubs.

This UAD was similar to 2-KAO, and the door ticket could be considered a luxury good which clearly wasn’t for ordinary people.

Buying it was just to show off.

If 1,000 bucks wasn’t enough, some people would throw in 10,000. If that wasn’t enough, they would throw in 100,000.

In the end, the objective of nightclubs was to make money, and they wouldn’t refuse this sort of upstart spending. In any case, these upstarts still had to follow the rules.

Of course, Luke didn’t have to go through all that trouble.

He simply walked to the door and waved at one of the men.

The man’s job was actually similar to a receptionist at a regular company. He didn’t hesitate and immediately stepped forward to lean in close.

Luke said something in a low voice and showed him two name cards. He then gave the man a bill. The man asked him to wait a moment before he walked inside the club.

The entire process was blocked from view by their bodies. Everyone definitely knew that they were negotiating, but they couldn’t see the details.

In less than 30 seconds, the man walked out and respectfully removed the chain to clear the way. “Mr. Vince, please come in.”

He turned a blind eye to Luke entering with four people, three of whom weren’t dressed for the venue.

What really worked was the 100-dollar tip that Luke had given him, as well as the two personal cards that Luke had shown him.

The tip proved that Luke wasn’t poor, because he had nonchalantly pulled it out of a wad of cash that was at least 500 dollars, as if it was pocket change.

The names on the two personal cards were “good friends” of the boss of this nightclub.

A lot of people knew the big boss, but not many people knew about these two good friends, much less would make irresponsible remarks about them.

Those who could get their personal cards were all influential figures in society, even if they weren’t from the same social cla.s.s.

Naturally, there were no restrictions for such people to enter this club.

On the contrary, many big bosses who ran places like these had the intention of befriending people like these.

In New York, connections were power, and power was money.

Luke and the man negotiated swiftly, and the five of them were quick to enter the club.

Han didn’t know anything, and just looked around the nightclub with extreme curiosity.

Max was familiar with being downtrodden by society, and had never been in a place like this before. She also wasn’t interested in thinking too deeply about it, and just looked around like Han.

Her bearing was a lot cruder than Han’s, but coupled with her careless expression, she wasn’t annoying, and instead looked cute.

Caroline obviously had some idea of how things worked, but she was too busy feeling sentimental about her past to ask any questions.

Kelly, on the other hand, was quite surprised. She couldn’t help saying somewhat inappropriate things like “Do you know the boss here?”, “Do you know XX celebrity?” or “You’re very rich.”

Luke wasn’t angry, nor was he disgusted.

The United States was a country built on money, and people who viewed money as dirt were the anomalies.

This girl… probably hadn’t seen enough of society yet! Thinking this, Luke couldn’t help but look at Max and sighed inwardly. This was the unlucky one who had been beaten up so miserably by society.

But that was also the reason why he treated her differently.

It wasn’t easy for a girl who lived on the bottom rung to maintain such a good mentality. More importantly, she was very pretty.

It was like how men with too much money never lacked women.

A woman with outstanding looks would encounter more temptations. It wasn’t as if she could endure just because she didn’t want to do something. Many people would try to drag her down with them.

A poor woman would be even more tempted.

Fromwhat Luke had gathered through Mental Communication, Max was in better shape than most women. She was optimistic, and while there was a lot of “frustration” mixed into it, her main character was still admirable.

Of course, in the end, looks mattered more.

This face, this figure, and this temperament completely matched Luke’s taste.

It just so happened that he was out to relax tonight, and didn’t want to be as scrupulous as usual.

He had decisively turned down a lot of female colleagues in the police department. He had even made it clear with Elizabeth, this “student” of his.

Otherwise, he would’ve already sat on the throne as the person with the “biggest harvest” in NYPD.

He had just given the brawny man a 100-dollar tip and two name cards at the door, and the benefits were immediately apparent.

A clean table was waiting for them.

Luke only ordered an expensive bottle of red wine.

In fact, apart from Kelly, this temporary friend, n.o.body else was interested in the wine.

What they cared about at first were the prices. When Luke said that it was fine, they stopped worrying.

He didn’t care what the others ordered.

None of them was in the habit of spending extravagantly. Even the once wealthy heiress, Caroline, only ordered a bottle of beer.

It was already half past two, and the club would close at four.

But the club was still very lively.

All the customers who came in were big clients who were willing to throw money away. Naturally, the nightclub couldn’t let the atmosphere grow cold. At most, it was a little quieter than when it first opened for the night.

Soon, everybody went to dance.

However, Han and Caroline were tactful. When Luke took Max to dance, the other two remained seated and didn’t disturb them.

Only when Luke and Max came back did they go to dance.

The advantage of this was that they each had their own private s.p.a.ce, which made their interactions more natural.

Luke didn’t have to care about how Han got along with Kelly, or whether Caroline met a handsome guy in the club. He just needed to have fun with Max.

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