Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1304: Knight, and the Tyc.o.o.n’s Intuition

Chapter 1304: Knight, and the Tyc.o.o.n’s Intuition

Someone had taken a photo of the subway that would become a cla.s.sic.

Batman had his hands raised as he blocked the door.

The explosion in front of him caused bright light to flare out on the sides of the cape, but it was still dark behind the tall figure.

A certain online bigshot even added an extremely pretentious caption to this picture: Bearing the dark as he moves forward. Only the heart of my knight s.h.i.+nes.

In fact, Batman was already known as the Dark Knight.

After this picture and caption appeared, the t.i.tle “Radiant Knight” also appeared, and fans of the two monikers got into a heated argument.

But even the toughest Dark Knight supporters didn’t dare say that Batman didn’t have light in his heart.

Anybody who wasn’t blind could see that the Batman suit was black.

It was the “knight” moniker that stuck.

Whether this knight ultimately belonged to the dark or the light, or even both combined, it didn’t matter.

The four people in the diner didn’t forget to express their views as they read the news.

Caroline decisively chose “light,” and insisted that Batman actually wanted to bring hope to the people at the bottom, so light was most suitable for him.

Max gave the simplest explanation. “Black is more mysterious and cool. Also, Dark Knight sounds very cool.”

Everybody was lost for words.

In this day and age, good and bad didn’t really matter.

As long as he was famous, there would be a lot of female fans who wanted to have his children.

Most of it was because the girls thought that this killer was cool, mysterious, and special.

There was nothing wrong with Max saying that black was cooler and more mysterious, which was why she liked it.

Han, however, said, “I think Iron Man is cooler. How about him?”

Old Earl chuckled. “Look at me and then at Batman. Based on the outside, I have to support Batman.”

Han was at a loss. “Batman… has never shown his face, right? How can you be sure he’s an old man?”

Max burst out laughing.

Caroline smiled too, but didn’t forget to remind him, “Han, Earl is talking about skin color.”

Stunned for a moment, Han looked at Earl. “But Batman might not be African-American, right?”

This time, both Max and Caroline laughed so hard they couldn’t speak.

Old Earl rolled his eyes. “I mean, we’re both ‘black,’ okay?”

Han was enlightened, but he couldn’t help but mutter inwardly, The other party wears armor while yours is skin color. What kind of connection is that?!

Old Earl didn’t stop, but looked at him and said, “Don’t you like Iron Man because of the colors? Look at what our waitresses wear. They’ve said several times that they want a new style, but you refused. Isn’t that because of your preferences?”

Everybody was lost for words.

The diner uniform was a yellow dress with a red stripe running down each side and a red ap.r.o.n.

At first glance, the colors really did match the metal suit.

Luke had actually mocked this color combo the first time he saw it. It was like the “tomato and scrambled egg” dish from his previous life!

However, the scrambled eggs were at least bright yellow, while the ginger hue of the diner uniform was more sh*t yellow.

It was a good thing that Max and Caroline were good-looking enough that other people didn’t focus on the uniform, or there would be even more complaints about it.

Finally, Han still insisted, “Iron Man is cool; it’s just that it’s not as obvious compared with Batman.”

No matter what the public thought, Tony didn’t care.

He had gained a lot from the battle with the witch yesterday, even though he looked like a mess afterward.

Even if that mysterious Big Dipper hadn’t appeared, he was confident he could have turned the tables.

He and Jarvis had already a.n.a.lyzed and gleaned a lot from the witch’s last strange attack. In the end, it was just a way to use energy.

As long as the pulse cannon was adjusted slightly, the energy attack would be neutralized or eliminated.

Thus, the tyc.o.o.n didn’t feel that he was weaker than Charcoal Head or Big Dipper.

His strength lay in his brain.

Since the cave in Afghanistan, he had relied on his brain and patience to turn things around at the critical moment.

The only thing he had miscalculated was Obadiah.

But that was a loss of trust, not brains.

Tony had never been weaker than anyone in his life. These words weren’t for show; a certain tyc.o.o.n had always thought so, and firmly believed them.

As for Batman suddenly breaking away during the battle, Tony didn’t feel betrayed.

The strange thing about that attack was that bouncing it between two targets quickly increased its power.

Thus, after Batman magically broke away, the witch’s attack power stopped increasing.

It had been the right choice.

In a real duel, the witch’s attack wouldn’t even be able to deal 50% damage to Mark 6. Tony could counterattack at any time and defeat his opponent.

In terms of energy, Mark 6, which had a third generation arc reactor, was absolutely unimaginable.

Tony, who had suffered from fighting Uncle Obadiah and Ivan, had also specially reinforced the scale of the reactor energy, sacrificing some of the armor’s aesthetics in exchange for several times the energy supply.

That alone would be able to exhaust the witch to death.

“What a pity, those guys were too fast!” the tyc.o.o.n couldn’t help but mutter as he thought about it.

Starting with Obadiah, Whiplash, and now this witch, he had a way to deal with each one every time, but there were always nosy people who came out and ended the battle in a few moves.

Tony didn’t play certain games, so he didn’t know that this was the typical “steal kill.”

But he also felt that he needed a few “big moves” to settle a fight in one swoop.

Otherwise, it would be very embarra.s.sing if the opponent fell right before he thought of a way to counterattack.

More importantly, he had the faint feeling that there would be more and more such instances in the future.

It wasn’t like he couldn’t beat them, nor did he want to put in so much effort every time, only to end up a spectator.

In this regard, he wasn’t even as good as the young detective named Luke.

Was the young detective stronger than him? Of course not.

However, a minor detective was lethal enough. With his terrifying marksmans.h.i.+p, he could kill an enemy in one go without giving anyone else a chance to steal his kill.

Thinking that, Tony slapped his forehead and sent Pepper a message to say hi to the city government and to give Luke Coulson a promotion.

That detective was pretty good.

Although it had been the detective’s duty to take part in the battle in the subway station, Tony hadn’t expected that he would be able to help.

He hadn’t thought of it before, but it was good to return the favor now.

It was also because NYPD’s performance this time was truly terrible.

Except for the Detective Bureau which Luke worked for, the other departments basically made no headway.

Tony wouldn’t blame these ordinary police officers.

However, it was good if someone from the police force could step up at a critical moment and not drag others down.

The only people in NYPD worth Tony’s attention were Luke and his partner.

So, doing this was a piece of cake for him.

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