Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1305: Promotion and Mutual Interests

Chapter 1305: Promotion and Mutual Interests

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

While most people were obsessively discussing Batman’s subway rescue, Luke had returned to a normal life.

He kept quiet about how he and Max had made the cupcakes.

Actually, the hundreds of cupcakes weren’t made by him, but had been ma.s.s produced by his smart kitchenware.

He had switched out some materials via his inventory. Luke couldn’t use his high-end materials for things like the cups for the cupcakes; he could only use Max’s regular materials.

In any case, it took nothing more than a thought; Max had been too busy “making cakes” with the clone to notice.

After the smart kitchenware was done preparing the cupcakes, Luke threw them into his inventory, and his clone took them out and placed them in the corner of Max’s place where she made her cupcakes.

From beginning to end, he only carried out the entire back-and-forth process twice. He wasn’t tired at all.

In the morning, Luke went to the police department on his own. His clone, who had been busy until ten in the morning, returned to the villa to rest. It was still operating solo.

He gave Dustin a few reminders in his office so that he would be mentally prepared; there was no need to say anything else.

There wasn’t anything Dustin himself needed to do, except wait for his promotion.

Of course, Luke didn’t say that he had helped out. He only said that he had heard something from Stark.

Dustin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Back then, Luke and Selina had joined the Major Crimes Division in Los Angeles under the banner of Stark Industries.

At that time, he had been quite worried that these two would be arrogant.

Now the tables had turned, and he had become part of the Stark connection as well.

Actually, the inside story was even more complicated than Dustin thought.

The real Stark connection this time was still Luke.

A few days later, Luke bypa.s.sed sergeant to directly become a lieutenant.

This was the easiest way for detectives who focused on cases to be promoted.

For example, John McClane had been at this level before, but had made too many mistakes and was demoted.

The police department didn’t want this capable veteran officer to be instantly demoted, so they simply demoted him to sergeant.

However, John had also contributed a lot in the serial explosion case. He was promoted from a level two sergeant to a level two lieutenant, which was slightly higher than Luke’s rank.

If Luke wanted to be promoted again, he would have to work as a lieutenant for two years.

Selina was now a level two detective, and could become a level two lieutenant if she had the chance. Her progress wouldn’t be any slower than Luke’s.

Dustin was promoted to deputy superintendent.

After he was removed from his position as chief of the Detective Bureau, he was put in charge of major crimes like murder and robbery in NYPD’s Investigation Bureau.

Their old boss, Walter Cobb, had made a comeback after being heavily injured and hospitalized when a gang member sought revenge a few months ago. He successfully took another step forward, becoming a captain and the chief of the Detective Bureau.

In addition, Luke had found leads on the 2,400-pound “big surprise” which the terrorists had hidden following the beating which Charlie and the others had gotten.

The dump truck which they had gotten into a dispute with had been used to transport the “big surprise.”

But the two people who had taken down Charlie and the others weren’t among the robbers at the Wall Street subway station.

If not for the fact that there was video evidence of them abandoning the dump truck, it would’ve been like they never existed.

Luke had a rough idea of what happened. Perhaps this had been a trick by the people behind the witch; he could investigate it slowly later.

However, Luke and Selina had always made far too many contributions; taking this credit wouldn’t help them, but would draw even more attention.

So, in the end, it was Elsa and Elizabeth who discovered the original “big surprise.”

They took the footage which Luke gave them and told their boss that they had found the location. Naturally, they got the credit.

These were the changes to the small group around Luke.

From the insider information Jenny had, the commissioner was doomed to step down, and a new commissioner would take office in June.

Chief of Department Jim Nelson was interested in fighting for this position.

This chief was an old foe of Brad’s. Brad had come back to fight for the commissioner position mostly because he wanted to step on Chief Nelson’s head.

That was right! Nelson was the “villain” in Brad’s drama.

Recently, Jenny had found Chief Nelson to give him support in his fight for the commissioner position in exchange for Dustin’s promotion.

After visiting Walter Cobb, Luke hinted that the old fox should do his best as well.

As long as Dustin was promoted, Walter was the only candidate on the recommendation list to take his place.

n.o.body thought that this was all a ploy by Dustin.

The position Dustin was asking for was nothing in comparison with the deputy commissioner position; it was just part of Jenny’s deal with Chief Nelson.

But Chief Nelson would absolutely never let Brad be promoted to commissioner. He would rather resign than give Brad a chance to tell him what to do.

What was even more coincidental was that Stark Industries’ “backdoor” request for Luke to be promoted coincided with what Jenny wanted, and all of this ultimately fell on Chief Nelson’s head.

All Jenny wanted was for Dustin to be promoted, and Stark Industries wanted Luke to be promoted.

If Luke was promoted, Dustin as his boss could definitely claim some credit.

These two pies fell into Chief Nelson’s lap at the same time. While the direct benefits weren’t especially big, it instantly boosted his connections.

The support of two major corporations was enough for him to work with.

However, this matter couldn’t be officially confirmed until Chief Nelson became commissioner. After a few days, everything settled down on Luke’s side.

Walter returned to the police department with mixed feelings.

Who knew Dustin would rise so quickly? It had been less than a year.

If he had known… he would’ve still argued.

In this society, being one step behind meant suffering setbacks everywhere; it was normal to be one step ahead.

The veterans at the Detective Bureau discovered that not only was Walter as reliable as ever after his recuperation, his temper had improved a lot.

The past few months hadn’t been easy for Walter.

At first, it was the pressure, frustration, and despair of early retirement. Then, miraculously, there were no side effects from his recovery. Luke dropped by, Walter’s rehabilitation was successful, and he returned to the police department and was even promoted.

After his comeback from his injury, Walter had undergone a significant transformation and become an excellent leader.

Under the control of Walter, whose bearing had become a lot more sophisticated, everything in the department ran as before and didn’t fluctuate much.

Dustin, Luke’s backer, wasn’t in the police department, but was now in charge of the Investigation Bureau, which made him even more powerful.

Luke and Selina were still the same as ever.

Walter had no intention of making any changes.

He now understood Dustin’s concerns.

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