Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1322: Easing Off and Gathering Intelligence

Chapter 1322: Easing Off and Gathering Intelligence

Luke and Daywalker went around the building and continued the chase, but the Vulcan cannons on the four helicopters locked onto them again and fired.

The two men cursed the insane helicopters.

Luke, however, had already sensed that none of the side doors on the four helicopters were open.

The cannons on the front of the helicopters were very flexible as they followed the two men closely.

Recalling how they had been intercepted by the firepower earlier, Luke felt that this automatic control system reduced the inefficiency that came with manually aiming and turning the guns.

The mid-sized drones had sent back some surveillance data, and the conjecture was that these four helicopters were highly bulletproof.

Unless Luke used Elementary Annihilation, he wouldn’t be able to penetrate the helicopter sh.e.l.l.

The other party had come prepared! The thought flashed through his mind, but he frowned.

None of the opponents who had come tonight had a bottom line.

Bullseye had also caused a series of explosions in Los Angeles.

If Luke brought the helicopters down, who knew if they had the same self-destruct mechanism as the command van.

While there weren’t many people in the business district at night, the helicopter wouldn’t fall straight down.

If Luke shot the helicopter down, it might crash hundreds of meters away, and it would be bad if that happened in a crowded place like a hotel or a nightclub.

After thinking about it, Luke slowed down.

Letting Bullseye run for a while before he let down his guard wasn’t a bad idea.

By then, he would be able to deal with the other party with a thought.

Thus, Luke started to ease off.

Nothing needed to be said about Daywalker.

The vampires would usually use rifles and the like to deal with him; they wouldn’t chase him from the sky with Vulcan cannons.

Since his motorcycle had gone up in flames, he was on foot, and really didn’t have a way to deal with the armed helicopters.

Unfortunately, it was too easy for military helicopters to take out foot soldiers and light armor units.

Coupled with the fact that Luke had eased off, Daywalker was prevented from moving forward, and he could only watch Bullseye get into a car and escape.

The four helicopters hovered for a few minutes before they finally packed up and ran.

Luke craned his head and looked at the helicopters, deep in thought.

These helicopters were clearly of the same caliber and weren’t bad.

So, was Kingpin now dealing in firearms? Or had he bought them from someone else? This was something worth thinking about.

As Luke pondered, he found Daywalker hiding in a corner.

Daywalker had already pulled out the knives which Bullseye had stabbed him with and put them away, probably to keep as mementos.

Looking at the black man whose wounds were dripping with blood, Luke couldn’t help but shake his head. “I’ll bandage you up and get you out of here.”

Daywalker wasn’t as wary of him now. After all, Luke had just killed three top-level bloodsuckers in front of him. The two of them could now be considered to have “mutual interests,” so he just nodded.

Using the cover of his suit, Luke took out two rolls of bandages and some gauze. He simply pressed down on the bleeding guy’s wounds and was done.

During this process, he collected a lot of blood from Daywalker and stored it in his inventory.

This guy had a special physique, and his blood could be used as research material.

Less than two minutes later, Luke and Daywalker slipped out of the area.

Then, Daywalker smashed the window of an old car, found the hidden spare key, and started it up.

Luke just watched as a silent bystander.

He wasn’t the one doing the stealing; it was Daywalker.

After driving through half a district, they abandoned the car, and ten minutes later, Daywalker led him to an old warehouse on the outskirts.

After Daywalker sat down, Luke asked, “Aren’t you going to treat your wounds?”

Daywalker shook his head. “No need.”

His wounds had already healed on the way back, and there was no need to treat them.

Actually, Luke knew that too, and was only pretending.

Both of them fell silent.

Luke didn’t find it awkward.

Based on the information he had gathered on Daywalker, a silent atmosphere in front of this person was already pretty good.

Most of the time, Daywalker would kill the other party with a gun and his katana before leaving.

“Is there anything to eat?” asked Luke casually.

Daywalker looked in one direction, and Luke saw an old fridge. He very consciously walked over.

A moment later, he returned with his hands full. Leaning against the table not far away from Daywalker, he put down the food he was holding, picked up a bottle of beer, opened the cap, and took a big gulp.

Daywalker looked at him in surprise, but didn’t say anything.

Luke picked up another bottle of beer. “Do you want one too?”

Daywalker still didn’t say anything, but the bottle of beer was thrown at him.

He subconsciously caught it and watched Luke take a second sip of beer. He silently opened the bottle and took a sip.

Luke said, “I’m John Wick. Some call me the Boogeyman. What should I call you?”

Daywalker: “Daywalker, or Eric.”

Luke nodded and opened a bag of sandwiches. After taking a bite, he mumbled, “Alright, Eric. Did you go to that museum tonight because you knew the three vampires were there?”

At the mention of his archenemy, Daywalker’s eyes turned fierce. “Even from a kilometer away, I could smell their stench.”

Luke: …Are you a bloodhound?

Also, from the drone feed, this guy had clearly only suddenly turned around when he was 100 meters away. It was very likely that he had only discovered the existence of the three vampires at that moment.

So, this guy liked to brag! Luke grumbled inwardly, but there was nothing unusual on his face.

He simply nodded. “I’ve heard a little about you. You specialize in hunting vampires. So, I’m asking, did you come here because you found a new vampire nest?”

This time, Daywalker frowned and didn’t immediately reply. His eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Luke didn’t press him. He just ate his sandwich and drank his beer unhurriedly.

Just as he was about to finish his beer, Daywalker finally said, “Several vampire family elders have gathered recently. They might come to Rome to look for an elder called Roberto Piero.”

Luke found that odd. “Vampire elders hiding in Rome? Aren’t they afraid of being hunted by the church?”

Daywalker finally smiled for the first time that night. “What use is the church? Can it make people immortal? Can it make them rich? Most of the strength of the vampire families come from their human servants.”

He added, “Vampires refer to these kinds of servants as familiars. They are people who maintain human appearances for the sake of serving the vampires. When they’re on the verge of death, they have a chance to be turned into new vampires and obtain eternal life.”

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