Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1346: The Difference Between Staying Low and Going Out

Chapter 1346: The Difference Between Staying Low and Going Out

Claire didn"t think that the two unarmed girls in ordinary clothes were bad guys.

The two heavily armed men, on the other hand, didn"t have any identifying logos on them, and their faces were covered with masks.

The SWAT guys in Los Angeles liked to cover their faces, but they would definitely have the department logo on them.

For example, the LAPD and FBI"s big white or yellow letters would be on the front and back. Some would have the exact department emblem on their shoulder or on the left side of their chest to indicate which law enforcement branch they were from.

Thus, the two armed men in front of her were 99% likely to be bad guys.

Besides, Claire had never liked it when men bullied women, much less when it was two heavily armed men bullying two unarmed girls.

Unfortunately, Gold Nugget, under Luke"s orders, immediately manipulated her body into steering clear, and she almost pa.s.sed out from how much anger she was choking down.

This was the gist of what happened before Luke got the alert from Gold Nugget.

As Gold Nugget ran off with Claire, it communicated with her.

It was an instantaneous transmission, given that they were in the same body. After understanding Gold Nugget"s plan, she decisively chose to go along with it.

That was because the plan was indeed fun.

At that moment, Claire was a little impatient, but Gold Nugget scolded her. "Did you forget what I said? The more important and urgent something is, the more you can"t be hasty, or you"ll hurt yourself and others."

Claire: "Don"t I still have you?"

Gold Nugget said, "You"re not my puppet, and I don"t want you to become a brainless idiot like those big, fierce women whom you hate the most. Hm, anyway, you can"t get any bigger…"

Claire flew into a humiliated rage. "F*ck, I"m only nineteen. I can still grow."

Gold Nugget: "Okay, let"s go. Do you remember the objective?"

Claire: "Steady. Don"t rush. Take it one step at a time."

Gold Nugget was satisfied.

Actually, Luke"s exact words were even simpler: "Stay low" and "don"t mess around."

However, Claire would definitely rebel against such words, so Gold Nugget decisively reframed them.

It had learned this from observing how Luke and Selina spoke.

After they confirmed the approach they would be taking, Claire"s golden form was completely covered.

She immediately opened the window and climbed out.

As she did so, she stretched out a finger, and a black line shot out to stick to a fire escape ten meters away.

Claire immediately turned and swung in that direction.

At the same time, a super mini drone in the shape of a black spider had already scouted the way ahead, and all the information was being relayed to Luke.

This device had also been in the box earlier. It had flown out when Claire transformed and equipped herself with the Thousand Faces System.

Like the Thousand Faces System, this drone was a custom-made top-grade product.

Claire was Luke"s sister, after all, and he couldn"t be negligent when it came to her safety.

Luke himself liked to stay on top of information.

Whether it was keeping his ident.i.ty secret or hiding information on the battlefield, this was the reason why he often tricked other people and why he himself was rarely tricked.

Of course, it was also thanks to the tyc.o.o.n"s tech skills that most of Luke"s skills were at the peak above everyone else; he didn"t give anyone a chance to crush him with superior skills.

Whenever Claire used the Thousand Faces System, it was possible she would need intelligence support.

As the saying went, information moved first before people did.

Without information to pave the way, Luke wouldn"t feel at ease.

At that moment, he had already entered the bas.e.m.e.nt workshop.

Two virtual 3D projections appeared in front of him and Gold Nugget.

This was mainly for Gold Nugget, so that it could directly perceive the activity on the battlefield.

Including Gold Nugget here, it could be said that there were three people in one body.

What Gold Nugget No. 1 knew, so would Gold Nugget No. 2 and Claire.

Supported by the drone, Claire jumped and soared through the shadows of the buildings, as she completely avoided the surveillance of the two helicopters and quickly approached the combatants below.

In the apartment building, Wade threw away the Iron Man mask with a vexed expression. "B*stard, this guy is definitely toxic. Every time I carry something related to him, I get beaten up."

Vanessa didn"t correct his misconception. With a worried expression, she searched his body. "How are your injuries?"

Wade turned serious. "It"s a small problem. It"s not even as bad as what the fat girl next door did to me in my soph.o.m.ore year."

Vanessa was both angry and amused. "Hey, we"re being hunted here, so tell me the truth."

Wade: "…Then find me a knife first."

Vanessa quickly ran into the kitchen and returned ten seconds later with a knife. "This is the longest one. I couldn"t find the kind you usually use."

Wade looked at the long knife in her hand, which was 40+ cm long and usually used to cut meat. "That… Thank you very much, darling. But you better find another knife, a smaller one with a fine tip; I just want to use it to dig out the bullets in my body."

Stumped for a moment, Vanessa immediately got up and went to the kitchen.

This time, she came back with a whole knife rack in one hand and a silver table knife in the other. "Take your pick."

Wade stopped with his quips. He quickly took the small table knife from her hand and started to dig the bullets out of his body.

His movements were rough, as if the wounds weren"t his.

In fact, he could no longer feel the pain as the bullets were of a special type, which continued to release a sedative after they entered his body.

Wade had only just discovered the problem with the bullets. He could only take Vanessa into the building to buy time and dig out the bullets.

He also understood that he had indeed become more reckless after obtaining this immortal body.

If he were a normal person, he wouldn"t be so careless as to be hit by so many bullets.

The other party, however, knew that he was immortal, and had come prepared.

Usually, he would recover quickly from one or two tranquilizers.

As for these special bullets which were injecting him with a sedative continuously, he hadn"t been aware of them at first as he focused on protecting Vanessa.

By the time he sensed that something wasn"t right, he could no longer take out his gun, and was delayed for a critical minute or two. He was in very bad shape physically.

At that moment, most of Wade"s body was still paralyzed.

If this went on, the other party only needed to find him in a minute and shoot him a few more times, and he could only watch helplessly.

Real life wasn"t a movie, and bad guys weren"t stupid.

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