Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1385: Coming at the Foot Clan From Both Sides

Chapter 1385: Coming at the Foot Clan From Both Sides

“It definitely isn’t for the little turtles. How long has it been? April only leaked word of the little turtles a few days ago, right?” Selina pondered for a moment, then shook her head and ruled out the simplest possibility.

Luke pondered for a moment. “Not necessarily. They’ve fought the Foot Clan, although that only happened within the last two months.”

Selina said, “But this surveillance should be more focused on Brooklyn, right? The little turtles in Queens don’t go very far.”

They bounced ideas off each other as they looked for leads.

It was easier to sort out thoughts in a debate. This was the principle of getting clearer and clearer with every argument — of course, haters who refused to admit defeat were the exception.

Pondering for a moment, Luke raised his hand and drew a simple chart on the screen. “Can you see it?”

Selina also raised her hand and tapped the name “Foot Clan” on the screen. “That’s right. This is Sacks Industries’ moneybags. It might also have helped Deputy Commissioner Brad frame Chief Nelson, and it’s the little turtles’ enemy. It ticks all the boxes.”

Luke confirmed her thoughts. “So, whatever we aren’t sure about might be related to it.”

Selina agreed that it was possible.

While there wasn’t much basis for this reasoning, it was very effective for working cases.

That was also the reason why Luke was always coming up with different ways for himself and his various aliases to appear at a scene at the same time.

That was because what you discovered after putting aside the surface disguise and looking at the gains and losses purely from the perspective of capability, connections, interests was very likely the truth.

Dustin, for example, didn’t even need to think about the evidence. He was certain that it was Brad who had framed Nelson.

Was it arbitrary? Very arbitrary.

Was it accurate? It seemed that it really was.

“It seems that we’re going to Newark?” Selina turned around and asked.

Pondering for a moment, Luke disagreed. “Let’s come at it from both sides. We’re the most familiar with New York. We’ll investigate the suspected Foot Clan transporters. I’ll have someone else investigate in Newark.”

Selina asked, “Are we going out now?”

Luke smiled when he heard that. “There’s no rush. Sacks found out about the turtles, but has yet to catch them; he won’t be in the mood to do anything else.”

Selina said, “Then I’ll go train.”

Luke grabbed her and pushed her toward the kitchen. “There’s no rush. Go, try my special pizza.”

Selina was suspicious. “Don’t tell me it’s blue cheese pizza. Only Gold Nugget likes to eat something so smelly.”

Gold Nugget, who had been watching TV for a while, was unhappy when it heard Selina’s words. “Woof!”

Luke said, “Okay, I was the one who told it to try the pizza; it’s not that it likes it.” As he spoke, two people and one dog entered the kitchen.

He opened the pressure cooker with a flourish. “Tada!”

Both Selina and the dog head were stunned at the strong smell of meat.

Gold Nugget drooled, and Selina swallowed hard. “This is meat, right? Didn’t you say it’s pizza?”

Luke then took out a stack of crispy yellow flat bread from the oven. “Watch me make them. I wasn’t lying. It’s pizza… the ancestor of pizza, China’s traditional, authentic snack — roujiamo.”

Selina: “Huh?”

Gold Nugget drooled.

By the time Selina and Gold Nugget were enjoying the summer breeze on the roof and eating the roujiamo which Luke had made, his clone had already contacted Donnie, the tech turtle, and pa.s.sed on information on Sacks Industries. At the same time, it had Donnie give him whatever information he had on the Foot Clan.

After all, the little turtles had been fighting the Foot Clan for a couple of months, and had focused on investigating them.

For Luke, who had a lot of ruthless characters on his blacklist, not everyone was qualified for him to specially investigate them.

But he frowned when he read the information which Donnie had sent him.

According to the information, the Foot Clan wasn’t too ruthless; it was too ordinary.

Although it was very active, there were no signs that it was involved in large-scale drug trafficking, nor had it taken any opportunity to become a wholesale drug distributor in New York.

It had to be pointed out that in the six months that Luke had been in New York, the gangs that had been able to survive had grown.

When Luke and Selina took down gangs, they were indirectly helping other gangs clean up their compet.i.tors.

Even if some of the goods were destroyed, losses could be recouped by increasing prices.

Of course, the prerequisite for making a fortune was that Batman and Black Cat wouldn’t be able to clean them up next time.

In comparison, the Foot Clan was very average.

Luke hadn’t paid much attention to the gang since it quit New York early on and no longer operated under the name “Foot Clan.”

A moment later, Luke found something unusual in the information. A few months ago, the Foot Clan had sent over quite a lot of supplies, which included equipment for testing and some raw materials.

He asked Donnie, who was still online, about it, and the tech turtle gave him an embarra.s.sed explanation.

The little turtles didn’t get any samples. They were only able to take a few photos before the other party sent the goods off.

What Donnie was good at was machines, electronics, and the Internet. He basically couldn’t recognize the raw materials. He had even needed to check the equipment online after he came back.

Luke didn’t completely recognize these things either.

In the photos from Donnie, the equipment only had serial numbers. There were no names or instructions. Clearly, these had been removed beforehand.

Alfred was quick to give him an answer: These were basically equipment for testing living organisms, while it was still unknown what the raw ingredients were.

Until Luke got samples, he wouldn’t know what was in the various bottles.

This made Luke even more suspicious of the Foot Clan.

Now that he thought about it, what sort of company would rely on the sale of illegal drugs to support technological development?

Luke had dealt with so many gangs before, but this Foot Clan could be considered unique.

Even for Francis’s underground lab, where Wade had been modified, the funds were directly transferred, and the gangsters under Francis’s control acted to find test subjects, not to provide funding for the lab.

After thinking for a moment, Luke told Alfred to investigate the source of the equipment and raw materials.

Given the timing of these things arriving in New York and the quant.i.ties involved, he might find something interesting. In any case, he didn’t need to exert any effort.

His clone didn’t rest, but flew under the radar to Newark right away.

Given his ability to mult.i.task, he wasn’t short of time. Coming at the problem from both sides via online and on-site investigations was the most effective method.

After dinner, he went to bed on time.

His clone was busy the whole night, but didn’t find much.

The Foot Clan didn’t have a nest or base in Newark. The gang had already been dismantled and now communicated online and by phone.

Luke could look up plenty of people, but it would take hours to catch all of them.

Besides, it was useless to catch so many of the small fry who didn’t know anything, which would alert the enemy.

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