Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1429: Decision to Recall People and the Secret In the Drawing

Chapter 1429: Decision to Recall People and the Secret In the Drawing

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Although he didn’t talk to Batman much, Ivan knew very well that this guy was a man of his word.

What was even more interesting was that as long as he preserved this situation, that tyc.o.o.n could only watch and not make trouble for him.

This was too interesting.

Luke didn’t know this, or he would’ve laughed out loud. Wasn’t this the real version of “I like when you get angry when you see me, but can’t do anything about it”?

Since Ivan was happy to be the hired help, Luke didn’t mind his little ideas.

Especially now that the Chitauri could appear at any time, Ivan, a guy who didn’t care even if he died, was useful because he wasn’t afraid to fight.

This was the most valuable point.

Look at the Avengers.

Tony would go beat up terrorists in his free time, and had partic.i.p.ated in several major events with Luke.

Black Widow and Hawkeye were professional agents, and had very stable fighting mentalities.

There was no need to say anything about the Hulk; he exploded when he was angry, and his ability to withstand pure physical attacks was a complete cheat.

Thor was a “G.o.d” who had fought in the Nine Realms for thousands of years.

Captain America was a veteran of a hundred battles who had killed a bunch of Hydra and German elite troops in World War II.

They were all very determined and experienced, which was why they had been able to turn things around so many times in the movies.

Similarly, these “teammates” whom Luke had found so far weren’t afraid of fighting.

Alice was the only one whose combat awareness was slightly weaker.

However, with her Intermediate Self-Healing, her armor, and her metal bones, she was the one with the highest ability to survive after Luke.

During this time, Luke had considered whether or not he should summon Rebecca and Bloodmint back from Brazil.

In the end, he discarded the idea.

Although the two women had good combat ability, the armor didn’t enhance their abilities, and instead masked it.

After all, if they had the armor, it didn’t seem necessary for them to use something like Curve Shooting.

The style of fighting which they were used to wasn’t suitable in the face of the Chitauri’s overwhelming army.

For the same reason, Carol and Lorna, who were hiding in Brazil, were excluded from the list.

Piloting a suit would actually suit Carol very well. It would boost her reflexes and combat skills. However, there was no way to make up for the will to fight and experience.

She ran in fear from ordinary people like Sentinel Services. Fight the Chitauri army? She would be lucky if she didn’t p.i.s.s herself.

The same logic applied to Lorna.

In a battle like this, mentality was the key to unleas.h.i.+ng one’s strength; otherwise, it was too easy to die.

Luke had naturally considered this when he formed his own team, so he didn’t call back those who weren’t suitable.

However, he had to bring back a guy who had been getting a tan for months on a Brazilian beach with his wife.

This dog who couldn’t die was absolutely perfect for this battle… and all Luke had to do was pay him.

In fact, Wade was already on his way back.

Vanessa, his wife, also returned with him.

That was right, they were now officially a married couple.

In the last few months, not only had they been on vacation in Brazil, they also went to Las Vegas to get a marriage certificate.

In Las Vegas, the quickest way to get married was through a drive-by window. A witness said a few words, and the marriage certificate would pop out – all without them even needing to get out of the car.

Although the faces in the doc.u.ments didn’t belong to them, they didn’t care. It was just a formality.

Wade also didn’t skimp out when it came to his one true love, and he seriously put together a romantic wedding ceremony.

Getting serious about the ceremony meant getting even more serious about money.

Wade, who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, felt a little pained. When he suddenly got word from Luke about a lucrative one-time job, he instantly perked up.

When Wade heard that the deposit was close to 10 million dollars, Luke could hear the guy shout, “Darling, get dressed. We’re going back to America to make a fortune.”

Luke didn’t mind.

You got what you paid for.

If he wanted Wade to behave, he had to give him some benefits first before Wade could get the rest after the job was done.

Wade himself was fine with this, or he wouldn’t have set the rule of paying 50% upfront.

For safety reasons, Luke arranged for the couple to stay in a safe house in Na.s.sau County.

That way, even if the Battle of New York really did spread to Long Beach, Vanessa could take a yacht to the east end of Long Island or head southwest to New Jersey.

Wade and Vanessa were very satisfied with this arrangement.

It was one thing for Luke to consider Vanessa’s safety, but the benefit of living in a seaside house and owning a yacht that could head out at any time was beyond their imagination.

Luke’s only requirement was that Wade familiarize himself with the armor he sent over, and to not leave traces as much as possible when he used it.

Although it wasn’t a big deal if he did leave traces, given Wade’s chatterbox personality, he might end up chatting with a female reporter in his armor!

Even changing Wade’s voice wouldn’t be able to hide his vulgar way of talking.

Batman had just taken down a few bigshots along with some of their underlings and related people. If Wade jumped out now, he might leave clues leading back to Luke.

Because of this, Luke specially added a special clause for Wade: If the training suit was damaged because of his reckless behavior, a maintenance fee would be charged for repairing the damage.

It would be deducted from the remaining 50% of his pay.

For a certain former mercenary who was in desperate need of money, this threat should be enough.

At the same time, all his teammates, including Selina, began to familiarize themselves with the new external modifications to their armor.

Luke was busy the whole of September.

He hadn’t forgotten Elena, but she had yet to complete the two drawings, and she hadn’t obtained any new “inspiration” for a third one.

It was clear that her ability to foresee things wasn’t the omniscient type, but the type where she was. .h.i.t with flashes of inspiration.

For the time being, Luke didn’t plan on prompting her. He simply used Pheromone Control to prevent her from mentioning her drawings of the future.

Predicting the future wasn’t necessarily a good thing, at least not for Elena.

For someone without enough connections or protection, this ability was far more dangerous than beneficial for its user.

If anyone else knew that she could predict the future, what awaited her was probably a dark room and a research organization; she wouldn’t be able to move around freely for the rest of her life.

Luke valued Elena not only because she had foreseen the Battle of New York, but also because of her second drawing.

Although the drawing only contained Batman holding up the missile, Luke had observed and a.n.a.lyzed it repeatedly.. Naturally, he noticed a lot of details, including many problems.

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