Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1450: The Hulk Appears, and Go Do Your Thing

Chapter 1450: The Hulk Appears, and Go Do Your Thing

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Just as everybody had determined their targets, a green dot appeared in the sky.

It was moving very fast

Compared with Thor’s flight, the green dot was jumping forward, covering hundreds of meters with each leap.

30 seconds after Tony noticed it, the green dot had already jumped into Manhattan from New Jersey.

When it got closer, everybody finally saw that the green dot was a green fatty who was more than two meters tall.

He smashed through a bunch of fliers in the air with a furious expression and roared, “Hulk!” He landed on the ground with a loud crash, grabbed some Chitauri soldiers, and threw them at the fliers that were firing at him.

The soldiers-turned-cannonb.a.l.l.s instantly smashed the fliers into pieces.

Tony immediately shouted at the G.o.d Of Thunder, “I’ll talk to him.”

Thor glanced at the green fatty before turning away. This guy could take a beating. Hm, he was also very good at beating other people up.

Tony flew over and said from a distance, “Doc, follow me…”

Duang! Boom!

As soon as he spoke, the tyc.o.o.n was. .h.i.t by a random soldier who was thrown at him. He rolled seven to eight times in the air before stopping dozens of meters away.

His face darkened, but he rolled his eyes and immediately shouted, “Doc, Loki is in those big worms. Go! I know you can do it!” He immediately ran off.

He wasn’t stupid.

All the small fry in Manhattan were now firing at the Hulk.

Even without Tony saying anything, this super hot-tempered Hulk would still fight them.

So, as long as he drew Dr. Banner’s attention to Loki’s location, there was a high chance that the Hulk would go after the big worm battles.h.i.+p.

Sure enough, Tony hadn’t flown far when he saw a green dot leap hundreds of meters into the sky to smash into the head of a battles.h.i.+p.

The big worm battles.h.i.+p’s head suddenly dropped as the bottom half reared up.

Then, the Hulk ruthlessly tore the head apart and the huge green body forced its way into the battles.h.i.+p.

Less than ten seconds later, the big worm suddenly turned limp and fell.

The huge green body tore through the battles.h.i.+p and jumped out.

Tony broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly sent a message to Batman’s side to warn them that the new green guy was with them, but he had a bad temper. Everybody should do their best not to approach him.

In fact, many people had noticed what happened to Tony when he approached the Hulk earlier, as well as how the head of the battles.h.i.+p had been torn apart in the sky. Tony’s words scared them a little.

Even Mindy, who was very curious, decisively chickened out and didn’t greet this “new friend.”

V, who could recite poetry, was more pleasing to the eye than this big green man who couldn’t stop roaring. V wasn’t that handsome, but at least his words were nice to listen to.

Mindy’s armor wasn’t as st.u.r.dy as the worm’s. What if she was accidentally torn into pieces?

Although everyone was petrified, the Hulk’s sudden arrival alleviated the pressure on the two teams.

The Hulk wasn’t afraid of the fliers’ plasma beams at all. He jumped around in the sky, grabbed the big worm battles.h.i.+ps, and smashed them up ferociously.

Tony’s words in the beginning clearly had some effect.

It wasn’t clear what the Hulk was thinking, but Dr. Banner remembered Loki, the guy who had almost triggered an internal conflict among the Avengers.

He had seen Phil sacrifice himself, and Hulk had gone on a rampage under Loki’s design, almost turning Natasha into minced meat.

Now, Dr. Banner was trying his best to steer the Hulk’s fury away from the fliers and toward the big worm battles.h.i.+ps.

With the Hulk and Thor dealing explosive, super heavy damage, the pressure on everyone else was immediately reduced, and they picked up speed in destroying the big worm battles.h.i.+ps.

Ivan finally seized the opportunity to approach his third target.

Just as he used the same trick and hooked his tentacles around the battles.h.i.+p to close the distance, a blue light shot out from the battles.h.i.+p.

Caught off guard, Ivan was immediately sent flying dozens of meters, and he crashed into a building.

The battles.h.i.+p immediately sent dozens of fliers after him.

Frank, who had been keeping an eye on the battlefield, immediately alerted everyone. “Loki may be in target 7. Nearby team members, focus fire and take it down.”

Damon shook his head helplessly.

There was a large building between him and target 7; he didn’t have a clear line of sight.

Selina turned on auto mode on the chariot and said on the channel, “Don’t open fire. I’ll go in and force Loki out.”

Frank immediately understood what she meant.

Less than 20 minutes after the battle started, the situation in New York had already reached a critical point.

There was no end to the Chitauri army.

The longer this dragged on, the more likely it was that their side would collapse. At that time, there wouldn’t even be a chance for them to counterattack.

They had to get Loki’s scepter as quickly as possible and close the s.p.a.ce portal before they could really turn the situation around.

Tony had specifically warned Frank that Loki’s illusions and mental attacks were very difficult to deal with.

If they opened fire and took the battles.h.i.+p down, the guy might run wild.

Selina would go in directly to keep an eye on Loki and prevent him from finding another opportunity to hide.

It was risky, but it was the best way to save time.

Frank didn’t hesitate. He decisively told everyone not to focus fire on target 7, and Tony and Thor rushed over.

Loki was Thor’s brother, and had probably used plenty of tricks before on his brother. Thor would be able to more or less lock onto the real Loki.

Tony’s ident.i.ty was the most unique.

He was a core member of both teams, and so had more say. He could effectively resolve any conflict or disagreement that might arise between both sides.

Coupled with Batman’s affirmation of Black Cat’s strength, Frank instantly made a choice.

In comparison, Batman might hesitate at the critical moment because of his feelings.

Frank was sure that if Batman were here, he would probably stop Black Cat.

To Batman’s mind, rather than let Black Cat take the risk, they may as well wait 10 to 20 seconds, and let Thor take the lead.

Frank’s guess was in fact correct.

Big Dipper had immediately used Batman’s ID to send Selina a private message telling her not to take the lead

Thor, this super tank with thick skin and almost no shortcomings, was the most suitable vanguard.

Besides, as the older brother, it was his responsibility to clean up his little brother’s mess.

For once, Selina didn’t listen to Luke. She simply replied, “After becoming a superhero, I can’t stay away from danger forever. You’ve already done enough. Go do your own thing and don’t bother me.”

Luke: !!!

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