Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1456: G.o.d of Air Splits

Chapter 1456: G.o.d of Air Splits

With a rumble, the gigantic green body smashed through a dozen walls and disappeared.

The two brothers who were lying on the ground relaxed at the same time. They then came back to their senses and started to struggle again.

One wanted to escape, and the other wanted to keep him restrained.

Tony was about to help, when Batman’s voice rang out in his earpiece again. “I’m here. Distract that troublemaker.”

The tyc.o.o.n was conflicted. “Why don’t you do it?”

Batman: “Your armor is more expensive than mine, and it’s tougher.”

Was it his fault that he was too rich? The tyc.o.o.n couldn’t help but curse. “F*ck you!”

Despite that, he sped up obediently. He charged through the holes in the walls and grabbed the Hulk, who had just gotten up from the concrete ruins, before the two of them rolled out onto a street.

Tony turned on the external sound system. “Calm down, Dr. Banner! We don’t have time for this.”

There was some struggle on the Hulk’s face, but the hesitation was swallowed up by fury a moment later. With a roar, he broke free of the armor and punched the tyc.o.o.n.

Tony rolled a dozen times before he got up and shouted helplessly, “Doc, this isn’t the time for infighting. Hey, you were the one who hit me just now. I was just returning the favor.”

The Hulk, however, was clearly enraged by Tony’s “sneak attack.” He didn’t care about what Tony said, and charged forward like crazy.

The thrusters under Tony’s feet burst with more power and he quickly retreated. The two huge figures finally moved out of range.

In the hall at the bottom of the building, Loki looked at Iron Man and the Hulk, who were suddenly engaged in conflict and ran away. His eyes flickered and a cunning look flashed through them as he suddenly relaxed. “Okay, brother dear, I admit defeat.”

Thor was skeptical, but he could feel that Loki indeed wasn’t resisting as much, and he pulled back slightly. “Then put down the scepter first.”

Loki: “Fine.”

Then, he let go of the scepter and raised his left hand to indicate that he surrendered.

Thor finally relaxed. “That’s good. After we close the s.p.a.ce portal, we’ll go back to… ah~”

He cried out in shock.

Loki, however, gave his signature evil smile again and easily broke free from Thor’s grip. He turned around and took two steps back.

His eyes were full of ridicule as he looked at Thor. “Brother dear, you are as simple as ever.”

Thor reached out and felt under his ribs. Gritting his teeth, he pulled out a small dagger. “Another trick?”

The small dagger was only ten centimeters long, but it was a magic tool made by Loki. Not only could it stab the G.o.d of Thunder, the magic power contained in it could also weaken him.

Even if this weakened state would disappear in a few minutes at most, it was enough for now.

Loki smiled happily. “This is part of our little game, isn’t it?”


A loud bang interrupted their conversation as a gold and red suit smashed through the floor and reappeared in the hall.

Seeing the two brothers, Tony was extremely worried. “Thor, what the h.e.l.l are you doing?”


The fatty broke through the floor and landed in the hall.

The Hulk had caught Tony as soon as the latter drew his attention away.

After fighting for a while in the air, they switched directions and actually fell back in the spot which they had just left.

This coincidence was already bad enough, but the first thing Tony saw when he came back was that Loki appeared to have been successful in his counterattack against Thor, who was seriously injured.

The tyc.o.o.n cursed inwardly.

What he didn’t know was that two other people were also cursing in their hearts.

When the Hulk saw Loki, he suddenly forgot about the tyc.o.o.n. With a fierce glint in his eyes, he smashed his hands on the ground and was about to pounce on the second prince.

Furious, Loki spread his hands. “Enough!”

Stunned by the roar, the Hulk paused and raised his hands blankly. This person… Why was he shouting so loudly?

Loki said arrogantly, “I’m a G.o.d, you ants! How dare you!”

Before he could say anything, he suddenly felt as if he were flying.


The second prince’s handsome face was instantly smashed into the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, he turned into an afterimage in the air as he was swung back and forth wildly. In the blink of an eye, he had smashed out two huge craters in the concrete floor.

Thor: “…”

Tony: “…”

The Hulk: “…”

At that moment, they had all become spectators.

Earlier, a huge gray figure had appeared from among the concrete debris on the side and instantly drew closer.

The gray figure was the same color as the concrete debris around them, and didn’t seem to have any life signs at all. None of the five people present had noticed the figure.

It was none other than this gray figure which had grabbed one of Loki’s legs with one hand — a hand that was on an arm five meters long behind Loki.

The arm was also the color of cement, and had been lying there like a broken pipe the whole time.

So, when it suddenly grabbed Loki’s leg and smashed him down, n.o.body at the scene understood what was happening.

As the gray figure swung Loki around, it advanced quickly, its long arm reverting to normal and its entire body turning black.

The normal arm length also had more explosive power, and Loki’s body was swung around even harder.

With a series of bangs, the second prince was smashed into the ground like a pancake.

Suddenly, a ball of blue light appeared.

Selina heard Luke’s voice. “Stop.”

She stopped without hesitation.

At that moment, Loki was face down in the crater once more, but he was still holding the scepter with his right hand, and the blue light on it was about to spread.

Selina’s face changed. “A protective s.h.i.+eld!”

Tony’s face changed. Loki’s blue protective s.h.i.+eld wasn’t easy to break.

However, another black figure darted out, and a big black hand grabbed Loki’s other leg and pulled.

The scene turned into two black giants pulling on one of Loki’s legs each as his upper body hung upside down while he did a horizontal split in the air.

The second prince, who was activating the power of the scepter, turned pale.

A black foot swung in a beautiful arc through the air and hit Loki dead center.


The eyes of the three men watching twitched and their stomachs tightened subconsciously.

The tyc.o.o.n immediately pulled his legs back, recalling the fear of doing splits in the air.

For some reason, however, he rejoiced; it seemed that he had only enjoyed the first half of this act back then.

The spectators didn’t move for a moment. While Loki still had a death grip on the scepter in his right hand, the blue light on it wasn’t activated.

Clearly, he hadn’t given up on this last chance.

As long as he activated the scepter’s energy to form a s.h.i.+eld, these attacks wouldn’t be able to hurt him..

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