Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1481: Selina’s Vacation, and Appeasing an Acquaintance

Chapter 1481: Selina’s Vacation, and Appeasing an Acquaintance

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The next morning, Selina poked her head out of the kitchen and looked at Luke in surprise. “You’re in a good mood today?”

Luke didn’t even turn around as he made breakfast with the kitchen appliances that he hadn’t touched in days. “It’s a form of cultivation.”

Selina asked, “The trick to the Chi Refining Technique you mentioned?”

Luke thought for a moment and said, “Maybe.”

He was indeed in a good mood.

After obtaining a super disguise and completing all the necessary arrangements, Luke relaxed and picked up cooking again in a rare moment.

It was indeed a form of cultivation for him. It wasn’t dangerous and could quickly improve his control.

The more familiar he became with triple-mode operation, the less energy he needed to throw into cultivating the Chi Refining Technique, which was good.

Selina asked, “When can you teach me?”

Luke looked awkwardly at the ingredients in his hands. “Well… Let me make it clear first: Gold Nugget will eat everything you make.”

Gold Nugget whined.

Selina nodded. “It said that’s fine.”

Gold Nugget: “Huh?”

Luke nodded. “Alright, sounds like it agrees.”

Gold Nugget: …

After breakfast, Selina finally asked, “When are we going to start our night operations again? How about I go out in a regular stealth suit?”

After pondering for a moment, Luke shook his head. “I might be able to come up with an interesting toy for you in a few days.”

Selina asked, “Will it be fun?”

Luke said, “You should be able to play with it for a while. By then, it’ll be time for Black Cat to get over her depression after Batman’s departure.”

Selina rolled her eyes. “Do you think there’s a fixed time for getting over something like that?”

Luke chuckled. “It’s all about acting. Aren’t you always saying that you need to improve your acting skills? This is your chance. If you’re not serious yourself, how can you make others believe you?”

Selina slapped her forehead. “What acting? Isn’t this pure deception?”

Luke said, “That’s right. Acting is indeed a trick for pa.s.sing the fake off as real.”

Selina subconsciously looked in the direction of Stark Tower and felt sorry for the commemorative “photo” of Batman.

“Forget it. I want to take a few days off and go back to Texas to see my family,” she said.

Luke immediately agreed.

“You’re not going back?” she asked.

After a brief hesitation, Luke shook his head. “Forget it. Christmas is coming. I’ll go back then.”

It was best that his family didn’t come to New York; they might run into some lunatic who was up to no good. Even if he could protect his family, it would ruin the mood.

With his clone in New York, it wouldn’t be a problem for his main body to go on vacation for a few days.

Selina nodded regretfully. “My family and I arranged to go back to Mexico for Christmas.”

Hearing this, Luke immediately stopped her. “It’s best if you don’t. Things have been very chaotic in Mexico recently. It’s not safe for them to go back. You won’t be able to take care of them on your own.”

Selina didn’t suspect anything. “Really? When Sandra called in October, she said that it wasn’t too chaotic in our hometown in Mexico.”

Trust me, it’ll be a mess soon, Luke murmured inwardly. He said, “If they really want to see their relatives, they can meet in San Diego. It won’t be hard now for your father to get them temporary visas.”

Selina was naturally well aware of this point.

After all, her father was now the owner of a Texan ranch and had money; it was easy for him to do anything now.

Since that was settled, Luke took Selina to the department in the morning to ask Walter for leave.

Walter readily approved Selina’s leave. She could take a flight home today, and it wouldn’t count toward her leave.

However, he had Luke stay back, and Walter personally closed the door. He turned around and said helplessly, “Luke, it’s fine if Selina asks for leave, but don’t tell me you’re not going to show up either?”

Luke really didn’t plan to ask for leave.

However, on his own, he would definitely work even shorter hours, so Walter wasn’t wrong.

He quickly shook his head. “No, I’ll work as usual.”

Relieved, Walter took out a file. “I can’t find anyone suitable for this. Can you help take care of her for a while?”

Surprised, Luke accepted the case file. “Who brought a case to our police department?”

Walter said, “That’s Misty Knight’s profile. Her situation is a little special. Director George Stacy of the 15th Precinct specifically had her transferred to HQ.”

Luke paused and looked at him. “She lost her entire right arm. This… Is our NYPD force that nervous?”

“She has a pretty good prosthetic arm that won’t affect her movements.” Walter explained, “You and Selina saved her back then. Director Stacy also said that you know each other from before. So, please tell her to obediently accept this transfer and don’t cause the Detective Bureau to lose any more members.”

Luke was surprised. “What did she do?”

Walter said, “A rookie detective who didn’t know any better ridiculed her. He now has a broken jaw and can’t even speak clearly. He can only take leave and go home.”

Luke frowned. “He laughed at her arm?”

Walter sighed. “Yes. The rookie was in the wrong, but I’m already very short-handed here. n.o.body can appease her, but we also can’t have anyone else taking leave.”

“Okay, I’ll take her with me to calm down for the next few days.” Luke got up. “But why did that rookie target her? Ask anyone, and they’ll know about her arm, right?”

After a brief silence, Walter said, “That rookie is a little more racist, but being part of the same force, he naturally can’t use that as an excuse, so…”

Luke nodded and walked to the door. “You don’t have time to wipe this rookie’s a.s.s for him. Is he a better fighter than John?”

If he was as good at fighting as John was, it was normal for Walter to be reluctant.

Walter: “…He’s not even as good as Misty.”

Luke smiled. “Then tell him to get lost. Otherwise, Misty won’t stay.” He then opened the door and walked out.

Watching him walk toward the hall, Walter shook his head and smiled bitterly. “Then that’s the only way.”

Between a racist rookie and Misty, he was also biased toward the latter.

At the very least, Misty’s lost arm was a testament to her courage and strength — she was one of the few New York detectives who had killed a test subject on her own.

Looking at her resume, she was much better than that troublesome rookie detective.

What Luke said was exactly what Walter was thinking.

No matter how short-handed they were, they couldn’t let this irreconcilable conflict fester in the police department.

It was just that Walter didn’t want to kick one out, only for Misty to run off as well; it would be bad if both sides were empty.

Outside, Luke rapped on a table with his knuckles.

Misti raised her head, only to be surprised to see Luke. Her tense face relaxed. “It’s you?”

She remembered this young colleague who had saved her.

They had met a while back. She and George Stacy had had coffee at Luke’s place.

They had been treated well during that visit, which had left a deep impression on her.

That calmed her down a little.

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