Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1507: Heartless Ironfist and an Energetic “Woman”

Chapter 1507: Heartless Ironfist and an Energetic “Woman”

Seizing the moment when the door opened a second time, two Spider drones crawled through the gap and hid in suitable positions to transmit the situation in the room.

With his back to Phil, Lamar poured a drug into one gla.s.s, then filled that and another gla.s.s with wine before he walked toward his “prey.”

Luke slapped his forehead. What was going on?

It wasn’t that he thought Phil would fall for this trick, but he felt that Lamar was shameless.

If the drug didn’t work, he would use force without hesitation.

Would Phil let a sc.u.mbag bully him? Obviously not.

Thinking that, Luke sighed and walked out of the bar.

If the situation blew up, he could only get information out of Ironfist Lamar’s head as quickly as possible.

How much he could get would depend on his luck.

Asking Phil to be the honeypot? Luke couldn’t do it, nor could Phil.

Unless it was a personal hobby, s.h.i.+ELD agents weren’t in the habit of making shady deals with criminals.

In a lavish suite in the bas.e.m.e.nt, Phil smiled as he watched Lamar come over with a gla.s.s of wine.

On Model 1 of the Thousand Faces System, Phil’s typical bland smile… looked especially alluring to Lamar.

That was right. At that moment, the light-colored hair and the robust body on Model 1 had a neutral and masculine beauty. Coupled with that gentle smile, it was a splendid c.o.c.ktail of varying styles.

Lamar admitted that he was tempted.

Unfortunately, after being rejected several times by this “Lanie,” he didn’t have the patience to court her.

Once he had a woman and liked her, he would give her more money. If he didn’t like her, he would have someone toss her out of the bar. If a woman continued to nag, he would send her on a s.h.i.+p to be sold off.

He was Ironfist Lamar, and just that heartless.

Phil calmly accepted the gla.s.s and said in a soft voice, “Thank you, Lamar. I didn’t expect you to think so highly of my dancing. As for a long-term contract, I need to think about it.”

A pleased look flashed in Lamar’s eyes, and he said perfunctorily, “No, Lanie, I’ve seen your dancing, and I really admire… Huh?”

His gaze suddenly fell on where Lanie was touching his right arm, which was holding out the drink, with her left hand.

“She” was wearing a pair of thin black gloves that went up to her elbows. This was something “Lanie” herself had requested, saying that this would highlight “her” bearing in center position.

Lamar had agreed with the idea. In the long black gloves, “Lanie’s” arms looked even fairer and more charming.

At that moment, however, the tips of the black gloves were like needles that pierced the skin on his right forearm and stabbed into his flesh.

However, “Lanie” was still smiling as gently as ever.

Sensing danger, Lamar gritted his teeth and punched “her.”

The black fist left an afterimage in the air.

Phil’s face changed. As he raised his right arm, he pulled at Lamar’s right arm with his left hand and used the momentum to duck to the right, as far away from that terrifying fist as possible.

However, the man was unbelievably fast.

The moment Phil raised his right arm, the fist made contact.


Phil felt his right arm go numb, and it was followed by excruciating pain.

He decisively gave up on trying to hang onto Lamar’s right arm and quickly retreated.

He hit the coffee table and pitched into an armchair.

The huge momentum sent him and the armchair flipping backward.

The man who had brought Phil in heard the noise from outside, but didn’t go in at all. Instead, he chuckled. “Wow, didn’t Boss Lamar say that he would be gentler this time? He’s going in hard again. Isn’t he afraid of killing her?”

Then, he remembered “Lanie’s” robust figure and couldn’t help but swallow. “She’s so energetic. Boss sure is lucky.”

At that moment, concentrated gunfire suddenly rang out on the rooftop opposite the bar.

Four or five automatic weapons opened fire at the same time, shattering the gla.s.s windows of the bar front.

Less than a few seconds later, almost all the brawny men in the bar received word of an attack on their comms, and they started to rush upstairs and out the backdoor.

Forget the entrance; given the intense gunfire there, they would probably be turned into Swiss cheese in a matter of seconds.

The customers in the bar had no idea what was going on outside. The loud music and the two soundproof doors were a world apart.

Luke, on the other hand, took advantage of the moment when the men opened the small door to slip through in stealth mode and enter the first bas.e.m.e.nt level.

The defenses on the first level weren’t very strict. They were very ordinary and couldn’t compare with what was on the second level.

On the first bas.e.m.e.nt level, which didn’t have much light, Luke’s stealth mode was more than enough.

At that moment, he ordered the Spider drones to cut the bar’s power.

The bar’s regular power source and the generator were cut off at the same time, and the bas.e.m.e.nt instantly turned dark.

In the room, the fight between Lamar and Phil had reached an extremely critical point.

Lamar felt his body gradually turning numb, and he knew that he didn’t have many chances left. With a roar, he pushed off of his feet and swung his left fist at Phil again.

Phil’s right arm was drooping, and he couldn’t lift it at all.

He knew that he had been a little careless this time. He hadn’t expected Lamar’s “ironfist” to actually be a formidable mechanical arm, and that his body would be able to resist the strong effect of the sedative.

Phil’s thin black gloves, on the other hand, were just nanogloves. They were very helpful, but didn’t increase his strength at all.

So, he could only move quickly and use the environment to fight back.

But Lamar’s bellow made his heart sink.

If the other party called his men over, the nanogloves wouldn’t be able to stop bullets. Phil could be trapped in this room and then turned into Swiss cheese.

Worst of all, Lamar exploded with even faster movements; Phil couldn’t evade him for much longer.

Although the situation was critical, Phil didn’t panic.

As an old agent, he had encountered too many life-threatening situations, and his nerves were as hard as steel.

He wouldn’t give up until the last moment.

Suddenly, the room was plunged into darkness.

Phil was alarmed, but there were two faint red lights opposite him.

He subconsciously moved away from them and dodged Lamar’s punch.

A thought flashed through Phil’s mind; he knew what the two red dots were — they were Lamar’s eyes.

This also proved that Lamar wasn’t an ordinary person!

After understanding this, Phil quickly retreated in the direction that he remembered the furniture was in.

Losing the light wasn’t necessarily a bad thing for him.

Since they couldn’t see each other, the stronger and faster person would be at a disadvantage.

However, the red lights which were Lamar’s eyes didn’t stop moving as the man charged at him.

Phil cursed inwardly and guessed that the other party might have night vision.

Although the room was dark, there was still faint light from some of the electrical devices in the room, which could be enough to see by.

However, Lamar was replying purely on his own eyes to see. Was this a super ability?

At that moment, Phil tripped as his calf collided with something, and he fell backward..

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