Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1509: Treatment, Eye-Searing, and Truth Serum

Chapter 1509: Treatment, Eye-Searing, and Truth Serum

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henryee Translations

When the elevator doors opened, the brawny men in Lamar’s bedroom were immensely relieved to see Luke, who was still wearing Lamar’s face.

n.o.body dared to barge into Boss Lamar’s room, especially when his right-hand man said that he was out.

Lamar didn’t have many rules, but his one rule was that n.o.body was allowed to barge into his room.

Quite a number of people who had done so had died. n.o.body dared to do it again after that.

Now that Lamar had come out of the elevator, they immediately surrounded him and started talking all at once.

At that moment, Luke felt like he was listening to rap in 3D surround sound.

Grimly, he raised a finger. “You do it. Everybody else, shut up.” The man was Lamar’s right-hand man, and he immediately explained the situation.

Luke nodded as he walked.

In fact, what could happen? It was just that he had gotten the small attack drones to aim at the empty windows and fire more than a hundred times, shattering more than a dozen windows!

No one had been injured. Who knew why these hoodlums were so agitated?

Compared with Lamar, these lackeys were just trash.

Maybe it was because Lamar was too good himself that he could only collect trash? Thinking that, Luke pointed at his right-hand man again as he went upstairs. “I’ll leave this to you. I’ll come back tomorrow to investigate.”

The man was at a loss. “Huh?”

What should he do? Investigate what? Take care of the dozen broken windows? The right-hand man didn’t understand the meaning of an investigation

But it was clear that Lamar didn’t want to say much. He simply told them to get lost and get to work, before he left.

His lackeys looked at each other in bewilderment, but eventually went back to their own business.

In any case, apart from some broken windows, everything was indeed fine. If they persisted in tagging along after the boss, he might ruthlessly smash their heads open with his legendary iron fists.

What they didn’t know was that from that moment on, this ruthless Ironfist Lamar would vanish from the world and never appear again.

Luke found a temporary hideout: an abandoned warehouse at a remote dock. After tidying up a bit, he released Phil from s.p.a.ce 2.

Osiris had already examined Phil’s right arm, and Luke started to treat it without any delay.

After reconnecting the broken bones in his forearm, he quickly healed them with Elementary Light of Life to get rid of the swelling.

Less than five minutes later, Phil’s arm was as good as new.

Then, Luke began to deal with Lamar in s.p.a.ce 2. Using the inventory’s detection and disa.s.sembly function, he first dismantled Lamar’s left leg and left hand.

This process wasn’t as b.l.o.o.d.y as it sounded, because these were extremely sophisticated and high-end mechanical prosthetics.

They didn’t look like the soft, lifelike version which stark had given to Misty, but they were more practical.

Misty’s right arm was mainly for work, while Lamar’s left arm and leg were for


Judging from Lamar’s performance just now, these things were roughly one level lower than the tyc.o.o.n’s armor.

But this one-level difference in technology shouldn’t be underestimated.

Something that was only one level lower than Tony’s armor in this world was absolutely a top-notch product.

If the American government had this, it would definitely be a treasure.

Of course, it was possible that it really was a product of some national defense vendor.

After dismantling the limbs, Luke threw them into s.p.a.ce 1 to study later. Apart from these mechanical prosthetics, Luke also found a technological system in Lamar’s eyes.

It would’ve been very hard for anyone else to figure out how the device worked and its effect.

Luke, who had Tony’s technology and an A.I. program, quickly broke through the system’s defenses, before throwing it into s.p.a.ce 1 as well.

Very soon, Phil opened his eyes.

He looked around and saw Luke. He was relieved to see the familiar black and white skull.

Big Dipper, one of the members of the Bat Squad, was the superhero who had personally shut the s.p.a.ce portal during the Battle of New York. He was trustworthy.

Luke tied Lamar, who was about to wake up, to a stainless steel chair.

He tilted his head and looked at Phil before he asked, “You’re awake? Do you want to interrogate this guy together?”

Phil subconsciously nodded, then raised his right arm in surprise.

Luke turned around. “Alright, for Bruce’s sake, I won’t charge for saving you this time.”

Phil: “Huh?”

Luke snorted. “Bruce gave me a list of names, which included your face. He was probably afraid that I would accidentally injure you.”

Phil’s heart skipped a beat, and he was a little embarra.s.sed. “Well, you won’t tell Bruce about today, will you?”

Luke thought for a moment. “Are you talking about crossdressing?

Phil’s expression froze. “This… is just for work.”

Luke nodded. “Okay. Can you use the other model now? It’ll be more comfortable for both of us.”

Phil smiled bitterly and pressed the side of his neck. Two seconds later, his face switched to Model 2, and he turned into a regular middle-aged man.

His muscles also swelled up in the blue flight steward uniform.

Luke glanced at him before immediately looking away. “There are clothes next to you.”

What an eye-searing image! When Phil walked over in a T-s.h.i.+rt, hoodie, and sweatpants, Luke asked, “Do you have truth serum? Give him some.” “It’s not called truth serum,” Phil explained. “It just makes a person fall into a trance. What they then say may not necessarily be the truth.”

Luke didn’t say anything and simply looked at him with his pitch-black eyes.

Phil: _Fine, I’ll do it.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and the tip of the nanoglove turned into a needle again to inject Lamar with a hallucinogen.

The nanoglove could store several drugs and act as a temporary syringe.

In the bar earlier, Phil had used the sedative in his other glove on Lamar. No thanks to the plot twist, he might’ve broken more than just an arm, and might’ve even lost his life.

After that, Phil said to Luke, “It’ll take another five minutes for it to take effect. Let’s wait.”

Luke nodded and gestured for them to talk some distance away.

Phil hadn’t had much direct contact with Big Dipper before, but since the latter had just saved him tonight, there was no need to keep a lot of information confidential, and he explained why he was looking for Lamar.

It wasn’t complicated.

The tyc.o.o.n had provided Phil with a program to a.n.a.lyze big data.

With its help, Phil discovered that Lamar had frequently appeared in some s.h.i.+ELD operations in the last two years.

Although he appeared at sporadic intervals and wasn’t necessarily the first party to show up, too many coincidences was no longer a coincidence.

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