Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1577 Harvest, Technology and Magic

Chapter 1577 Harvest, Technology and Magic

Of course, the Enchantress hadn’t been completely eliminated yet.

As long as her body was locked up in s.p.a.ce 2, however, she probably wouldn’t be able to do anything big for the next three to five years at least.

Luke wouldn’t give her that much time, in any case.

Now that such a big thing had happened, as long as he followed Flegg, he would be able to find Amanda Walker sooner or later.

Only by finding this woman would he be able to obtain the important body part of the Enchantress which she controlled — the heart, which contained part of the Enchantress’s core energy.

If he couldn’t find it, he would ask Amanda if she had any other parts of the witch. Until then, Luke really couldn’t kill the Enchantress.

Otherwise, the other party would definitely be “reborn” and “come back to life.”

In this regard, these secret organizations were absolutely useless.

It wasn’t that they were stupid, but that there was a price to pay for trying to control extraordinary power.

Thinking that, Luke returned to Grand Rapids less than two minutes later.

While Flegg and the others were still busy, Luke snuck through the city and collected all the important items.

For example, the Warlock’s tentacles, fragments of the metal cone, the remains of the special androids, parts of the Hulkbuster, the s.p.a.ce obstruction device, and so on.

That was why Flegg’s men hadn’t found anything

They were from ARGUS, which would inevitably be purged by Luke; he naturally couldn’t leave any of his and the tyc.o.o.n’s tech for them to find.

After a stealthy sweep, the Level 1 clone remained in Grand Rapids and waited for Flegg and the others to be done with their investigation.

In New York, Luke had the time to check his harvest tonight.

First was experience and credit.

The smallest amount of 30,000 came from the humanoid puppets.

That was because they mainly helped the siblings catch people to be turned into puppets. Killing wasn’t their goal; they just got rid of resistance and caused collateral damage.

Naturally, the bulk of the points were from the siblings. The Warlock was worth 210,000 experience and credit points.

Luke’s contribution rate to the kill was only 72%. The rest was Tony’s.

Theoretically speaking, he had lost tens of thousands of experience and credit points.

But if the tyc.o.o.n hadn’t held the Warlock down, Luke probably wouldn’t have been able to earn these points at all. Instead, the siblings might have counterattacked.

A tank + mage combo was much harder to fight than in a 1v1.

Thankfully, Luke had been quick enough to immediately call Tony over when he realized that something wasn’t right. It was only because they had ganged up on the other party and taken them down one after another that Luke and Tony could still smile at the end.

Luke had contributed more than 70% in the mission to kill the Warlock, so he was the main attack force.

As for the mission to capture the Enchantress, the system only gave him a 40% contribution rate.

An 11% contribution rate was distributed among the other members of the special force. The tyc.o.o.n’s contribution rate was 49%; he had definitely been the main attack force.

The system was fair. This also meant that the tyc.o.o.n was the lead character when they arrested the Enchantress, while Luke was the second male lead and earned 50,000 experience and credit points.

It was a fact that Tony had helped.

Besides, Luke still had the Enchantress’s “head.”

According to the system rules which Luke had figured out, the points he got after capturing the Enchantress was only for stopping her operation in Grand Rapids.

Killing the Enchantress would be the real thing.

The Warlock who had been cut up and turned to dust was already worth 300,000 points. As her sister, the Enchantress naturally wouldn’t be worth any less, and Luke might even be able to squeeze more out of her

Currently, the host’s experience was 6,265,000 / 7,000,000.

Credit: 2,752,000

Next was a list of the siblings’ abilities.

The Enchantress’s Elementary Black Magic and the Warlock’s Invulnerable Body had a “Evil Power, unavailable” tag. However, there were no restrictions on learning pure theory, like Elementary Black Magic Knowledge and Elementary Demonology

Both abilities cost 100,000 credit points each, and Luke bought them without hesitation.

Even if he couldn’t use black magic, it was still good for finding a way to deal with enemies similar to the Enchantress.

Knowledge was always precious. For the superhuman community, such knowledge was something that was very hard to buy with money.

It was even more priceless in the hands of Luke and Tony.

The final reward was the Enchantress’s “mechanical magic tower.”

Although Luke and Tony had pummeled it hard, it didn’t seem to do anything and looked defunct.

After learning Elementary Black Magic Knowledge, however, Luke looked up the relevant information and then realized how dangerous the battle tonight had been.

Once the energy reaction in the tower was completed, the energy supply would have increased dramatically, like with nuclear fission, and wouldn’t have stopped until the Enchantress’s “magic” was completely consumed.

Because Amanda still had her heart, the Enchantress had yet to fully recover her strength.

If she had her heart, her strength would be double what it had been tonight, and it still wouldn’t even be one tenth of what it had been thousands of years ago.

With the help of the magic tower and the Warlock, she could have instantly taken back her heart.

At that time, the abilities of the mechanical magic tower would have increased further. It was unlikely that she would be able to withstand the high-tech weapons of Earth, but she could hide dozens of kilometers underground, and would be able to come and go without a trace or fear of being hunted down.

If that happened, she would have the upper hand, and Tony and Luke would have to live in fear of an ambush every day.

In terms of a victory, obtaining the mechanical magic tower couldn’t be considered much.

But it had to be said that the Enchantress was a genius in a sense. She was actually able to combine machinery and magic. For Luke to fuse science and magic together, there were a lot of things he would have to test out at the beginning.

As for the mechanical magic tower, it was a “product” that had already been put through a real-life trial run.

Although its functions were crude and still belonged mostly to the realm of magic, it did contain some scientific components.

It was just like how most people wouldn’t think of turning a steaming kettle of boiling water into a steam engine.

And soon after the steam engine appeared came the steam turbine, and then the internal combustion engine.

When it came to scientific progress, what was required most of the time was a “direction.”

That was the implication of the Enchantress’s mechanical magic tower. It was also the first product to combine machinery and magic which Luke had encountered.

Coupled with the Enchantress’s Black Magic Knowledge, he could totally look forward to the day when he could use technology to produce magic.

If magic wasn’t enough, technology could make up for it.

Since he himself couldn’t cast spells, he could have other equipment do it for him.

Putting everything else aside, the s.p.a.ce obstruction device, mental probe and mental interference device which Tony had given him could be considered technological products with “magical” effects.

In terms of lethality, most of what the Enchantress could do with her magic, humans could do with their weapons, and even do better.

After all, a mage had to “consume mana” to cast a spell, while an ordinary human just needed to undergo training in order to fire a weapon.

They were on completely different levels.

What Luke looked forward to, however, were magical abilities with effects like teleportation or turning incorporeal or into mist.

These goals would definitely be hard to achieve, but people had to have dreams. Who knew when they might succeed.

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