Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1659: Talent = Trouble, and a Freak Accident

Chapter 1659: Talent = Trouble, and a Freak Accident

The man in the coat reacted quickly and disappeared before reappearing ten meters away.


Luke’s leg met air, and he landed on the gra.s.s in front of Emma.

The young mother, who was only in her 20s, was carrying her baby while hugging her older son to her side. Her body glowed with orange flames, and her eyes were as fierce as a wolf’s.

When Luke landed, she subconsciously attacked.


Fire exploded from her body to hit Luke in the chest.

The man in the coat saw an opportunity, and disappeared again. He appeared behind Emma and reached out with both hands for her and her elder son.

A shadow flew out of Emma’s flames and went around her to fly at the man’s face. It was Luke’s Bat dart.

Sensing that the Bat dart was about to hit his face, the man in the coat subconsciously activated his ability and teleported ten meters away.

The orange flames died down to reveal a black figure. He had a pair of sharp ears and white eyes on his helmet, and a black cape fluttered behind him.

The fire had just burned the armor covering his chest, and the damage was only 2%.

Stumped, Emma murmured, “Dark Knight?”

The ears of the man in the coat twitched, and he activated his ability without hesitation and disappeared.

Luke frowned. F*ck, this guy was really fast to run.

As long as the other party dared to stop for ten seconds, he would be able to enjoy the non-lethal nerve gas developed by Mr. Bent, which was guaranteed to knock him down on the spot and make him twitch all over.

This man in the coat was none other than Gordon, the man with no eyes who could teleport.

He was one of the most important figures in Afterlife, and could travel back and forth between Afterlife and the ordinary world.

As long as Luke could catch him, he could use drugs and Mental Hypnosis to pry the man’s mouth open and obtain a lot of information about Afterlife.

In the end, the guy was as cautious as last time. He ran off the moment he heard the name “Dark Knight.”

No wonder there was very little talk about Afterlife in regular society – just look at how this guy made himself scarce.

Even an average person who left Afterlife didn’t know the details. Luke wouldn’t either, if he hadn’t encountered Emma, who had run away of her own accord.

Imagine if an ordinary person was instantly teleported into some valley by Gordon, was told that it was called Afterlife, then was sent out again 10 to 15 days later.

Afterlife had electricity and some regular daily electrical appliances, but it didn’t have the Internet, phones or GPS devices.

So, apart from knowing the name “Afterlife,” an ordinary person basically wouldn’t be able to find out anything.

Emma finally came back to herself and was a little fl.u.s.tered. “That, I thought you were him…”

“I know. Let’s get out of here first.” Luke didn’t want to talk here. He grabbed Emma and her sons and quietly flew off.

Some residents nearby heard the noise and came out to take a look.

But it was pitch-black, and they only looked around from their doors. When they didn’t notice anything, they closed their doors.

Luke took Emma’s family to another safe house in a more remote area. After asking her what was going on with her son, Luke left.

Emma was a little similar to Skye, and Pheromone Control didn’t have an obvious effect on her. Luke added Mental Hypnosis to it to obtain the information he wanted.

According to Emma, her son’s condition was very similar to when she had awakened as a child.

She had awakened while out on a trip, and there had been no witnesses.

She had been scared and didn’t know what happened, so she didn’t tell her parents.

But she had been five years old back then, while her son was only one.

If age was used as proof of talent, then her son might be much more talented than she was.

Luke had paid attention to her elder son when he asked the question.

The four-year-old boy’s clothes were charred and torn, but he hadn’t turned into a roast pig, and he wasn’t panicked at all. Instead, he seemed to find it funny.

It seemed that the family of three was unusually talented, but that meant more trouble.

Emma’s baby alone could blow up the house at any moment.

More importantly, he was only a year old, and didn’t know how to control himself.

Luke could only arrange for the three of them to stay in a near-empty area, or it wouldn’t just be houses that were blown up.

After leaving the safe house, Luke turned invisible and circled back to arrange things nearby.

s.p.a.ce abilities were very troublesome, and teleportation even more so. However, this world already had a defense against it — a s.p.a.ce obstruction device.

Otherwise, n.o.body would be able to tolerate Gordon entering a government agency as he pleased, whether to throw out a dangerous item or to move cash or gold.

However, the s.p.a.ce obstruction device had to be set up beforehand to create a range in which s.p.a.ce abilities couldn’t be used, so that it would be hard for Gordon to teleport.

Luke had used this device back in Grand Rapids and had also set it up at Emma’s cottage.

Luke had initially planned to wait for Gordon to come and trigger the A.I. program into trapping him, just like the Enchantress.

In the end, Emma’s son lost control of his power and destroyed his own home, forcing them to leave. That was how Gordon escaped disaster.

It was just an accident, and actually wasn’t a big problem.

In any case, Gordon didn’t know that there was a s.p.a.ce obstruction device waiting for him here.

If it didn’t work out this time, there was always next time

The real question was, how had Gordon found Emma so quickly?

Luke didn’t think that Gordon had relied on normal means to track them, or that Emma and her son had trackers in them.

Even if he could teleport, Gordon still wasn’t as good at tracking as Luke.

In the end, he still had to stop after teleporting. He couldn’t turn invisible or teleport infinitely.

Back then, Emma and her children had also undergone physical checkups, and Luke had confirmed that they hadn’t been implanted with trackers.

Yet even after Emma had changed her appearance, Afterlife had still been able to find her.

Given how Afterlife didn’t have many network devices, Luke was inclined to believe it had to do with an ability similar to his Mental Communication.

There was some sort of superpower in Afterlife that was able to lock onto Emma and her sons’ location from a distance.

But it had taken them a long time to find the family, which proved that this power needed something to lock onto first, like Emma’s power exploding.

Emma’s power hadn’t exploded this time, but her son’s had.

So, Gordon teleported over a minute later and found the mother and sons.

He followed them to the residential area, but failed to ambush them.

The family of three wasn’t afraid of fire, so Emma had attacked without any qualms.

Emma was too strong and talented, and could be considered a cheat. There were few ways to capture her.

Bullets, tranquilizers, and restraining devices were largely rendered ineffective by the terrifyingly high temperature.

If she got angry, the explosion might even be an AOE with a 50-meter range.

But this was different from an AOE in a game. It dealt far more damage than a single attack, and could be considered a killing move.

If Gordon was careless, it was very likely that he would be killed at close range. He would definitely be cremated on the spot.

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