Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1677: Quick Cut, Quicker Escape, and Quick Moves

Chapter 1677: Quick Cut, Quicker Escape, and Quick Moves

Luke pressed forward, and the giant blade in his hand cut out a net of light in the air to envelop the blood giant.

In an instant, the two parts of the blood giant slowed down, before dozens of blood lumps crashed to the ground.

Faint golden light flickered over each blood lump, preventing them from transforming or slipping away.

Then, the greenish-yellow poison quickly spread over each dark red lump, infecting and swiftly corroding them.

Even with how tough the Blood G.o.d Experimental was, it couldn’t take it, and it turned into a rotting greenish-yellow heap.

There was nothing for Luke to be happy about.

This could only mean that ordinary people would die faster when they encountered this sort of poison, and would basically be killed instantly.

Also, the power of faith was useless against poison.

The mental impact of the power of faith was very effective on intelligent creatures, but it wasn’t alchemy, and couldn’t turn poison into another substance.

What was even more troublesome was that there was no notification from the system – Shredder wasn’t dead yet.


Luke’s mind raced, and he recalled that when Shredder fused with the Blood G.o.d Experimental, part of the Blood G.o.d had been left behind in the pond.

It was at that moment when Shredder made the switch.

He had the Blood G.o.d Experimental take the front, and instantly moved to the part of the Experimental that was left behind in the pond.

The blood giant that Luke had chopped up was just the main body of the Blood G.o.d Experiment.

After absorbing some Experimentals, Shredder fled through the drainage system in the pond and slipped away, once again escaping disaster.

Luke didn’t know all the details, but he could make a rough guess.

The water in the pond could significantly block his Sharp Nose and Mental Strength.

To put it simply, the Blood G.o.d Experimental was like the sun, and the part that escaped into the drain was at most a small star whose existence was completely obscured.

This was also the Blood G.o.d’s greatest strength — the ability to withstand attacks and to survive.

No matter how good Luke was, he couldn’t crawl through the pipes that were ten centimeters in diameter.

After fusing with the Blood G.o.d Experimental, Shredder quickly dove into the drain like a bug and escaped into the distance.

Luke frowned and stored the giant blade in his inventory. With a flash, he collected all the yellow-greenish lumps in the courtyard.

“Prepare to receive the gear,” he said to Ivan. At the same time, he put away his Big Dipper suit and immediately took out a backup Big Dipper suit.

The armor just now had come into contact with some of the greenish-yellow poison. If he went out in it, it might kill a lot of ordinary people.

Luke didn’t want his credit points to be deducted by the system. He had earned those with his blood and sweat.

Ivan had been watching the battle in the courtyard with great interest, and found the order strange. “What’s wrong?”

Luke said, “That guy’s not dead. He turned into blood and escaped through the drain in the pond. It’s best if we search for him quietly and wait for him to leave the city before taking action.”

“What if he hides in Tokyo and doesn’t leave?” Ivan asked as he sent the link request for the gear.

Luke was silent for a moment before he said, “We’ll see how things go. We should find a chance to kill him. His abilities are too troublesome.”

Recalling how the Blood G.o.d Experimental had fought earlier, Ivan scratched his head. “But this guy runs when he’s in danger and can turn into a liquid. It’s too tricky.”

Luke said, “If it was an easy a.s.signment, would I have asked you to come along?”

That made sense.

As they talked, the gear which Luke had just thrown out flew to Ivan’s position and linked up with the robot.

This set was specially made for Ivan, who had put the gear together himself and had left it with Luke so that Ivan could use it when he was on a mission.

Relatively speaking, this gear was the most effective against the Blood G.o.d Experimental.

With plasma cutters, electromagnetic repulsion and four long metal whips, it could burrow into the ground and wait for an opportunity.

The other suits didn’t have this tentacle monster-like ability.

Although the situation wasn’t great, Luke wasn’t anxious.

After so many major events, he already understood that agitation, anger, and panic couldn’t solve the problem.

Before things were over, any other thoughts were superfluous.

The enemy was right there. He would deal with Shredder fist at the lowest level, before considering everything else.

As he spoke, Luke put on his backup suit and remained invisible as he searched the area at a low alt.i.tude.

Actually, it wouldn’t be a problem if Shredder escaped and didn’t reappear.

What Luke was best at was sneaking around other people’s nests.

What he disliked the most was having to fight Shredder in an area with ordinary people around.

Protecting himself was the priority in a fight; the system wouldn’t deduct points if he accidentally injured bystanders.

For example, during the Chitauri invasion and what happened at Grand Rapids, it was the other party who had chosen the battlefield. Naturally, it made no difference to Luke.

However, if he took the initiative to fight Shredder in a crowded place, his points might be deducted.

Ten minutes later, there was a disturbance in the north, on the border between Meguro and s.h.i.+buya

Luke frowned and looked at the surveillance feed, knowing that he had run into the worst scenario.

He quickly changed directions in the air and flew northeast.

Pa.s.sing by Saigoyama Park, Luke headed for the No.3 s.h.i.+buya expressway.

It was already chaos down below at that moment.

Looking at the situation transmitted by the drone, there was a clear trail of greenish-yellow rotting flesh headed northeast along the expressway.

Luke sighed. Shredder had gone crazy, and was about to go on a killing spree in Tokyo.

At that moment, Shredder was in despair.

He had slipped away from under Luke’s nose earlier and escaped through the drainage system.

The corrosion from the poison and being cut into pieces had caused him a lot of damage.

At that moment, he didn’t want to fight anymore. He just wanted to be left alone.

As he slipped out of the drain, Shredder gradually realized a problem: The greenish-yellow poison that he thought he had completely excised was actually spreading throughout his body.

That was practically cheating.

Shredder had already abandoned most of the Blood G.o.d Experimental’s body in order to remove the poison, and he couldn’t use the same method again.

Less than ten minutes later, almost half of his body was infected again.

At this rate, the countdown to his death would start again.

There was only one way left for Shredder: Devour a lot of ordinary people and then spit them out like crazy to quickly reduce the poison until it disappeared completely.

To put it simply, he needed to use the lives of ordinary people to prolong his own life.

This decision might be difficult for other people, but Shredder had no such qualms.

He had long stopped caring about the lives of others, including that of his Hydra partner, Chris.

The deaths of 1,000 or 2,000, or even 10,000 to 20,000 ordinary people wasn’t worth mentioning.

Even if doing this would only be like drinking poison to quench his thirst, what was the point of everything if he died?

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