Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1699: Casting the Net, and Imminent Separation

Chapter 1699: Casting the Net, and Imminent Separation

During the next few days, Luke, Selina and the dog roamed the city – the views came second to the food.

Chile was not short of seafood.

However, it seemed that the king crab feast from a few days ago had amply satisfied a certain woman’s craving, and her interest started to s.h.i.+ft to something else.

For example, Selina liked the pastel de choclo, a Chilean corn specialty, very much.

Secondly, the Chilean empanadas with a beef, onion, black olives and egg filling were quite good. They had their own unique flavor.

There was also a special sauce made with garlic, hot peppers, tomatoes, salt and lemon which Luke and Selina approved.

At Selina’s fervent request, Luke got the recipe from the cook and recorded the entire sauce-making process.

He paid 100,000 dollars for it.

If he were willing to take the time to negotiate, 20,000 to 30,000 would probably be enough.

If he wanted to save a bit, he could have looked for a cook at an ordinary shop for a recipe.


As a man who could earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute, however, Luke’s leisure time was precious, and his schedule was more important.

There was also a lot of cash which had been idling in his inventory for a long time. If it wasn’t for the s.p.a.ce’s protective attribute, it wouldn’t be a joke to say that the money could have grown mold.

It couldn’t be helped – this was basically all the old money which the three of them had looted.

Since money wasn’t a problem, there was no need to waste time saving it.

After laying low and expanding for so long, Luke was already qualified to ignore most problems.

A small problem could be solved with money and power, and a bigger problem wouldn’t be as troublesome as before.

Besides, the troubles Carol and Lorna had encountered basically no longer existed

In over a year, s.h.i.+ELD, ARGUS and Sentinel Services, these professional organizations which captured superhumans, had basically collapsed.

In the past half-year, Luke had killed a lot of spokespeople of Hydra and capital groups. There was also a lot of internal conflict and power struggles in America.

In South America, superhumans were much safer.

Some superhumans had started to move and had yet to be taken care of – this clearly showed how the superhumans weren’t intimidated by the government organizations here.

This time, Luke had caught three superhumans who were doing evil in cities along the east coast of South America.

Unfortunately, these superhumans who acted as hired thugs for gangs were basically small fry.

One who had enhanced strength was basically useless in front of Luke’s Physical Enhancement + Muscle Control + Physical Outburst.

Another had extraordinary reflexes and control, but was subdued by Luke’s Elementary Precise + Elementary Quick Reflex.

The last one could produce acidic fluid, and his simplest attack method was to spit.

The man’s blood and sweat were acidic, while his saliva and blood were highly corrosive, and his sweat less so.

Luke didn’t dare learn this ability.

After learning it, he would have to spend the rest of his life as a monk.

The older he had gotten in his previous life, the harder it had been to find a girlfriend. It hadn’t been easy for him to make a comeback in this life. He didn’t want to die like that.

However, running into superhumans so quickly was a good thing.

Even if most of their abilities were useless, Luke was willing to take the time to go through them, in case he ran into a big prize.

This was a free and easy trip, and he had the money. Of course, he could help Carol make the decision to leave, and let Lorna live her own life.

He wasn’t a perfectionist to begin with, and had never thought of roping in all superhumans.

No matter how strong Lorna was, she had a poor mindset and values, and could turn into a c.r.a.p teammate at any moment.

No matter how strong that sort of person was, they couldn’t be made part of a team, and could only be used at certain times.

Emma and her sons were very strong, but Luke also didn’t consider them for the same reason.

Thus, even though Lorna and Emma were exceptionally talented, Luke only spent some money on giving them some training materials.

Whether or not this sort of low-investment strategy bore fruit wouldn’t affect the big picture.

Five nights later, Lorna was drinking gloomily in a corner of a small bar on the edge of Santiago.

The doorbell chimed, and a young Latin American man walked in.

He had fair skin and coa.r.s.e sideburns. He was quite handsome.

After entering, he glanced around before walking over to Lorna. He sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist in a natural manner. “Lorna, what’s wrong? You don’t look happy.”

Lorna frowned and said in a low voice, “Markos, don’t call me that outside.”

Markos didn’t think much of it. “Okay, darling. Why have you been so distracted for the past two days?”

After hesitating for a moment, Lorna finally told her boyfriend what happened. “My sister said that she’s tired of this place and wants to go back to America.”

Stumped for a moment, Markos turned solemn. “Don’t tell me you want to go back too?”

Lorna scratched her head in frustration. “My sister wants to go back alone.”

Markos subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief. It was good if Lorna didn’t go back with her.

As for Lorna’s sister, who didn’t have much of a presence, it wasn’t his place to care if she left or not.

It was only when a man cared too much about his girlfriend’s sister that something could easily go wrong.

He thought for a moment before he said, “She’s a few years older than you. She has her own life. It’s normal for her to want to make her way on her own. Also, you can visit her when you’re free. There’s no need to be so worried, right?”

Lorna opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

What Markos said actually made sense.

Once you were an adult in America and started working, it was very normal even for families in the same place to only see each other once every year or so.

She and Carol weren’t real sisters, so it was normal for them to go their own ways.

But that was only according to normal reasoning.

The truth was that she and Carol had a bond closer than between sisters.

They had been on the run together for a year, and were caught and rescued together. They then lived together in South America for more than a year. After experiencing so much together for several years, they became quite close.

Two days ago, Carol suddenly said that she was leaving, which was completely unexpected.

Carol had been with Lorna like a sister for so long that she had barely thought about them parting ways.

It was only now that she realized that she had been spending much less time with Carol after she met Markos.

Also, Carol gave Lorna the authority to do whatever she wanted with the cafe, and made it clear that all profits from the cafe would belong to Lorna in the future.

This made Lorna feel that if Carol left this time, it would be a long while before they saw each other again.

Lorna didn’t hide the fact that she was a superhuman from Markos.

But she was living with him, which was clearly in violation of Luke’s safety rules.

Feeling guilty, she naturally didn’t want to talk with Markos about Lorna.

Markos naturally came up with a plot on his own, like “the little sister and brother-in-law are both superhumans, and the ordinary sister wants to live a stable life of her own.”

Time pa.s.sed as both Markos and Lorna were lost in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, there was the sound of engines swiftly approaching the bar.

There was the sound of horns, cursing and shouting outside the door.

Bam! The door of the bar was flung open.

20 fierce-looking men entered in single file and looked around.

Soon, a man saw Markos and pointed. “He’s over there!”

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