Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1729: Fly the Coop, and Give Me the Needle

Chapter 1729: Fly the Coop, and Give Me the Needle

The first criminal was smashed into the wall. Three bangs followed after that.

Relying on her control of her physical strength, Angel controlled the timing and angle of each hit.

She made sure that none of the four criminals in her path were sent flying forward, but were knocked to the sides instead.

Two of them hit the wall on the right, creating two huge holes in it.

The other two flew seven to eight meters to the left and crashed into a small mart.


With a loud bang, Angel stomped on the ground with her left foot.

She raised her arms high and suddenly swung them, her palms drawing short, quick arcs in the air as they slashed down like ax blades.

Before the two criminals holding Pepper could react, their arms were cut off.

Angel stepped forward with her left foot and wrapped her arms around Pepper, before she pushed off of her foot.


The ground split open, and the two women jumped up to the third floor.

Activating the nanosuit’s suction function, Angel jumped up the wall. In two or three seconds, she reached the top of the 12-story building and disappeared.

On the ground, the four criminals who hadn’t been sent flying looked up at the empty side of the building in a daze.

“WTF?” someone mumbled.

They didn’t even get a clear look at Angel; all they saw was a shadow flash past before it leapt twice up the wall of the building.

Then, the bird they had been holding… flew the coop?

The captain, who had a broken arm, reacted quickly. After Angel disappeared, he suddenly looked at his two companions who had been smashed into the wall.

Both of them glowed red and quickly turned orange.

The captain shouted, “Duck!”

Boom! Boom!

There were two explosions, and the two men self-destructed.

The two people who had crashed into the mart walked out with ugly expressions. One had a mess of red and green sauce on his face, and milk dripped off the other.

It was clear which aisles they had crashed into in the mart.

A red light lit up, and suffocating smoke and the smell of burning flesh came from them. The others subconsciously moved several meters away.

Finally, someone asked, “What now?”

The captain gritted his teeth. “Retreat, of course. Should we stay here and wait for the army to come down on our heads?”

They had attacked Pepper, which was definitely bad.

As long as Stark Industries was willing to pay, it could mobilize hundreds of security companies to besiege them.

Would Tony be stingy with the money? Of course not.

Worst of all, this was New York.

Everybody was well aware that Iron Man and the Bat Squad were in cahoots.

No matter how ambitious they were, they didn’t dare say that they could fight the Bat Squad head-on.

So… they slipped away.

200 meters away, Jenny’s mouth was wide open in the car. After a long pause, she said dryly, “That… was awesome.”

She had already guessed it, which was why she didn’t share the feed from the drone that had flown over to Angel’s side with the team leader, so she didn’t have to worry about keeping it a secret.

But Angel’s combat ability was beyond Jenny’s expectations.

If she ever ran into an a.s.sailant like that… She shook her head, but then nodded.

Her bodyguards wouldn’t have been able to stop someone like that before, but Angel could now.

Unfortunately, Angel didn’t want money.

Except for providing her with everyday conveniences, Jenny didn’t have anything else to rope her in.

According to Angel, someone else had already paid her to protect Jenny, and it wasn’t with money.

On second thought, however, Jenny couldn’t help but be amused. Shouldn’t she be more at ease since Luke was footing the bill? All the work she did for him wasn’t in vain.

In the stairwell on the roof, Angel saw herself from the drone feed projected onto her lenses.

She rolled her eyes and called back. “Did anyone else see me?”

Jenny, who picked up the phone, naturally understood what she meant. “Just me.”

Angel nodded. This employer was quite reliable. She didn’t let a lot of people know about this.

At that moment, the Dark Knight sent a message. “Temporary commission from Iron Man to protect Pepper until tomorrow morning.”

Angel frowned. “I’m still on a job.”

The Dark Knight said, “Don’t worry. Someone else has taken over.”

After a brief hesitation, Angel said, “You’re not the client.”

Luke couldn’t help but laugh. “Fine, he’ll let you know.”

A moment later, Angel looked at the request from V and sighed. “Fine, just for half a day.”

Pepper, who was standing on the side, watched her talk for a long time. Finally, when Angel was free, Pepper asked tentatively, “You are…”

Angel flipped up the visor and gestured to the elevator, before she said, “Temporary bodyguard. It’s a commission from your boyfriend. If you have a problem with it, you can ask him.”

Pepper couldn’t help but size up Angel, who was one step in front of her. “You’re… from the Bat Squad?”

Angel walked to the elevator and gestured for her to enter. She then pressed the b.u.t.ton for the first floor. “Would you believe me if I told you? Ask your boyfriend.”

Pepper’s mouth dropped open, and she was lost for words. Angel might have saved her just now, but if she expected Pepper to just believe this rescuer who appeared out of nowhere, she was really treating the CEO of Stark Industries like an idiot.

Two blocks away, Jenny was relieved when she saw the message from Luke. “Recall the drones and send me back to HQ.”

The three cars quickly started up and headed east.

Luke followed them stealthily from above.

Given the current situation, the simplest was for him to follow CEO Jenny.

He hadn’t lied to Angel. He said that V would personally take action, so he would protect Jenny 24/7.

In Los Angeles, Tony was also shocked to hear that Pepper had almost been kidnapped.

When he heard that someone from the Bat Squad was protecting Pepper, he relaxed.

But this also enraged Tony. He walked over to the android and stretched out his hand. “Where’s the needle? Give it to me.”

The android remained in place and just said in a cold electronic voice, “Standby mode.”

Tony: “…Motherf*cker.”

Thankfully, Luke quickly sent the tyc.o.o.n a message. “Wait another ten minutes.”

Tony’s belly was full of fire, but he endured it.

Luke had asked him to give Dr. Hansen the inducer earlier, but he had refused.

Now that Pepper had been rescued, there was no reason to vent his anger.

Besides, he knew a certain person wouldn’t think much of it if he flared up.

Compared with that shady guy, Tony felt that he was too impulsive himself.

In the end, Luke didn’t make the tyc.o.o.n wait ten minutes.

Eight minutes later, the Level 1 clone, which had been grinding points in Mexico, arrived.

He activated Pheromone Control and had Tony ask the questions. Dr. Hansen’s shaky defenses crumbled, and she spilled everything she knew.

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