Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1731: Interrogation and Abandoned Chatterbox

Chapter 1731: Interrogation and Abandoned Chatterbox

Five minutes after Luke and Tony arrived at a seaside villa, the drones started their secret reconnaissance.

They couldn’t help but look at each other.

Tony frowned. “Is this… a trap?”

Luke wasn’t sure either, since there were too few people here.

There were two guards in front and behind the villa. They were both sloppy and clearly slacking off.

In the villa, Trevor, who was acting as the Mandarin, was watching a game of table tennis in front of him.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said truthfully, “If this is a trap, is there a need to make those two girls play table tennis?”

Tony hesitated for a moment before he shook his head. “I wouldn’t, at least. Beach volleyball makes more sense in Miami.”

“Then let’s go in without alerting Killian,” said Luke.

Tony was stunned. “Without alerting anyone?”

Luke said, “Give that Trevor fellow an inducer. He definitely knows something. Just knock the two girls out. It doesn’t matter if ordinary people are knocked out for half an hour. The guards at the front and back won’t hear anything out of the ordinary.”

In short, the arrangements had all been made for the person to be interrogated, the “pa.s.ser-by” girls, and the idle guards.

Tony: “…Fine, you’re indeed a professional.”

They quietly entered the house.

Luke went to the bas.e.m.e.nt after saying that someone might be locked up there, but Sharp Nose had actually detected Colonel Rhodes.

Tony took the paralysis gun and dart from Luke and followed the plan.

A minute later, he asked a dazed Trevor, “Where did Killian go?”

Trevor said, “I’m not sure.”

Tony: “…Then where might he be?”

Trevor said, “They’ve been talking a lot about a boat in the last few days.”

Tony perked up. “Where’s the boat?”

Trevor said, “I don’t know.”

Tony: “…”

At that moment, Luke returned with Colonel Rhodes. The colonel immediately interjected, “Why did Killian ask you to pretend to be the Mandarin?”

Trevor said, “To kill Tony Stark and make big news.”

Tony curled his lip, completely unsurprised.

Rhodes hurriedly asked, “What big news?”

Trevor said, “I don’t know.”

Tony really wanted to punch this guy. “Rhodey, why are you here?”

Luke simply raised his hand and gestured for them to keep their voices down. He asked Trevor, “What boat is Killian using? A yacht, a freighter, a RORO, an oil tanker?”

This time, Trevor hesitated before he replied, “I think it’s an oil tanker.”

Luke asked, “Do you think it’s far from here?”

Trevor said, “It shouldn’t be far.”

Luke asked, “Why?”

Trevor said, “They always take a yacht. They don’t need to fill up when they come back.”

Tony was surprised. “How do you know that?”

Trevor said, “That yacht was meant for me, but they take it out for fun themselves.”

At that point, Trevor didn’t know any more.

After confirming things again, Tony straightened up. “Kill this guy?”

Luke found that odd. “Why? He’s just an actor.”

“He planned the terrorist operation with Killian and killed the accountant. Terrorists who can act should die.” Tony had a lot of reasons.

But Luke could only chuckle.

A certain tyc.o.o.n’s mental fluctuations weren’t that simple – that was at least only part of the reason.

Or maybe he felt that he had been tricked by Trevor’s performance, or maybe he was angry because he hadn’t caught Killian.

But in the system, Trevor was just a light red bad guy, which meant that he had never killed anyone, or that the accountant he had killed was a bright red.

“Hey, shouldn’t you help me find Iron Patriot first?” Rhodes couldn’t help but remind him.

Tony glared at the chatterbox and threw him a phone. “Don’t you know how to ask the Department of Defense yourself?”

…You’re only now just giving me your phone. Rhodes cursed and made a call in a low voice.

Not wanting to dwell on the problem that was Trevor, Luke asked the old man directly, “Have you killed anyone?”

Trevor said, “No.”

Tony glanced at Luke. “…Has the inducer worn off?”

Luke was too lazy to call him out.

Trevor hadn’t just been drugged with an inducer; he had also been given a combo of Mental Hypnosis and Illusion, so he couldn’t lie.

So, Luke asked again, “Did you kill the accountant?”

Trevor said, “No, he’s on Killian’s side. He changed his appearance and left after filming.”

After all that, the last performance had been all fake. Luke and Tony traded dismayed looks.

Tony projected a virtual map and drew a range of 50 kilometers on it. This was the approximate range which Killian’s boat was in.

Jarvis then marked out the ports and oil tankers in this range.

But Miami was a big port to begin with, so there were still dozens of targets.

Tony crossed his arms and propped his chin up on one hand as he looked at the map thoughtfully. “An oil tanker isn’t something a regular company can play with. Hm, wait, that accountant…”

Luke understood. “Someone at Roxxon is in cahoots with Killian?”

Roxxon Oil Co., Ltd. had been the number one oil company in America for a long time. Now, it had become a super capitalist corporation.

Tony nodded. “Jarvis, narrow it down to Roxxon Oil’s oil tankers.”

On the virtual screen, the dozens of dots quickly decreased. Soon, there were only three targets left.

Rhodes suddenly interjected, “I have something to say.”

Both Luke and Tony looked at him.

Rhodes said, “Supposedly, Iron Patriot is on Air Force One, and Mr. Ellis is also on it. Should we rescue him first?”

Luke and Tony looked at each other.

Luke nodded. “Okay, I’ll check the two targets in the south. You check the one in the north. Remember to work quietly and don’t fly around.”

“Like I need you to tell me that.” Tony snorted, turned on the stealth system, and quietly floated out the window.

Rhodes: “Wait, you’re not going to care about my Patriot?”

Luke gave Trevor and his two hot girls a neutralizer each before he grabbed Rhodes and walked to the window. “Tony said that he prefers War Machine.”

Rhodes said, “Fine, I like that name more, but… are we really not going to care about Mr. Ellis?”

Luke asked, “What does that have to do with us?”

Rhodes was lost for words.

One of them was a super capitalist, and the other was a superhero who had no real ident.i.ty at all. Did a change in presidents make any difference to them?

Colonel Rhodes had nothing else to say, and he was sent to Luke and Tony’s yacht several hundred meters away.

Sensing that something was wrong, he couldn’t help but ask, “Why did you bring me here?”

Luke was surprised. “You have a boat and a phone. Go back to the city and get someone to pick you up.”

Rhodes widened his eyes. “Wait, don’t I need to take part?”

Luke chuckled and flew off with a whoosh.

Rhodes finally couldn’t take it anymore and made the universal gesture in the air. “You two sons of b*tches!”

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