Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1748: Making Arrangements for Haley, and Simon’s Background

Chapter 1748: Making Arrangements for Haley, and Simon’s Background

After a few days, there was still no movement on Haley’s end.

Thinking for a moment, Luke simply had his Level 1 clone, which had recovered, come and continue monitoring the female doctor.

The Level 1 clone’s self-healing experiment had gone very smoothly, and Luke was very happy with the data gathered.

With just Life 1, the clone regrew the two missing limbs in ten days.

It had to be pointed out that this was the Level 1 clone with the lowest Strength. If it was the Level 2 clone or Luke himself, it should be twice as fast.

Before he came to work, Luke went to see Tony, and the tyc.o.o.n was dumbfounded.

Regenerating broken limbs after ten days wasn’t as unbelievable as the Extremis virus, but it wasn’t ordinary either. At the very least, Tony didn’t have similar technology.

Besides, the virus was too flawed for widespread use of, but Luke could use it on a small scale.

This news was also released to the Bat Squad to eliminate the negative impact of Knight’s disability as soon as possible.

Although it was only Ivan who had confronted Tony directly that night, it was impossible to say that n.o.body else felt any ill will.

Now that Knight had completely recovered, everyone recalled what happened that day. Indeed, they couldn’t blame it on Tony.

It had to be pointed out that it was Luke who had set up the team’s safety rules.

He had never been seriously injured like this before.

From the looks of it, only Knight could have fought Killian head-on because he could regenerate his broken limbs.

The little turtles, who had been feeling suffocated, finally cheered up.

They were just naive, not stupid.

They realized that the team’s att.i.tude toward Tony had turned subtle after the last mission, but they were still kids and didn’t dare say or ask anything.

However, if anyone in the team had the best impression of Tony, it would be these four turtles.

After all, Tony was generous and fun!

Apart from Luke and Selina, Tony was the one who had invested the most in the little turtles.

Mindy had a good relations.h.i.+p with the little turtles, but she was an even bigger fan of Batman. She complained a lot about the tyc.o.o.n to the little turtles in private, which put them under the biggest pressure.

Now that Luke said that he had recovered, everything was fine.

Everybody here had experienced serious injuries before. It was fine as long as they weren’t crippled.

After Luke switched out the clones, the Level 2 clone returned to New York and started investigating.

He had to dig out all the information on Simon Nepel in order to learn more about his opponent.

It was precisely because he didn’t know anything about Simon’s abilities in Tijuana that this “treasure” had escaped.

Otherwise, he would still have had a chance to catch the other party.

Luke didn’t stay idle. He began to try and find a way to resist Simon’s possession.

If this problem wasn’t resolved, except for Luke and Selina, the rest of the Bat Squad might be unlucky if they ran into Simon.

Luke had never encountered anyone with such a powerful mental superpower, so he hadn’t researched much related equipment.

The Bat Squad’s armor had a mental remote component and was resistant to mental abilities to some extent; there was little chance of being controlled in battle.

But n.o.body could wear armor 24/7. It would be very easy for someone to take them down in one go.

If anything happened to one person, it might implicate the rest of the Bat Squad, which was the most dangerous thing.

Luke had to come up with nanomask helmets which looked like hats,, headbands and so on to prevent this from happening.

In the face of the immense amount of work which Simon was giving him, Luke was nevertheless happy.

As the saying went, it was fun to compete with others.

Fighting bad guys with superpowers was even more fun.

To repay Margaret, who was the first person to lead him to Simon, he didn’t forget to turn invisible and help her with therapy several times.

The young widow, who had been depressed after being “abandoned” by her sister, inexplicably started to get better.

Luke’s two clones treated the sisters at the same time, and the mental landscapes they experienced were completely different.

If Luke had to choose, he would choose… Haley’s mental landscape.

This definitely didn’t include the fact that the female doctor liked to go for midnight swims.

It was just that Margaret’s mental landscape was too simple, like a child’s drawing, while the female doctor’s mental landscape was as dazzling as a kaleidoscope.

Whether in terms of difficulty or taste, Dr. Haley was much more fun.

When it came to his own interests, Luke always preferred bad guys.

Margaret, who had donated a lot to charity, had always been a light green in the system.

Haley, on the other hand, had turned from a neutral yellow two years ago into a light red evil.

The female doctor, who chose not to live an ordinary life, naturally became a research subject.

For the sake of their past friends.h.i.+p, Luke would “hire” her as a “temp worker” for the Joker after she was done acting as bait, and ensure that she led a splendid life.

She liked playing games, right? Then, she could help the Joker design games to fight battles of wits and courage with the bad guys of the world.

Of course, this temp project wasn’t urgent. It all depended on whether or not the female doctor could lure Simon out.

But it had already been a week; it was unlikely that the guy would come back for Haley.

In the middle of September, Luke finally dug out Simon’s background.

Simon Nepel was actually a rich heir, even if “indirectly.”

Simon’s biological father, whose exact ident.i.ty was still unknown, had an affair with his mother, Gina.

At that time, Gina had just been a minor living on the streets.

It wasn’t until Simon was six years old that Gina met his stepfather, Raman Vorobyov, and embarked on her fairy tale-like life.

Raman was a young heir with a car and a house, and his parents were dead.

Living aimlessly, he met Gina, and fell madly in love with her.

With no one to object to it, he married Gina without a hitch.

They lived harmoniously after they got married. Raman, the wastrel, turned over a new leaf, and Gina, the feral girl, settled down.

Over the past fifteen years, Raman had developed his “family business” into a small pharmaceutical company. He was worth almost two billion dollars, but never had any children.

Simon naturally became the only heir in the family.

What was even more amazing was that Raman regarded his stepson as his own and loved him.

The reason Simon could become the lead researcher at the sanatorium and not a research subject outright was mostly because Raman had spent a lot of money.

Luke was pretty astonished by this fairy tale-like plot.

Unconvinced, he found an opportunity to observe Raman and Gina up close.

As he expected, both of them had abnormal mental fluctuations, and their brains were slightly damaged, but not seriously.

It was clear that Simon had done something to the brains of his stepfather and his mother.

That explained how Simon’s mother got so lucky and why Simon was so loved.

Not every bad girl could get lucky, unless they had a son with a superpower.

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