Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1751: Schadenfreude, and Inviting Trouble

Chapter 1751: Schadenfreude, and Inviting Trouble

After two days of fun, Robert and the others returned home.

Now, they all took Luke’s private jet whenever they traveled. They didn’t have to worry about the cost, so n.o.body was reluctant to leave.

Hm, Luke was a little reluctant to part with little Cindy, but it was a pity that she was the treasure of the family.

His own father, mother and grandfather were very protective of her, and he could only pinch that chubby little face when they weren’t looking.

Claire was about to slip away as well, but Luke grabbed her neck and stopped her. As they talked, Claire’s eyes started to glow with curiosity.

If this were a cartoon, a small lightbulb would probably light up above her head.

Clearly, for this heartless big brother and sister, investigating their little brother’s secrets was a challenge.

Joseph, who was calmly standing inside the school office and completing the enrollment procedure, had no idea of any of this.

During a break between lessons, he met Mindy on the rooftop of a school building. Four pairs of eyes watched silently from a distance.

Luke couldn’t help but click his tongue. “It really looks like a rooftop fight.”

Claire raised her binoculars. “Why does it feel more like a gang deal about to go down?”

Selina said, “It’s more like a puppy love drama, aroo~”

A certain dog head whined.

Claire said, “Go, go, kiss her. Joseph, you little chicken, hurry up and use your tricks from kindergarten to conquer her.”

Two people and one dog raised their eyebrows. You actually want to one-up Mindy, don’t you?

A minute later, everybody put down their binoculars regretfully, except the dog head, which could see hundreds of meters into the distance without binoculars.

Claire said disdainfully, “What are they doing? They left without even a goodbye kiss?”

After that, she sensed her brother looking at her strangely, and she immediately cringed. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Luke narrowed his eyes. “It seems you’ve had a good year.”

He criticized her inwardly. Joseph is only nine, and you want him to learn from you? Hm, wait, Mindy is a girl, at least.

From this point of view, Joseph was much more reliable than Claire.

In fact, Joseph and Mindy had only exchanged a few words and agreed on a meeting place after school. Nothing happened like Claire had expected.

Also, Claire’s motive wasn’t pure.

She had fought Mindy many times. Maybe she wanted her little brother to take drastic action, so that she would become Mindy’s “senior.”

On the other side, Mindy, who had returned to cla.s.s, wasn’t paying attention at all. She simply propped up her textbook on the table and lay her head down behind it and pondered.

Why did she get a strange feeling just now? Something didn’t seem right. Feeling a little uneasy, she couldn’t help but operate the virtual screen on her

There were no surveillance drones, cameras, or suspicious people nearby. Then, why did it feel like she was being spied on? She was puzzled.

She had set up a lot of equipment around the school to avoid being spied on without her being aware.

The surveillance equipment was all good stuff from the bigshot who sold everything, and probably wouldn’t overlook anything.

After thinking for a moment, she gave up on pursuing the matter.

New York was her territory. n.o.body could mess with her here.

Maybe she had become too paranoid after thinking too much about cla.s.sified matters recently.

What she didn’t know was that Luke was used to leaving back doors in the equipment he sold.

It was nothing more than a basic operation to make them ignore the existence of their creator.

Soon, school ended. Mindy grabbed her pink bag and casually sent away a few female cla.s.smates who invited her to play with them. She ran to the back of the school and got into a car that was waiting on the side of the road.

Closing the door, she took a deep breath. “Okay, to the training base.”

Monica turned the wheel and started the car. She didn’t forget to smile. “Why are you running away like you’re being chased by a dog?”

Mindy snorted. “We’re in a hurry, Madam Monica.”

Monica was immediately unhappy. “Hey, I just graduated high school. I’m still a girl!”

Nikki smiled and exposed her. “Didn’t you just say that when you go to college, you’re an independent adult?”

Monica snorted. “Are you two any younger? Come, Joseph, yell out your age for them to hear.”

Joseph was helpless. He was still a kid. Why should he be the judge?

Amidst the laughter, the car drove into traffic.

100 meters away, Selina lay in the pa.s.senger seat and asked lazily, “Can’t you just turn on the surveillance cameras? Why are you following them yourself?”

Luke rolled the lollipop around in his mouth. “Wouldn’t using surveillance be bullying them? They’re all kids.”

Selina asked, “Are you sure those two college students are still ‘kids’? They don’t look young.”

Luke smiled. “They’re young at heart.”

In the backseat, Claire nodded quickly. “That’s right. I’m still a kid. Luke, you’re not allowed to spy on me with those surveillance cameras…”

Selina perked up when she heard that. “Huh? It seems you really are hiding something. Why don’t you tell us so that we can have a good time?”

Claire froze. She had spoken too fast and had forgotten that Selina was there.

Thankfully, Luke didn’t want to care about his sister’s daily life. “I don’t need to monitor you if I want to investigate you. Don’t blame me and say I didn’t remind you to be careful to not get caught by the paparazzi. Otherwise, you can just wait for the whole family to come and congratulate you.”

Claire had been really cheerful while watching Joseph just now.

Hearing that, she couldn’t help but s.h.i.+ver.

As the saying went, spectators laughed when they watched, but cried when they were the ones being watched.

She felt a little cold when she imagined the entire family watching her.

After talking for a while, Mindy and the others drove to the training lodge in New Jersey.

Luke stopped and turned around to leave.

Claire found that odd. “Huh? Why aren’t we following them?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “It’s not like you’ve never been here before. Joseph has been training with them all summer. What can we do? Let’s go. Go back and train with Selina.”

Claire turned pale with fright. She hadn’t expected to be burned herself. “No, I have something to do in the afternoon.”

Luke said, “No problem. Selina will work harder and let you go in half an hour.”

Selina chuckled creepily in the pa.s.senger seat.

Claire was full of despair. “Can’t we cancel it?”

Luke said, “Cut the c.r.a.p. It’s been a long time since we’ve checked your training progress. You still want to run after sending yourself to our door?”

Claire was full of despair.

As it turned out, the little monkey hadn’t slacked off in the past year.

Whether it was in terms of the safety rules or sparring, she did a good job.

Of course, she got again in the end and provoked Selina.

Selina instantly got serious, pressed her to the floor, and spanked her.

After giving this energetic monkey a beating, Selina had Gold Nugget No. 1 send Gold Nugget No. 2 a message for the “old man” to activate the self-healing function.

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