Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1767: Who’s Uneducated? Little Hoe, and Lousy Day

Chapter 1767: Who’s Uneducated? Little Hoe, and Lousy Day

While Luke was dealing with Haley and Agony in his inventory, Eddie finished bathing in the pond and munching on a live fish. He basically didn’t waste any of Luke’s time.

Eddie, who had a fever, was sent to the hospital by his ex-girlfriend, Anne.

She found Dr. Lewis, whom she had a good relations.h.i.+p with, to examine Eddie.

During the MRI, the tar monster Venom couldn’t take the vibration and ran out of Eddie’s body.

Anne had gone to deal with the paperwork, while Dr. Lewis and his a.s.sistant were on the computer next door.

When they heard Eddie yell, they felt that something was wrong and opened the door to the room. Unfortunately, they didn’t see the fleeing Venom.

Luke and the others watched the whole thing in HD via the drone feed.

Gold Nugget gloated. “Haha, that idiot Venom actually let his host get an MRI. Makes sense, this loser knows nothing.”

Hearing that, Luke and Selina both looked at the dog head in astonishment. You’re so old and you can’t even do math – you still have the cheek to laugh at him?

Unfortunately, the dog head was too excited today to notice the disdain in the eyes of the two people next to it.

In the hospital, Dr. Lewis watched Eddie leave.

Of course, his gaze was fixed on Anne, who had left with him.

It wasn’t until the seductive figure disappeared down the hallway that he returned to the MRI room. His a.s.sistant then said bitterly, “There seems to be something wrong with the computer.”

Dr. Lewis was stunned. “What is it?”

The a.s.sistant said, “I don’t know why, but it suddenly crashed just now. Then, when I restarted it, I noticed…” He hesitated.

Amused, Dr. Lewis said, “What’s wrong? If there’s a problem, you should get someone to fix it. Do you need a break?”

His a.s.sistant said, “Well, it’s just that your friend’s test data is gone.”

Dr. Lewis: …

Unconvinced, he and his a.s.sistant searched, but didn’t find Eddie’s results, so Dr. Lewis took out his phone.

Before he could call Anne, however, he hesitated again. Would she think that he was doing this on purpose?

Thinking quickly, he suddenly had an idea: He would get Eddie to come in tomorrow or the day after for a follow-up.

That way, he could get in touch with Anne and also cover up the fact that he had lost the data.

Should he invite her to dinner? She had said a few days ago that she had broken up with Eddie. He should be more proactive. In his heart, a little hoe was already raised and poised to start digging, and Dr. Lewis smiled expectantly.

Was this an angry smile? The a.s.sistant was shocked. “Dan, what’s wrong? It’s just some data lost. I’ll call maintenance right away…”

Outside the hospital, Luke, who had just used an Ant drone to alter the data on the hospital’s computers, put away his phone. “Let’s go. It’s been a long time since we had In-N-Out. Let’s eat to our hearts’ content today.”

Gold Nugget whined.

At the same time, they heard a voice in their earpieces. “I want to eat Iron Man’s cheeseburger.”

Selina rolled her eyes. “Do you want me to drive to Los Angeles and buy it now, Mr. Gold Nugget?”

The dog felt a chill run down its spine. Sensing that something was wrong from that tone, it immediately wagged its tail and shook its head. “No, I was just saying everyone should eat together when we can. Hm, my treat.”

Selina said, “Okay, you said it. We’ll stop by Los Angeles on the way back. I want to buy 100 of them.”

Gold Nugget froze and whined.

Selina saw through the dog head’s dumb act. “Oh, 100 each? That makes 500 in total.”

Gold Nugget’s eyes widened. “Huh?”

Selina said, “What? 300 each? Three to ten, and ten to a hundred. That’s 1,000.”

Gold Nugget’s eyes widened. Covering its head with its paws, it pleaded, “No, don’t recite multiplication at me again. It’s too hard.”

Selina chuckled and gripped the dog’s head. “Still want to keep posing?”

The dog shook its head with difficulty to indicate that it wouldn’t do it again.

Luke watched the show with a smile and felt it was right to give Gold Nugget’s kind a chance.

If another idiot symbiote appeared, another temp member could be added to the PDD and the Justice League.

Now, he just hoped that Agony and Venom were both stupid yet smart enough to adapt to the situation. At the very least, they couldn’t be much smarter than Gold Nugget.

This was unlikely, but everyone had to have dreams – who knew, they might come true.

So, he couldn’t help but look benevolently at Gold Nugget. May those two guys be as easy as you to fool.

Eddie got out of the car in front of his place and didn’t ask Anne to see him off.

Watching her drive off, he was about to enter his building, when he remembered that he had already finished up all his food last night. He could only go to a Chinese mart not far away.

He opened the door and the lady boss greeted him. “How are you, Eddie?”

“h.e.l.lo, Mrs. Chen.” Eddie was distracted. “It’s been a lousy day. I’m just getting by.”

Mrs. Chen couldn’t help but frown at the strange smell in the air.

Eddie hadn’t showered since last night after sweating and taking a dunk in the pond. The smell… was indescribable.

Pus.h.i.+ng up her black-rimmed, Mrs. Chen couldn’t help but shake her head. “You really do look terrible.”

She wasn’t stupid enough to add “you smell like sh*t.”

Eddie smiled bitterly. “Thanks for the reminder. You look radiant.” He then walked to the food section at the back.

A supermarket’s usual practice was never to place the essentials out front; most people would just leave after buying them.

It was the same for this mart.

When he was far from the counter, Mrs. Chen’s voice still rang out behind him. “Did you try the yoga I mentioned? It can help you relax.”

Eddie said, “No, it’s useless.”

Mrs. Chen looked like she knew everything. “You haven’t tried it yet, how would you know?”

“The yoga DVD your cousin gave me is in Chinese. Do I have to hire a Chinese teacher for yoga?” Eddie rolled his eyes and started throwing food into the basket without looking behind him.

“Ding~” The doorbell rang, indicating that a new customer had come in. Eddie stopped talking and focused on picking out food.

He was really hungry now. He had been so hungry last night that he had even picked clean the rotten chicken in the trash can.

Thinking that, he couldn’t help but retch again. He decided to secretly look for Dr. Lewis in a few days.

How could he live otherwise, rummaging through trash cans for food?!

At that moment, he heard someone talking at the cash register near the door. He subconsciously stuck his head out and frowned.

A hoodlum stood in front of the counter with an impatient expression. He pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Mrs. Chen. “B*tch, do you want to die? Give it to me.”

Helpless, Mrs. Chen took out a wad of cash from the cash register and gave it to him.

The hoodlum had an arrogant look on his face, like a landlord collecting rent.

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