Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1791: Turned Green? That’s a Big Problem

Chapter 1791: Turned Green? That’s a Big Problem

It was an injured 15- or 16-year-old Asian teenager. He was short and thin, and they relaxed a little.

But just as Dustin crouched down to ask about the situation and Jennifer was about to call the police, something happened.

Just like that, the Asian teenager’s mouth cracked wide open.

Even Dustin, who was a veteran officer, was dumbfounded.

Had anyone ever seen a big mouth open all the way to the back of the head? He had seen it today.

What was even more frightening was that the young man grabbed his hands tightly to prevent him from retreating, and it looked like Dustin would be completely swallowed.

Dustin felt his vision go dark, and a thought subconsciously popped into his head: It was over!

It would be strange if he could survive with this strange thing all around him.

At that moment, the woman shouted angrily, “Get lost!”

At the same time, there was a bang. The huge mouth instantly disappeared, and the scene in front of Dustin returned to normal.


A figure was sent flying ten meters before it hit the ground and rolled another 20 meters, cutting a path through the gra.s.s.

In front of Dustin was a blood-splattered calf, and the high heel on it looked familiar.

It was the elegant Chanel shoes which he had helped put on Jennifer before they left home tonight.


He swallowed hard and looked to the side, only to see Jennifer staring at her leg in shock.

Dustin: “What the f*ck?”

Jennifer glared at him and stomped her foot. “What did you say?”

Puchi! Her entire leg sank into the ground.

Dustin raised his hand to stop his wife from falling over. “I’m not talking about you. No, no, your skin…”

Jennifer had just recovered from the shock of sending someone flying with a kick. She subconsciously looked at her hands. “What the f*ck???”

Dustin hurriedly stood up and grabbed her hands. “Calm, calm down… Ah~”

An impatient Jennifer waved her hands, and Dustin was sent flying.

Jennifer hadn’t expected her husband to be sent flying with a casual wave of her hands. She subconsciously opened her arms and easily caught him in a princess carry.

The scene fell silent.

The couple looked at each other and, for a time, didn’t know what to say.

Dustin, who had been a police officer for more than 20 years, was more experienced.

A moment later, he got down from his wife’s strong arms and then bundled her into the car. “Stay in the car for now. I’ll clean up the scene. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

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Jennifer didn’t say anything, and simply let Dustin put his coat on her.

Putting on the standard rubber gloves, Dustin wiped her b.l.o.o.d.y calf with a towel.

Of course, it wasn’t Jennifer’s blood, but the young Asian’s.

Seeing that the Asian teenager had been about to take a big bite out of her husband, Jennifer panicked and kicked him.

The Asian teenager was sent rolling dozens of meters away.

After cleaning up his wife, Dustin quickly cleaned up the car.

Thankfully, the car was black, and the blood stains couldn’t be seen at night.

Then, he took a small rug out from the trunk, wrapped it around the dead Asian teenager, and dragged him into the bushes.

After everything was done, Dustin paced back and forth outside the car.

The problem tonight wasn’t the Asian teenager.

Whether that guy was a superhuman or a monster didn’t matter to Dustin. In any case, Jennifer had already destroyed his upper torso and head.

Now, the problem was how to hide Jennifer’s peculiarities.

It was impossible for a normal woman to kick someone hard enough to shatter their head and cave in their body.

It was impossible for a normal woman to suddenly turn green.

If it were anyone else, Dustin wouldn’t be so sensitive.

However, Luke had mentioned before that Jennifer’s cousin could blow up a Chitauri battles.h.i.+p on his own.

Even now, Dustin still remembered his shock when he heard the news.

He had never thought that Dr. Banner, who looked like a gentle and good person, could be such a terrifying existence.

When his initial surprise and confusion faded, Dustin discovered a serious problem: Dr. Banner could turn green, so could Jennifer, and they were cousins.

What he remembered even more clearly was that Jennifer had lost a lot of blood after being attacked by the hitmen sent by the Elsworths, so Luke had simply treated Dr. Banner as a portable blood bank.

So, Dustin’s wife was actually… a She-Hulk?

Thinking that, Dustin became even more wary about letting anyone else know.

At that time, Luke had casually mentioned what happened to Dr. Banner, but hadn’t explained the details. However, “under military surveillance” and “retrieval attempts” didn’t sound like anything good.

If the military wanted the Hulk back, then wouldn’t they want Dustin’s wife as well? Jennifer’s skin had only turned green and her transformation wasn’t as terrible as the Hulk’s, but this was precisely the terrifying thing about it!

It was hard to control the violent Hulk, but it was easy to control Jennifer, who was now green but was still rational and had a normal mindset.

As Dustin’s thoughts raced, he felt hot all over, though his back turned cold every now and then.

Doing his best to suppress his chaotic emotions, he mulled over the issue several times before he finally decided to ask Luke for help.

Dustin hadn’t made this choice on the spur of the moment or because of favoritism.

The trust between them had been built on years of working together and silently observing the other party’s style.

Dustin gave his former capable subordinates a lot of labels, but what he valued most apart from “incredibly strong capability” was “trustworthiness.”

Luke never made empty promises, but never went back on promises that he did make.

Luke rarely owed anyone big favors, but many people owed him big favors.

Conversely, this proved that Luke valued favors.

Those who valued promises and favors had a much higher bottom line than those who only cared about benefits.

Besides, Dustin vaguely sensed that Luke was connected to the superhuman circle.

Although Luke had never said it outright, he was no stranger to people with superpowers, like Dr. Banner, and had been connected to Tony Stark since the beginning.

Also, Luke had enough strength and confidence to make contact with that circle.

Fighting dozens of armed bandits alone wasn’t something that just any superhuman could do.

Most superhumans might be killed instantly if they fought dozens of armed bandits single-handedly.

Secondly, Luke had never shown any fear or disgust of superhumans.

When he talked to Dustin about this special group, he was just stating the facts.

Finally, it was Luke who had suggested that Dr. Banner give his blood to Jennifer.

He had been involved from the beginning. Who else could Dustin count on but him?

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