Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1816: The Point Is Partic.i.p.ation, and Trouble

Chapter 1816: The Point Is Partic.i.p.ation, and Trouble

There was barely anyone cosplaying Frank, the team commander.

Although he was very useful in the team, he rarely shone in battle. He was the least famous in the public eye.

The number of Blackpink Bear cosplayers were second only to Batman and Black Cat.

The main thing was that girls liked Pink Bear. Those who didn’t like black would naturally go for pink.

To match, many shut-ins simply cosplayed Pink Bear’s partner, Black Bear.

If they couldn’t be boyfriends in real life, they could take advantage of cosplay to be the seniors! Thinking that, many shut-ins felt even more excited.

It was a good thing that Mindy had returned to America two days ago. Otherwise, she would definitely want to beat up this bunch of short-legged Pink Bears and overweight Black Bears.

If she saw the “Pink Bear” in the short princess dress that had a beard, two ponytails, and a chest full of black hair, she would definitely sue this cosplay event.

At that moment, Luke was dressed like V, and Selina simply wore a female version of the Bat suit as they made their way through the crowd.

Some people noticed that their cosplay outfits were top-quality, but before they could strike up a conversation, they realized that the two were already long gone.

When two people and one dog arrived at the main venue, electronic dance music was playing as a group cosplaying the Bat Squad danced on stage.

‘Black Cat’ was in center position, and the lower half of her face was exposed. She was probably a white girl, and had a well-developed chest.

Luke couldn’t help but nod when he saw this.

But Selina was quite unhappy. “She has so much flab and still has the nerve to cosplay Black Cat?”

Luke said, “The main point is partic.i.p.ation.”

Speaking of which, he was the one who was cosplayed the most.

There were Batmen revealing too much skin, Big Dippers with big bellies, and Dark Knights in silk underwear, but Luke didn’t even blink.

In fact, there were a lot of cosplayers in skimpy outfits who were flaunting large expanses of skin in this December weather.

Even though they were covered in gooseb.u.mps, they still adopted engrossed poses and expressions in the cold wind.

A bunch of cameramen were standing, squatting, or crawling on the ground as they captured marvelous shots from unbelievable angles to demonstrate their professionalism.

Two people and one dog just wandered around for a while. They weren’t interested in squeezing through the crowd, and just bought ice cream from a fast food store next to the road.

Luke didn’t know why fast food stores still sold ice cream in winter.

It was the dog head who had sharp eyes, and immediately noticed a girl pa.s.sing by with ice cream.

Two people and one dog chatted on a street corner as they ate their ice cream.

Selina hadn’t forgotten to use the armor’s camera to capture all sorts of eye-searing cosplay, and was ready to open a separate chat group to share the “profits.”

For example, that bearded “Pink Bear” definitely had to be shared.

The sight of two people and one dog eating ice cream attracted the attention of many girls.

First of all, Luke and Selina were very tall, and the half-masks on their helmets clearly showed that they were young.

Coupled with the Labrador that the dog head was disguised as, this combination was indeed interesting.

Many people came over with professional cameras, wanting to take a few shots.

Selina was too lazy to say anything. She simply had Luke interpret and say that she was an amateur who didn’t know how to pose.

Although these people were a little disappointed, they didn’t complain. After all, Americans didn’t have to follow the rules of j.a.panese cosplay.

Not only that, many people also came looking for an opportunity to take group shots.

This mainly involved taking wefies with Luke and Selina in the background.

Some people subconsciously wanted to hug them, but Luke pushed the women away while Selina kicked the men away.

In the end… even more people came to take photos of them.

On Selina’s side, the men were kicked back several meters one after another. n.o.body could touch her.

Just as Luke pushed away another girl who lunged at him and wondered if they should move to avoid these m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.ts, there was a clamor 100 meters away.

Luke was stunned.

That was because amidst the screaming, a lot of people were yelling “man-eating ghost,” which was what the j.a.panese people called the Parasites.

He suddenly jumped two meters high and grabbed a protrusion in the wall on the second floor as he looked down.

Selina raised her head. “What’s wrong?”

Her j.a.panese was bad, and she couldn’t quite understand what was going on.

Luke’s V mask closed up completely, and he tossed the rest of the ice cream to Gold Nugget. “A Parasite is killing people over there. I’ll take care of it. Keep an eye on the side for any more Parasites lying in ambush.”

As soon as he said that, he kicked off of the wall and charged forward 100 meters.

The onlookers, who hadn’t sensed anything wrong even after Luke jumped two meters, suddenly came back to their senses.

Their eyes widened, and many of them exclaimed, “What?”

Selina tossed the remaining ice cream to the dog and closed her mask. “Let’s go.”

With a flash, she darted through the crowd like a fish and disappeared.

The dog head swallowed the ice cream before following her.

Suddenly, a girl screamed, “Superheroes! They’re American superheroes! They’re Batman and Black Cat!”

Many shut-ins who had been watching Luke and Selina roll their eyes. Come on, Batman had never worn a Zorro hat! Also, it had been more than two years. Black Cat’s mask had always been a cat face, while this one was a perfect imitation of Batman’s mask!

But just because they knew that didn’t mean that everyone around them did.

So, the girl’s shout was met with a storm of questions.

“Where? Where’s Batman?”

“Where’s Her Majesty? Get out of the way, let me look at her.”

“Huh? Was that Batman on the wall just now? I think I saw a cape.”

On the other side, Luke had already made use of the suction function in his boots to charge 100 meters over the wall.

He jumped, his cape fluttering behind him as he charged at the Parasite who had a tentacle wrapped around a girl’s neck on the stage.

The other party was very vigilant and subconsciously lashed out with its tentacles.

Grayish-black streaks of light swept out like a fan as two tentacles and two blades collided with each other, but that couldn’t slow Luke down.

The shadow from the black cape fell over the Parasite. One blade deflected a tentacle and stabbed down.


There was the sound of a cold weapon cutting through flesh, which was immediately drowned out by exclamations.

A wide black cape swept past the Parasite.

Two figures stood still with their backs to each other, and the area around the stage suddenly fell silent.

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