Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2011: Madwoman, Shameless Tyrant

Chapter 2011: Madwoman, Shameless Tyrant

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke, who had just fought Thanos four times in a row, could tell at a glance that Thanos had put his full strength behind this slash.

As a magic user, Wanda didn’t stand a chance of dodging Thanos’s attack.

However, Wanda’s entire body suddenly glowed with a bright red light. She raised her hands and blocked the attack.

Thanos’s giant sword glowed red, and instantly froze in the air.

Stunned, Luke silently stopped.


Then, the point of contact between the scarlet energy and the blade grew brighter and brighter. In the blink of an eye, it was as white as the sun, and it quickly spread to the rest of the blade.

Veins throbbed on Wanda’s forehead and she gritted her teeth, clearly struggling.

But then, a delighted smile broke out on her face as she suddenly pushed with her right hand.

The chaos energy suddenly exploded. With a clatter, the giant blade flew out of Thanos’s hand and broke in half in the air.

Luke’s eyes widened. WTF?

This was a super weapon that could leave sword marks on Steve’s s.h.i.+eld and clash with Mjölnir.

Even Luke himself only had a pair of silver katanas that might be able to compare with this double-edged giant blade.

In the end… Wanda broke it in one go? Did chaos energy have to be such a cheat?

But what surprised him even more was what happened next.

Wanda made an upward grabbing motion with her right palm, and the chaos energy in her hand lit up to cover Thanos.

This tyrant of the universe, who was unrivaled on the battlefield, had a pained expression on his face. He couldn’t help but scream as his entire body was wrapped in scarlet energy and he slowly rose.

Not only that, he was completely suppressed by the scarlet energy and couldn’t move at all.

The red light in Wanda’s eyes intensified. Keeping her right hand in a grabbing motion, she bent her left hand and drew a line with her finger.

With a swipe of her finger, part of Thanos’s indestructible golden armor cracked and flew off.

In just a few seconds, with a few swipes of her fingers, many of Thanos’s weaknesses were exposed.

At that moment, Wanda was sweating profusely, but the sense of revenge made her forget everything as she enjoyed torturing her enemy.

As a bystander, Luke could only sigh at how boorish he was.

If this Scarlet Witch had crippled this golden turtle sh.e.l.l at the very beginning, Tony, Thor, Steve and Luke would have had a 50-50 chance of winning against Thanos.

Now, it looked like Thanos would fall at Wanda’s hands.

Steal the kill? What a joke.

Luke wouldn’t be able to break through Wanda’s chaos energy, which could crush Thanos, in a short period of time.

There was no way for him to pretend he made a mistake either, unless the target of his mistake was Wanda – it might be possible to ‘accidentally’ knock her out and then kill Thanos.

But this was a woman who was obsessed with killing.

Luke hadn’t even been able to pierce Thanos’s armor, while with a flick of her fingers, Wanda had broken both Thanos’s armor and his sword.

Luke didn’t think that he was st.u.r.dier than the giant blade. If he stepped forward, he might be sent flying by this red-eyed woman.

But there was still a chance.

How could Luke, a psychologist, a master hypnotist and a mind reader, not see that Wanda was irritable and trigger-happy?

If he were in Wanda’s place, he would definitely rip Thanos’s head off right away. Only an idiot would waste time dismantling that golden turtle sh.e.l.l.

Thus, there was an 80% chance that Wanda wouldn’t kill Thanos directly.

What she needed was a little torture to vent her hatred.

If something unexpected happened during this period, and Luke intervened, Wanda wouldn’t be able to blame him.

After all, she had already been given a chance. If she didn’t grab it, that just meant she wasn’t any good.

Thanos, who was floating in the air, was also cursing.

When Thor, Tony and Steve attacked earlier, it could just barely be considered a battle between leaders.

When Luke, this weird guy, appeared to intercept him, it hadn’t felt right.

Now, it was a woman who was one-sidedly crus.h.i.+ng him.

What the h.e.l.l was with this Earth? Why did he always run into extremely abnormal guys?

After struggling for a moment, Thanos realized that he couldn’t break free from the scarlet energy that was wrapped around his body.

He completely understood why Ebony Maw had died so quickly.

He had been trapped by the scarlet energy and then sucked into a black hole.

Seeing his armor gradually collapse, Thanos cursed inwardly. This woman… was crazy!

Sensing danger, he roared without hesitation, “Fire cover, now!”

Startled, Corvus Glaive turned around. “Lord, our troops…”

Thanos didn’t answer at all. He couldn’t even protect himself; who cared how many soldiers died?

Hearing this roar, Luke cursed inwardly. He resolutely took out his armor, and it quickly unfolded.

His body wouldn’t be able to withstand the heavy cannons of a s.p.a.ce wars.h.i.+p. No matter how much his heart ached for his armor, he had to increase his chances of surviving first.

In about three seconds, a lot of the cannons on Thanos’s wars.h.i.+p dropped and aimed at the battlefield. The charging muzzles glowed with faint blue light.

Luke’s armor was almost closed up.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huge blue plasma beams sizzled and whistled through the air.


The plasma beams. .h.i.t the ground. One blast, two blasts, and then countless blasts rained down.

The ground troops on both sides were bombarded indiscriminately. Bodies were blown up and there were nonstop screams.

Wanda, who was obsessed with revenge and the tyrant Thanos, couldn’t escape either. A plasma cannon hit her and sent her flying.

Thanos was also blown away by a blast and escaped.

Looking at Wanda, who couldn’t move anymore, Luke shook his head helplessly. The witch’s offensive power was off the charts as an adult, but her defense was still terrible. She had actually fainted from one blast.

He picked up the unconscious witch and ran.

The front lines were now in complete chaos. On the other hand, a large number of sorcerers behind Earth’s allied forces waved their hands and opened enough portals above their heads to ensure that the plasma beams didn’t hit them.

There were also a few sorcerers who opened portals above their heads to protect the area dozens of meters around them.

Luke had no choice but to carry Wanda as he relied on his sense for danger to guide his steps.

Even the aftermath of a s.p.a.ce wars.h.i.+p’s heavy bombardment wasn’t something his Telekinesis could withstand.

Only his armor and body were the best form of protection.

The witch’s damage output was heaven-defying – naturally, he couldn’t let her die.

Staggering into the protective circle cast by a Kamar-Taj sorcerer, Luke heaved a sigh of relief.

He threw out a few darts to clear the area around the sorcerer.

It wouldn’t be good if some diehard soldier on Thanos’s side wanted to take the sorcerer down with them.

At the same time, Luke used Light of Life on Wanda’s head to ensure that there was nothing wrong with her brain. Naturally, there was no need to worry about minor injuries.

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