Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2063 - 2063 Luck or Tribulation, Ill Will

Chapter 2063 - 2063 Luck or Tribulation, Ill Will

2063 Luck or Tribulation, Ill Will

Taking 200 to 300 years out of a lifespan of thousands of years to ‘work’ was already being very idle.

To calculate it in terms of the lifespan of Earthlings, it was just three to five years.

The full-time drudge workers in Luke’s previous life would definitely roar: You call that work? Go to h.e.l.l!

It was for this reason that Luke really didn’t think much of one or two extra superheroes — like Peter.


If things went as expected, he would have to switch teammates in at least 10 to 20 batches. It didn’t matter if a batch had one or two members less.

What Luke needed to worry about was how to turn these new team members into teammates that could earn points for him.

On his own, he could only earn several million experience and credit points every year at most.

He was destined to continue with his sockpuppets, as new aliases would accompany every new batch of newbies.

This was both training and protection.

Thus, Luke’s mindset settled even more.

Now, he was just like Claire said — he was becoming more and more like an old man.

Peter becoming Spiderman wasn’t unexpected.

On the other hand, the penniless Oscorp Industries was gradually making a name for itself. Luke was quite moved; after all, this was a very ‘famous’ company.

However, Oscorp Industries, which was supposed to be a training base for villains, probably wouldn’t be as awesome in the future.

Luke had started investing in Oscorp Industries ten years ago, and had gradually increased the amount.

He was now a major shareholder in Oscorp Industries.

Of course, Luke had nothing to do with Oscorp Industries on the surface, but he had more influence in private than Norman Osborn, the founder.

Given this connection, it was only natural that Luke would, under an alias, invite Norman to a gathering hosted by the bigshot who sold everything.

No magnate would use their body to test a new drug unless they had no choice.

Thus, when something happened to Norman’s body, he immediately thought of the bigshot instead of blindly cooking up some genetic modification drug on his own.

However, his ailment had to do with a genetic defect; it was a genetic disease with an unknown cause and unclear effects, and Life 1 and Light of Life could only alleviate it slightly.

In the end, Luke used the nanotoxin control system developed by the two female scientists in s.p.a.ce 2 to stop Norman’s condition from deteriorating.

He estimated that Norman only had about 15 years left to live, but that was enough.

It was better to die when you were almost 60 than when you were in your forties.

Norman’s son, Harry, would be almost 30 years old in ten years, and could take over his father’s business then.

Besides, technology would continue to advance in the next decade, and a cure might still be found.

If Norman stayed obedient, he wouldn’t become Peter’s main nemesis, and Peter wouldn’t develop a ‘love-hate relations.h.i.+p’ with his good friend, Harry.

However, there wasn’t a girl called Mary Jane among Peter’s neighbors. Instead, he had a female cla.s.smate called Mich.e.l.le Jones.

Gwen Stacy and Liz Toomes, Adrian’s daughter, also went to the same school.

Who knew how the kids would all pair off.

So far, Peter’s luck with the ladies was a ‘pa.s.sive skill’ — two of the girls were his childhood friends, and one girl had been in the same cla.s.s with him since middle school.

If Harry really did steal one of them, Peter might have to thank his good friend for being so loyal and helping him share the burden.

Luke mulled over this with a strange smile on his face.

Director Selina didn’t need to guess to know that he was thinking about something ludicrous again. She rolled her eyes before picking up a tablet to get work done.

Compared with Peter and his impending ‘girl troubles,’ Luke was as steady as ever.

After his Mental Strength reached 120, carrying out a ‘four-mode operation’ was easy as pie.

With his three clones handling things on Earth and on the alien planet at the same time, his main body always had time to spare.

Taking the female CEO and the female artist out into s.p.a.ce was even simpler to do.

Other guys relied on money or looks to snag girls, while Luke relied on technology.

He didn’t take out the mature technology which he had obtained on the alien planet.

A civilization that blindly copied and plagiarized others had no future.

The companies under CEO Jenny’s control would slowly release some basic technology.

In the end, it would be up to the scientists on Earth to decide what path Earth would take.

The Justice League only used the technology which Luke had to deter external forces; they weren’t used to benefit capitalists on Earth.

This way, CEO Jenny didn’t have as much work to do, but it was more complicated.

She enjoyed herself and didn’t have much time to think about Luke.

The female artist was mostly interested in drawing, and she didn’t think about Luke at all.

Women couldn’t be too free when money wasn’t an issue for them.

When a woman was free, she would naturally think about her man every day, which could become a pain.

On this point, Luke was thankful that he was a rich man who could divert his girlfriends’ attention.

Just think about it: If CEO Jenny didn’t bother with the company and clung to him every day, and if Elena wasn’t interested in drawing and instead wanted to hang out with him all the time, would he still like them?

Of course, Tony had even fewer worries.

With his wife managing the company and his daughter, Morgan, growing day by day, he had even less time to do research. His life had truly become more relaxed.

Luke didn’t rush him either.

Tony had been a ‘skills machine’ for Luke for over ten years. Luke couldn’t deprive him of his domestic bliss, right?

There were plenty of capable ‘evil scientists’ in s.p.a.ce 2 who could take the lead.

On the lawless planet, there was the tech fanatic, Ivan. Apart from going from Earth threesomes to colorful alien threesomes, Electric Cable didn’t have any bad points.

The peaceful days continued until 3 May 2016, when the Avengers finally caused a small but nasty stir.

Steve took Natasha, Sam, Wanda and Pietro on a mission to Lagos, Nigeria.

In the end, this turned out to be a plot by Sunil Baks.h.i.+, a remnant of Whitehall’s Hydra faction. When the battle entered the town center, Baks.h.i.+ self-destructed.

In her haste, Wanda sent Baks.h.i.+ flying.

Hundreds of civilians on the ground were spared, but Baks.h.i.+ still blew up two floors of a building, killing over 30 civilians and injuring hundreds of others.

Civilian casualties weren’t important.

What was more important was that under the leaders.h.i.+p of the United States, more than 100 countries worldwide staged a protest against the Avengers and demanded that they accept the supervision of a special, newly established international panel.

What started out as a terrorist attack turned into a political game of ethics.

What it revealed was sheer ill will toward superheroes.

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