Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 322 The DEA Without Traitors Wouldn’t Be the DEA

Chapter 322 The DEA Without Traitors Wouldn’t Be the DEA

Luke suddenly darted out and fired at another shooter who was closing in.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


The second shooter also screamed and fell. He had been killed in three shots, and Luke didn’t need to put any more bullets in him.

Luke took cover again and put the mirror back. He took out his fake phone and activated the voice connection function.

A few seconds later, he heard the sound of faint tapping in his earphones, which was Selina’s signal that she was online.

Luke simply said in a low voice, “Don’t expose yourself by leaving cover.”

Behind him, Palmer’s hands trembled slightly, and she was frowning as well.

Luke turned back to look at Palmer. “Call for reinforcements, but don’t contact anyone who’s close to those two ‘colleagues’ of yours.”

Face dark, Palmer nodded and took out her phone. She quickly dialed a number and said, “Boss, I’ve got a problem. You’ll have to come in person. That’s right, something’s wrong with Walker and Semir…”

Luke leisurely sent Elsa a text message with his fake phone.

A moment later, he received Elsa’s reply, and was relieved.

Martin, your future girlfriend is really a huge troublemaker! Luke sighed inwardly.

For a moment, it was quiet in the lobby of the apartment building.

Five minutes later, two police officers cautiously stuck their heads in and shouted, “LAPD! You’re surrounded. Lay down your weapons…”

Luke was amused.

He had to admit that the familiar line was too rea.s.suring

On the other side, Selina had already handcuffed the unconscious manager, and she slowly backed away to the entrance, using the manager as a s.h.i.+eld.

At the same time, she showed the officers her badge. “LAPD! I’m from the Major Crimes Division.”

Seeing the way she was moving, the officers grew even more vigilant. Instead of barging in, they took out their guns and covered her retreat.

Only after Selina left the building with her s.h.i.+eld did Luke relax.

Nothing could go wrong now.

The two agents who came with Palmer slowly backed out from where they were hiding as well.

Luke shot them a glance from around the corner and whispered, “Those two guys are out. Keep your distance.”

Next to him, Palmer’s expression was awful and furious.

Of course, she wasn’t looking at Luke but outside the entrance.

Three more patrol cars had arrived with the wail of sirens to join the first one.

Luke said, “Let’s go, Palmer. I’m guessing you’ll be working overtime tonight.”

Palmer smiled bitterly. “I must thank you for this.”

Luke chuckled. “You’re welcome. I only did what I should.”

Palmer didn’t know what to say.

Luke had already said earlier that he was only aiming for her attackers, which was exactly what he had just done.

What made her mood foul was that the two DEA agents who came with her might be traitors.

Palmer wasn’t stupid; she hadn’t relied on her outstanding looks to get to her position in the DEA.

She just needed to recall the details of the attack earlier to know that something wasn’t right.

The shooters hadn’t attacked her colleagues. Instead, they simply focused on her and Luke. Furthermore, her colleagues hadn’t fought back.

She hadn’t seen what happened when Luke grabbed her and ran for cover, but she wasn’t deaf.

She hadn’t heard the sound of return fire at all.

Also, she had driven herself here.

Only she, four agents, and Luke and Selina knew that she was coming here.

Putting the two colleagues back in the office aside, the two agents who came with her had reacted too abnormally.

They weren’t ordinary police officers, but elite agents who were always on the frontline in the fight against drug trafficking. It was unfathomable that they wouldn’t fire in a surprise attack, nor get shot at.

She also knew that the two shooters could’ve killed her easily if Luke hadn’t grabbed her and escaped just now, in which case the two agents wouldn’t have needed to do anything.

After Luke escaped with her, those two couldn’t find an opportunity to approach them, which was probably why they hadn’t attacked.

And the reason why they hadn’t attacked before that was very simple.

Until Selina went to the front desk and Luke hit on Palmer, the two of them had been behind the three DEA agents the entire time, and it wasn’t easy for the two agents to kill three people at the same time.

Chances were these two had already cursed Luke and Selina countless times in their hearts for being such pains.

Neither too far nor too close, Luke and Selina stayed in the agents’ blind spots — behind them — the entire time.

Experienced fighters that they were, they weren’t dumb, and could easily tell that Luke and Selina were very vigilant. Although it wasn’t necessarily toward them, Luke and Selina still had their guards up nonetheless.

While this wasn’t necessarily unexpected to Luke, it wasn’t as if he would think there was something wrong with these two agents at the beginning. Having said that, he didn’t believe that all the agents in the DEA were clean either.

On the contrary, the DEA and drug gangs often infiltrated each other. After all, the drug dealers were rich and stayed in the dark.

Luke led the way and kicked the second shooter’s Uzi a few meters away, before he slowly retreated out the main doors.

He had already put on his badge by then. The officers simply looked at him and didn’t point their guns at him.Luke grabbed the nearest officer and said to him, “I need two men to go in with me and carry the wounded suspects out and take them to the hospital. You can ask Agent Palmer here about the rest. She’s the DEA person in charge of this case.”

The officers nodded and sent two patrol officers in with Luke.

Luke gave Selina a meaningful look, and she nodded slightly in return.

At that moment, two more patrol cars arrived, followed by three of the black SUVs which DEA agents were fond of.

Luke didn’t approach them, but saw that the ten or so people from the SUVs were fitted out with bulletproof vests and helmets, and were armed with automatic rifles.

Clearly, Palmer’s boss was p.i.s.sed off at the shenanigans of these drug traffickers, and had directly deployed agents with heavy firepower to pick her up. Well, it might also be to detain those two highly suspicious DEA agents as well.

Luke brought the two patrol officers in with him, and when they carried the bodies of the four shooters out, he noticed that the two agents were already sitting in the back of one of the SUVs — a place that was usually reserved for drug traffickers.

At that moment, a middle-aged white man walked over to Luke, with Palmer following behind him.

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