Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 334 Feeler, and an Unsavory Meeting Place

Chapter 334 Feeler, and an Unsavory Meeting Place

Luke’s and Selina’s eyes widened. “Their family’s… city?”

Elsa nodded. “Back then, their ancestors found a gold mine and built Elsworth on it, making them one of the top families in California to this day.”

Selina drew in a sharp breath.

It wouldn’t be good to provoke families like these which were still going strong even more than a century later.

And looking at Sheldon’s and Henry’s standing in the community, the family showed no signs of declining. Luke asked, “So…” Elsworth said, “So work on other cases first! Unless you’re absolutely certain… No, as long as the Elsworth family is involved, you must let me know first before you touch them.”

Luke looked at her and suddenly smiled. “Okay, Elsa.”

Elsa wasn’t discouraging him. She was well aware of the power that these local families had, and what their bottom lines were.

She was as good as saying that she would shoulder a huge part of the responsibility and risks, which wasn’t a smart move.

But she was truly a boss whom Luke admired.

Those who didn’t cover for their subordinates couldn’t expect their subordinates to work hard for them.

After he left the office, Luke went to Sonia. “How’s your investigation on Big Nick coming along? We have an appointment with this big shot later.”

Sonia looked away from her screen and said in a low voice, “Something is seriously wrong with them; they get no less than thirty complaints every year about their use of violence.”

Luke chuckled. “Does that mean that each person gets a complaint every quarter?” Sonia said, “That’s just complaints about their use of violence; they get other minor complaints practically every week. But…” “But they’re good,” Selina finished for her.

Sonia nodded. “They’re basically either from the special forces or the military, but they refuse to join SWAT, and just stay in the county police’s Major Crimes Division. They’re really good at dealing with violent crime, which is why the county police turn a blind eye to minor infringements.” Luke understood perfectly.



The county office couldn’t demand that they practice personal discipline when they were so good at handling cases.

Why would such capable people want to stay in the county police? They would definitely go somewhere better.

So, the county office chose the lesser of two evils and tolerated Nick and his crew.

After all, there were few officers who could have fought the professional robbers yesterday without retreating.

A bunch of regular officers would have absolutely been taught a lesson by those ex-marine corp robbers.

Luke pondered the matter for a moment as he leaned against Sonia’s desk. “So, this Nick is actually quite influential in the county police department? Then our hard work yesterday wasn’t for nothing.”

Sonia shrugged. “That’s right. They’re quite powerful and more well-informed.”

Luke was amused. Nick’s crew absolutely worked in the gray area; they didn’t come across as decent police officers.

He looked at his watch. Since it was already eleven, he called Big Nick.

After a few simple words, Luke got up. “Let’s go. But later, only Alessandro and I will be asking the questions.”

Both Sonia and Selina were confused, but neither of them said anything. They got into their cars and drove off.

In the car, Selina asked, “What did Elsa mean?” She was puzzled by what Elsa said earlier.

They hadn’t started working on the case of the girl in pajamas yet.

If it was troublesome, they could just put the case aside. Why would Elsa warn them but not stop them from working on the case?

After some thought, Luke sighed. “Those with power and influence will naturally have enemies, who might use us as a feeler.”

Selina hadn’t expected that answer. “Are we going to follow up on that case?”

Luke nodded. “It’s our duty to work on cases. We certainly should investigate it.”

But he himself would decide how to investigate or even close the case. He wasn’t foolish enough to become someone else’s


That was what Elsa had been implying earlier.

But someone who could go toe to toe with the Elsworth family certainly wasn’t someone she could p.i.s.s off, nor could she speak explicitly about it; she could only tell Luke to talk to her before he did anything.

This was the knowledge and insight of a seasoned detective!

Luke was still a stranger here compared with Dustin and Elsa, and he wasn’t as sensitive to the power struggles that were taking place.

After another year or two, however, he should be able to establish his own information network, and not just anyone would be able to manipulate him then.

Very soon, the two cars reached their destination, and Selina’s eyes bulged when she saw the sign. “You didn’t get enough last night? We’re coming here during the day?”

Luke said, “It was Nick who chose to meet here, okay? Also, I’m very healthy. One night is nothing.”

Selina was lost for words.

True, Luke would never be desperate enough to come here during the day.

When he got out of the car, Luke said, “You and Sonia stay here. Keep the comms open and pay attention to your surroundings.”

Selina nodded and took the driver’s seat.

Luke and Alessandro gave Nick’s name to the security guards at the entrance, and they entered the club called South American Jungle.

It was very quiet inside.

It was only just past eleven, which was still time to rest for places like these.

The two security guards at the entrance shouted at them and pointed at one corner.

Luke and Alessandro went in that direction and pa.s.sed through a hallway to reach what looked like a room.

“1024, this is the place.” Looking at the number on the door, Luke knocked.

A moment later, the door opened with a click.

Nick opened the door in jeans and a tank top.

Luke could only turn down his Sharp Nose and try to keep his distance from the bearded man.

But the smell in the room was even more vile.For safety reasons, he couldn’t turn off his Sharp Nose, so he could only try to decrease its sensitivity.

Nick stared at Alessandro. “He’s with you?”

Luke glanced at Alessandro and nodded. “Yes.”

Nick made way for them. “Come on in.”

Luke and Nick finally entered the room.

It turned out to be a suite, with a lounge that was more than thirty square meters in size and which was connected to four or five other rooms.

It wasn’t especially lavish, but it definitely had cla.s.s.

The leftover wine and food around the suite also clearly ill.u.s.trated how expensive this place was.

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