Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 424 What Did She Teach You?

Chapter 424 What Did She Teach You?

Karen walked over to Natalie and said, “Natalie, thank you for everything you taught me.”

What did she teach you? The same question popped up in everybody’s heads.

Natalie was tall and graceful, while Karen was plump and mature, with that dazzled the eye.

What happened between them?

Even the only female criminal in the room held her breath at that moment, eager for an answer.

Karen slowly took two steps forward, hugged Natalie, then kissed her.

Gulp! Every man on the scene swallowed at the same time.

This was too d*mn stimulating.

Selina’s mouth dropped open. “When did that happen? How come I didn’t know?”

Luke said, “…Alright, Karen is acting and distracting them. Get ready! Three, two, one.”

Selina, who had long been ready for action, pulled the trigger.

Bam! Bang!

Two gunshots burst out in a short staccato.

The first bullet broke the gla.s.s window, and then a stun grenade was fired into the room.


After a gigantic explosion, everybody in the room was dizzy and their ears rang.

Natalie and Karen subconsciously grabbed tightly onto each other.

After the explosion, Luke dashed out the window of the room next door and jumped nimbly into this room through the broken window.

At the moment, he was still moving at a regular speed. When he went past two criminals, he slapped them in pa.s.sing and sent them flying.

The next moment, he pulled Karen out of Natalie’s arms with one hand and used the other to throw Natalie behind the couch.

He took two steps and pulled up the sluggish Jeff before skillfully kicking Tim toward the couch.

Luke then flipped the couch on its side with one foot and kicked it several meters away.

Then, with Jeff and Karen in one hand each, he kicked the door and ran out.

It might seem complicated, but from Selina breaking the window to Luke pulling Jeff and Karen out the door, it hadn’t been more than ten seconds.

Because of the stun grenade, everybody in the room was still dizzy and unwell.

All except for one person — Bruce.

He was the first person to come back to his senses in the room.

Looking around the room, he shook his dizzy head and cursed, “D*mn it! It’s their backup!” As he spoke, he raised his and tried to shoot Tim, who was the closest to him.

Frowning, Selina pulled the trigger. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bruce was. .h.i.t and fell.

Luke, who was running away with Jeff and Karen, frowned. “Selina?”

They had agreed that they wouldn’t touch the criminals unless it was necessary.

Naturally, that was because Tim’s agency was involved, and Luke and Selina would easily draw attention if they took any action.

If they really had to be dealt with, Luke could go out in the middle of the night and make all of them disappear, guaranteed. Selina immediately replied, “There’s something strange about that Tyrannosaur, Mr. Bruce. He was already moving as soon as you left.”

Luke said, “Oh, alright then.”

At that moment, Tim and Natalie struggled to their feet and grabbed guns off the nearby criminals. Tim also picked up the fake files, before the two of them staggered out as well.

“Okay, Tim and Natalie are out,” Selina informed Luke.

Luke hummed a response. He had already taken Jeff and Karen to the stairs, when he suddenly stopped.

Putting them down right by the wall, he drew out the Glock and said, “Alright, it doesn’t look like we can take these two out of here peacefully.”

As he spoke, two criminals came charging up the stairs.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! At such close distance and with ample time to prepare, Luke couldn’t be bothered to shoot them in the head; he shot them each in the stomach, then kicked them down the stairs.

Now that he was getting more and more famous in LAPD, he deliberately controlled his shooting, and in particular, didn’t use headshots all the time.

Practically no one else in the police department could do it.

If he kept doing it, it would be very easy for anyone with a brain to connect the dots between him and some big cases in particular.

After shooting the two, Luke felt a little helpless. Just whose home field was this, exactly?

After the two criminals were shot down, the eight or so criminals at the foot of the stairs stopped and aimed their guns at the stairs.

Cowards! Can’t you be braver and charge at me all together?

As he mocked these gun-wielding criminals, Luke looked behind him.

Dizzy, Jeff asked, “Luke, why are you here?” Luke replied casually, “Me? I was here for dinner.”

Jeff was at a loss. “Really? What a coincidence.”

“You only came here for dinner because you knew we were here, right?” The housewife with over ten years of expertise with conspiracy theories guessed the right answer.


Seven or eight meters away, the elevator doors dinged open and two criminals scuttled out.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Luke’s bullets. .h.i.t them practically the moment they exited the elevator.

They collapsed before they even had the chance to pull the trigger.

“No, we really were here for dinner. The Spanish trotters here are great,” Luke said with a smile.

“Spanish trotters?” Jeff’s head was still in a muddle, and for a moment, he couldn’t think exactly what that dish was

Luke nodded and said, “I think its full name is jamón ibérico or something. But I like how soft and elastic the pig trotters are when they’re boiled.”

Jeff and Karen stared blankly. “Huh?” Was this the time to talk about the taste of pig trotters?!

During this delay, Tim and Natalie caught up to them.

Both of them had pained expressions. “Luke, was it you?”

“No.” Luke shook his head firmly.

Natalie rubbed her forehead and said, “I haven’t even said anything yet, what are you denying? Denying it is admitting it!” Tim rubbed his head as well. “It doesn’t feel great, but thanks for the stun grenade.”

Actually, if Selina had been one or two seconds late in taking action, Natalie would’ve detonated the bomb she had prepared, which could’ve distracted the criminals and given them a chance to escape.But Luke and Selina’s intervention had disrupted their plan.

Fortunately, everything turned out well and everyone managed to escape.

Luke chuckled and said, “There’s a bunch of shooters down there. Any idea how we’re getting down?”

Tim stuck his head out at the top of the stairs. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! A dozen bullets. .h.i.t the wall corner and kicked up dust.

Tim pulled back, dust all over his face. “Fine, there’s really a lot of them. How about your stun grenades?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “I only had one, in case of an emergency. How the h.e.l.l was I supposed to know that your backup is so unreliable?”

Tim and Natalie were a little embarra.s.sed.

Natalie was the quickest to respond and pointed to the side. “There’s a swimming pool down there. Let’s break the gla.s.s and jump down.”

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