Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 434 Argumentative Sisters and Horror Story

Chapter 434 Argumentative Sisters and Horror Story

This unwise student turned this incident into a horror story to scare the girls. In the end, he was called out by the guidance counselor and never showed up at the campsite again after that.

The youngster had most likely been sent back home to his parents for spreading rumors. However, the horror story continued to spread around the camp, and the couple’s daughters were scared.

Luke was rendered speechless when he heard the situation.

Among students, these sorts of things were mostly pranks.

It was possible that the boy made it up from some horror film he watched or some horror story he heard.

Alas, Karen didn’t think so. She firmly believed that her daughters were right, and that there was a serial killer in that town.

Luke had already parked the car. He said, “How about this: Karen, tell me the address, and Selina and I will look into it. If anything’s wrong, I can bring your daughters home sooner.”

Karen hurriedly gave him the address, and Luke was surprised; the name of the town sounded familiar.

“Springwood?” he murmured.

After his Mental Strength reached 20, his brain was more active than ever. Remembering the location, he asked, “Is that the town not far away from Crystal State Park?”

Karen replied quickly, “Yes, that’s the one. Susinna and Susanna are at the campsite nearby.” “Which camp?” asked Luke. “The one that belongs to No. 37 Middle School. It’s right next to a lake called, what was it… that’s right, Moon Lake,” said Karen. Luke asked, “So, your daughters study at No. 37 Middle School?”

Karen replied, “Yes. Did Jeff never mention it to you?”

Luke: “…”

He and Jeff talked about a lot of things, but Luke was only eighteen. Jeff was very good at making small talk, and certainly wouldn’t talk about his kids’ studies.

He might mention this now that they were closer, but the couple had just gone on holiday.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “Then it isn’t a problem. I know someone from No. 37 Middle School. I was a security instructor at that camp. Springwood is at least thirty kilometers from the campsite, with no straight roads in between. You don’t need to worry. I’ll let you know if something really happens, and bring Susinna and Susanna back with me.”

Karen said, “Ah? Really? Thank you so much.”

After exchanging a few more words, Luke hung up.

Thinking for a moment, he called Elsa and told her that he and Selina were going to Crystal State Park.

Hearing that it was a friend’s request, Elsa gave him permission, but exhorted him not to stay too long

Private jobs were inevitable, and even necessary, for police detectives.

No private jobs meant no connections, which was the difference between the veterans and the rookies.

A gradual increase in private jobs hence meant that Luke and Selina were joining the ranks of seasoned detectives.

After the call, Luke and Selina went straight to Crystal State Park.

On the way, Luke called Juliet, No. 37 Middle School’s guidance counselor.

Juliet was pretty happy to receive his call.

When he asked her about the horror story, however, she fell silent for a brief moment before saying, “I’m in the camp right now. This matter… is not entirely false. Why are you asking?” Luke said with a smile, “Don’t you and our Westside department collaborate together? Since you have a problem like this, I’m headed over for a look, in case it’s the overly imaginative kids scaring themselves.”

Juliet was stumped for a moment. “You’re coming?”

Luke said, “Yes. I’ll probably be there in an hour. Do you have time to discuss the details?”

Juliet said, “No problem. I’m very relieved now that you’re coming.”

She didn’t really know how good Luke was.

However, Luke had rescued two complete strangers on the mountain during a thunderstorm last time, which meant that he was trustworthy.

Also, Juliet heard later that the two tourists had both been covered in blood when they were sent out. One of them had also been heavily wounded.

Even in that situation, Luke had still remained calm when he spoke with her, which showed that he had guts and could keep a cool head – this was an important quality for a police officer to have.

This horrible rumor didn’t end when the instigator was sent home, but instead continued to spread quietly around the camp. It was quite the headache for Juliet.

She had actually been feeling tense. If anything happened to the kids because of this rumor, it would become very troublesome, regardless of whether or not the school was at fault.

After the call, Luke stepped on the gas pedal and sped toward No. 37 Middle School’s campsite.

He met Juliet and spoke with her briefly for an idea of the basic situation.

Juliet then took Luke and Selina to see Jeff and Karen’s precious daughters and confirm that the two kids were fine.

After speaking to the twins, both Luke and Selina were utterly lost for words.

As it turned out, the whole thing really had something to do with the twins.

Pet.i.te and pretty, the twins took after their parents and were quite popular in school.

But at the same time, they had inherited Jeff’s chattiness and Karen’s paranoia.

When everyone was telling ghost stories one night, the twins picked apart a horror story told by a boy from their cla.s.s. They picked out many parts which didn’t make sense and declared that he was just blowing hot air.

The boy was unable to defend himself and in the end swore that he didn’t make anything up. He claimed that it happened to a family not far away from his place in his hometown, and that he had learned about it not long ago from a friend who told him that another friend of theirs had died.

The twins, who had inherited Karen’s paranoia, weren’t convinced, and they argued with the boy in front of the other students.

In the end, n.o.body could confirm whether or not the horror story was true.

But after that night, the twin sisters used the ability which they had inherited from their mother to a.n.a.lyze the story for two nights straight. The more they thought about it, the more they were convinced that someone had really died.

The horror story then began to spread around the camp, and Juliet sent the boy home to reflect on himself.

This gave the horror story an even more mysterious flavor.

Luke simply listened silently with no expression on his face and didn’t rebuke the girls. Who hadn’t argued for the sake of arguing before?

In elementary school, people argued over which comic book hero or villain was the strongest; in middle school, they argued over which boy or girl was the most good-looking; and when they started working, they argued over who did the best work. It happened at every stage of life.

The topic under debate might be different, but the essence never changed.

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