Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 445 One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For You!

Chapter 445 One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For You!

Following Luke’s gaze, Quentin exclaimed involuntarily, “Don’t tell me you want me to lie on the floor?”

Luke smiled awkwardly.

He had to admit that Quentin was correct.

Luke had been thinking about having Quentin lie under his feet so that he could activate Mental Communication through that contact.

His hands were naturally reserved for the ladies; he couldn’t put his feet on Kris’s and Nancy’s foreheads.

The main point was that instead of letting someone else touch him, it was more convenient to his own limbs as “conduits” for activating his ability. It was like how many archers had a habit of sticking out their fingers to guide their arrows when holding their bows. With feet? Well, it was possible with some difficulty.

For a moment, there was silence in the room.

In the end, it was Kris who broke the “Luke, I… I don’t think I can fall asleep.”

Luke was stunned, and Kris lowered her head in embarra.s.sment. “I slept too much in the afternoon. I don’t feel sleepy at all.”

Luke was speechless. He had completely forgotten that.

Kris had slept from five in the afternoon to ten at night; she had only been awake for an hour.

It wouldn’t be easy for her to sleep now.

Luke could only say, “Okay, Quentin and Nancy will take the bed. You can find a place to sit.”

Quentin was hugely relieved.

A moment later, Nancy and Quentin both lay down on the single bed and Kris sat down next to Luke on another stool.

Quentin finally couldn’t help asking, “What are you going to do?” Luke glanced solemnly at Bobby outside and lowered his voice. “Later, I’ll get this professional psychic to help connect my mind to yours and enter your dream with you.”

Quentin stared blankly. “What psychic?”

Kris quickly pointed at Bobby outside. “That’s him. He was the one who helped Luke enter my dream and save me in the afternoon.”

Quentin and Nancy looked at each other in dismay, but looking at Kris, they could only believe her.

Otherwise, it didn’t make sense for Kris to trust this detective so much after just one afternoon.

Looking at Nancy and Quentin, who were a little nervous, Luke smiled. “There’s no need to be so scared; he’s not as terrifying as you think. Kris and I met him in the afternoon, and we’re still alive, aren’t we?”

Of course, if you encounter him on your own, you’ll probably die very quickly, Luke secretly added in his heart.

This wasn’t him looking down on them.

Nancy and Quentin were just ordinary middle schoolers who had never undergone any sort of relevant training.

Whether or not they could defeat Freddy would depend on their luck.

Thankfully, Luke had never relied on luck even if he had always been lucky.

Nancy and Quentin nodded and finally closed their eyes.

They were tense at first and subconsciously tried to stay awake, but after lying down for a while in a quiet environment, they slowly relaxed.

They hadn’t slept well for days. Also, Luke had used a bit of Mental Communication when he was comforting them earlier so they now trusted him more.

Thus, they fell asleep just several minutes later.

Luke didn’t enter their dreams immediately. Instead, he lightly tapped his earpiece twice, and immediately received the same in response.

That was Selina letting him know that she was already ready.

Luke had his own trump cards, but he still preferred to be a little more prepared. Selina was now observing the activity in the room via the surveillance camera Luke had set up.

Selina had napped for an hour in the afternoon and was on full alert, unlike some unlucky PR manager.

Receiving a response from his staunch backup, Luke’s attention returned to Nancy and Quentin and he noticed slight changes in their physical conditions.

Their breathing and heart rates had sped up a little, but it wasn’t too intense yet.

Freddy had probably already dragged them into the nightmare, but this was just the prelude to the main act.

He turned to the side and smiled at Kris. “Trust me. All of you will walk out of here safe and sound.”

He then closed his eyes and lay his hands on Nancy and Quentin’s heads, activating Mental Communication.

The next moment, the scene changed.

Luke found himself in some sort of cla.s.sroom.

It was completely dark outside the windows, and there was only one pale and dusky light in the cla.s.sroom. Only a few toys and items were scattered around; there was no one here.

Luke didn’t linger here for long and stepped outside.

In the corridor, he heard the echo of faint singing. Several little girls seemed to be singing a nursery rhyme, and there was the rhythmic slap of a rope.

Luke walked down the corridor to a cla.s.sroom at the end. The door was wide open, and he saw three girls in white dresses inside.

They were playing jump rope as one of the girls jumped in the middle and they sang a nursery rhyme together.

“One, two, Freddy’s coming for you… “Three, four, lock your door…” They seemed to have noticed him, but nothing changed in their expressions as they continued jumping and singing. In the shadow of the pale fluorescent light, their eyes were like black holes as they stared at him.

Luke tilted his head, and after surveying the scene, suddenly chuckled. “This guy is really a pervert, but this really is creative. Too bad he’s using it for something like this.”

Shaking his head, he walked past.

In the cla.s.sroom behind him, the three girls turned their heads and watched him walk away as they continued swinging the rope and jumping. Their monotonous voices echoed in the corridor.

“Five, six, grab your crucifix…

“Seven, eight, gonna stay up late…”

Luke had reached the end of the corridor by then and he opened the door that had the word “Maintenance” on it to reveal a s.p.a.ce filled with all kinds of metal pipes.Behind him, the girls were still singing. “Nine, ten, never sleep again…”

As Luke stepped into the room, the singing came to an abrupt halt.

He turned his head, only to see that there wasn’t a door behind him but only a dark wall. The dim red light in this s.p.a.ce was like a layer of blood that was nauseating to look at.

“This guy’s ability… I really want it!” Luke mumbled.

The ability to enter dreams wasn’t just useful in a fight.

If he wanted to, he could create a dream of a sunny beach and endless amounts of delicious food to satisfy a particular glutton. He could come up with whatever food she wanted, and she would never overeat nor lose weight.

Similarly, he could make suspects believe that they were in a safe place and talking to a safe party. It would be far easier than using any kind of interrogation to circ.u.mvent their psychological barriers.

And this was only considering the ability’s use in legitimate work or battle.

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