Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 462 Sneak Shot 20 and Roger’s Buff

Chapter 462 Sneak Shot 20 and Roger’s Buff

Luke picked up his pace and headed for a nearby flight of stairs.

“The enemy is mostly close to the entrances at six, nine and twelve o’clock. They’re pressing forward to the room which Martin and Roger are in. There are about thirty people outside the room.” Selina continued reporting the enemy’s movements.

“What about the enemy on the second floor?” Luke asked.

Selina replied, “There’s n.o.body on your side, but a lot of them are gathered at six, nine and twelve o’clock.”

At this moment, Luke was using a small mirror at a corner on the second floor to survey the situation.

The main building of Dito’s manor had quite an interesting design.

It was a square structure that had been built around a flower garden, a swimming pool and a lawn in the center.

Stairs in the main building were located in the three, six, nine and twelve o’clock positions, and there was only one corridor on each floor which circled around, which was how Martin and Roger had been surrounded so quickly.

Only by hiding in a corner could they avoid being attacked from two sides. However, this left them no means of retreat.

Luke adjusted his breathing slightly and stuck the special P226, which had a silencer on it, out around a corner.

Da! Da! Da! Da!

20! 20! 20! 20!

Luke subconsciously matched his inner voice to each shot.

He would probably earn a lot of experience from killing NPCs tonight. He felt that he needed to motivate himself like in an MMORPG, or these kills would be too monotonous!

Over thirty meters away, at the stairs to his ten o’clock, the four bodyguards who were shooting at the room fell one after another.

Luke then retreated and used his little mirror to observe the other three sides.

n.o.body cared about the four unlucky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who had just collapsed as more bodyguards immediately filled their positions.

An unorganized mob! Luke scoffed and raised his gun again.

Da! Da! Da! Da!

Another four bodyguards fell.

20! 20! 20! 20!

Luke wasn’t in a hurry to retreat this time. Sticking his head out so that only half his face and one eye was revealed, he calmly observed the reactions from the other three sides.

Fine! It seemed that there were too many people here and the death of eight bodyguards didn’t matter. He was lost for words.

n.o.body thought to check the surroundings when the eight bodyguards fell so quickly. Dito’s bodyguards were real “elites”!

Da! Da! Da! Da!

20! 20! 20! 20!

Another four men died, which finally evoked some restlessness.

The bodyguards hesitated and didn’t dare immediately approach the door to the room.

In less than two minutes, bodies had stacked up outside the door. How could the two guys inside be so good?

Luke couldn’t act as easily now.

If anyone collapsed far from the door, even an idiot would know that the victim hadn’t been killed by those inside the room.

Luke rolled his eyes and lowered his gun to aim at the two bodyguards at six o’clock who were defending the first floor.

Da! Da! 20! 20!

The two men’s heads blew up.

One of the bodyguards at the stairs at twelve o’clock sensed something wrong and craned his neck in confusion.

Da! Da! 20! 20!

He and his colleague followed in the footsteps of the bodyguards opposite.

Hm, how many minions have I taken out? Forget it, it’s a boring number! Luke quickly discarded the irrelevant thought that popped up in his head.

At that moment, something suddenly rolled out of the room which Martin and Roger were


Two of the bodyguards who were pressing forward yelled, “Grenade!”

At that shout, the people near the door looked for cover in a panic — like hiding behind their comrades and holding them firmly in place.

Martin had come prepared. The grenades he threw out were mostly fragmentation grenades.

As a retired Marine elite, he was very accurate at throwing grenades and could take down quite a number of people with each attack.

It was precisely because these bodyguards had been traumatized by Martin’s grenades that they hadn’t been able to storm the room even after so long.

Just now, almost ten of them had swarmed the room, only to be completely wasted by one of Martin’s grenades.

Luke was ready when the two men shouted “grenade.”


Da! Da! Da! Da!

When the grenade exploded, he stealthily shot the men who were hiding behind other unlucky bodyguards.

Amidst all the smoke and screams, n.o.body noticed the five dead men behind them.

Luke continued taking sneak shots at the people behind the screaming bodyguards.

The screaming ones were the poor b*stards who were wounded from the grenade. It was better to keep them alive and let them add to the chaos.

Pa! Da!

Pa! Da!

On the other side, another four men who had taken cover and avoided the blast died.

Including the screaming ones who had been wounded by Martin’s grenade, the bodyguards were down by more than ten men. The door to the room had turned into a morgue, with corpses scattered w.i.l.l.y-nilly over the floor.

The initially ambitious bodyguards were shaken by this gory scene.

Who wouldn’t be affected by this? They had no more than a hundred men, and they would be all dead in half an hour at this rate.

“Luke, bodyguards are going in with an RPG.” Selina gave him a piece of bad news.

Luke was lost for words. An eye for an eye?

Thinking this, he quickly reloaded the P226.

Martin wasn’t an idiot.

The bodyguards outside the door were dead or dying, and more were running over from outside with an RPG. The next course of action was simple.

As Luke expected, another grenade was thrown out the door.

Seeing the shape of the grenade, Luke quickly retreated around the corner.

With a bang, sharp light illuminated the courtyard.

There were screams and frantic yells. “Eyes! My eyes!”

Flash grenades could be very helpful.

After that, Luke moved around the corner and raised his P226 again.

Martin and Roger charged out of the room.

Bent low, Martin swiftly cleaned up the bodyguards on the left side of the door with his M4A1.

Roger also opened fire with his pistol behind Martin so that the bodyguards who had retreated to cover on the right didn’t dare stick their heads out.

Luke timed his shots.

Pa! Da!

Pa! Da!

Several bodyguards collapsed on the right side, which Roger was responsible for.

Luke was secretly amused at Roger’s baffled expression, and didn’t stop shooting.Pa! Da!

Pa! Da!

Pa! Da!

He shot down the six bodyguards on the right in sequence, starting with the closest one. Martin had a good weapon and good skills. Practically no enemy could escape his gun. But Roger was different.

He was only a police detective, not a SWAT officer and even less a special force soldier.

After using an entire clip, he actually hadn’t hit a single opponent.

But with Luke acting on the sly, Roger noticed that an enemy or two would fall every time he opened fire, as if he had a buff on him.

“Haha, who says I can’t shoot?!” he couldn’t help but mumble.

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