Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 467 Don’t Need Grenades or RPGs for Work

Chapter 467 Don’t Need Grenades or RPGs for Work

Outside the stronghold, Selina was flabbergasted as she stared at the surveillance image.

How on earth did Luke get his hands on so many grenades?

Not far from the main gate, Martin and Roger were just as stupefied. What’s going on? We haven’t discussed our attack strategy yet! On the way here, Roger had in fact been strongly opposed to Martin attacking the stronghold.

Roger was old, not blind.

He didn’t think that the two of them could deal with so many criminals in the stronghold.

He thought it was already G.o.d’s blessing that they survived the manor just now.

But Martin still wouldn’t give up; how could it be that easy to let go of his hatred toward the person who killed his wife and baby? As they argued in low voices, the sound of Luke setting the weeds on fire rang out.

Looking at this magnificent spectacle of a fiery shower, Roger mumbled, “A military drone attack?”

Silent for a moment, Martin then crushed his guess. “Drones can’t carry so much ammo. Besides, those are grenades!”

Martin was far more familiar with the sound of explosions than Roger was, and he could tell right away that these were grenade explosions.

But how could anyone throw out so many grenades in so short a span of time? Were Mexican special forces attacking this place too?

Inside the stronghold, Luke observed the back gate at twelve o’clock. He chuckled lightly and grabbed more grenades. “Another round for the other side. That’s only fair.”

A moment later, grenades fell like eggs from the dark sky toward the back gate.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

80! 80! 80! 80! Luke murmured again in his heart.

The criminals were in a complete mess.

At least a hundred men were gathered at the front and back gates where they had focused their defense.

But after two bombardments, slightly under half of them were dead and the survivors were scared witless.

“Martin and Roger are starting their a.s.sault at seven o’clock. Make sure you don’t hurt them by accident,” Selina warned Luke again.

Looking at the stronghold, half of which was covered in smoke and fire, as well as the ma.s.sive fire that was starting to spread outside among the weeds, Selina gained a new understanding of Luke’s destructive power.

She felt that her previous lack of understanding was most likely due to the fact… that Los Angeles police detectives didn’t need to use grenades in their line of work.

Factoring in Luke’s monstrous strength and stamina, Seline felt that it wasn’t going to end well for the criminals in the stronghold.

Sure enough, just as she was thinking this, more explosions rang out, and the stronghold’s central zone was showered with grenades once again.

Luke even specially tossed two a.s.sault grenades into the machine gun tower. The structure, which had seemed so imposing earlier, was instantly blown to smithereens.

Luke had to be careful when it came to this heavy-duty weapon which had a huge coverage. He might not die if he was. .h.i.t, but he would definitely be heavily wounded.

At that moment, moans and cries rang out from the front and back.

“Luke, I think Dito is about to run,” Selina suddenly said.

Luke was rendered speechless. Why was Dito so spineless? Couldn’t this old man be gutsy for once?

He asked, “Where is he?”

Selina replied, “There are two cars headed down the main road not far from you. Hm, I don’t think your grenades will be enough to deal with him.”

Luke: “Huh?”

While communicating with Selina, he stuck his head out and looked at the main road, only to lose his cool and curse. “Seriously?! Dito really has something like that?”

Selina said, “Yep. The armored truck in the front has two machine guns. Dito is inside the modified Hummer behind. The Hummer also has a machine gun turret. You can see it, right? Don’t you dare do something dumb.”

Luke just wanted to cover his head. “I see it. Dito’s lackeys are real ‘geniuses’ at modification! With their skills, why did they become drug dealers?! They could’ve made a fortune by opening a body shop!”

On the main road, an armored truck led the way.

The truck was completely wrapped in steel plates with only a small observation window in front of the driver’s seat.

The truck container in the back had been replaced with two mounted machine gun turrets that even had half-circle steel plates around them to act as s.h.i.+elds.

The Hummer which followed the truck also had steel plates installed to provide the shooters protection.

At first glance, one might think it was a legit US military troop.

His mind racing as he observed the situation, Luke took out two RPGs from his inventory.

Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+

Two strings of fire streaked out, one hitting the observation window of the armored truck and the other hitting one of its tires.

Following two loud booms, the armored truck immediately stopped moving.

Luke instantly scuttled behind another building. He took out another two rockets for the RPGs and reloaded them.

Going around a few buildings to emerge behind the armored vehicles, Luke mumbled, “Double RPGs, double happiness!”


One of the rockets. .h.i.t the machine gun turret on the armored truck.


The machine gun turret on the armored truck burst into flames and turned into a blazing cavity.


The other rocket was fired at the tires of the armored Hummer.


The armored Hummer flew to one side and crashed to the ground, one of its back tires sent flying as it wobbled and hit a nearby building.

Luke had already retreated again and quickly slipped away.

Kill Dito? It wasn’t important.

The guy was worth three hundred experience and credit points at most. He could be left for Martin to deal with.

Each criminal in the horde on the side was easily worth twenty experience and credit points, so Luke could still earn a lot if he worked diligently. He didn’t mind doing Martin this favor.

If Martin could kill his arch-enemy himself, he would probably be more willing to take the blame for everything!

In Luke’s ear, Selina alerted him to Martin and Roger’s current positions every now and then.

She had already seen how Luke knocked over the two armored vehicles in the surveillance image.

Her estimation of Luke’s destructive power increased once more, and again she rejoiced; it was a good thing that L.A. police detectives didn’t need RPGs in their line of work, or Luke might blow Los Angeles to kingdom come.

Thanks to Selina’s alerts, Luke steered clear of Martin and Roger and roamed the dark corners of the buildings. Now and then, he would throw out a grenade to accurately hit a group of criminals gathered together. Not far away, a minor gang leader gestured and shouted as he stood bravely on the top of a pickup with a mounted machine gun and instructed the unorganized criminals to approach him.

Very quickly, this warrior gathered a dozen men together.

“Now, listen up. Stop the guys who are running around brainlessly and have them a.s.semble and search the place…”


Something dark dropped from the sky and landed at his feet in the back of the pickup with a clatter.

The surrounding criminals were deathly still for a moment, until a man shouted despairingly, “Grenade!”

Everybody scattered.


This warrior chief was sent flying out of the truck. He hit the ground not far away and rolled a couple of times before he stopped moving.

In the meantime, another grenade exploded above the criminals who had just scattered.

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