Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 490 A Scapegoat For the Scapegoat

Chapter 490 A Scapegoat For the Scapegoat

Luke waved his hand. “It’s fine. In any case, I’m only interested in the gangsters. Whatever that hired gun wants or does is none of my business.” Elsa thought for a moment and then nodded. “You know your boundaries; there’s no need to get involved in everything.” Luke nodded with a smile.

On the side, Selina covered her face with the hand that was holding the cake to hide her strange expression. Boundaries? Get involved? Luke’s boundaries were certainly different; furthermore, there was no longer any need for him to get involved. When they were done talking, Luke got up and left with Selina.

At that moment, he saw Dustin’s office door open on the opposite side, and Martin and Roger walked out. Martin looked pretty calm and wasn’t as gloomy as before.

Perhaps seeing with his own eyes the arch-enemy who killed his wife and his baby die in front of him finally gave him some measure of peace, even if he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

The dead were dead, and the living had to carry on. C’est la vie.

Roger’s face, on the other hand, was a lot darker, not just because of his skin color, but also because of his bad luck. Luke turned around and asked, “Boss, what’s with Martin and Roger?”

Looking at them from across the corridor, Elsa sighed. “They… got into trouble in Mexico. Internal Affairs is being a pain in the a.s.s about it. The two of them have given Dustin a real headache this time.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Even Dustin can’t take care of it?”

Elsa said with a bitter smile, “It’s pretty huge. I don’t think our boss can.” She was already putting it tactfully. The truth was that Dustin’s hands really were tied. The trouble that Martin and Roger had kicked up wasn’t a domestic issue.

These two guys had gotten into a huge fight in Mexico and allegedly killed hundreds of members of Dito’s gang. Dustin’s head almost exploded when he heard the news.

Who would’ve thought that Roger and Martin could do something so astonis.h.i.+ng?

Now, the Mexican police were demanding that the two of them be sent to Mexico to “help with the investigation.”

But Westside had yet to say anything. If the Mexican police did find ironclad evidence, Roger and Martin might not be sent to Mexico, but they would definitely lose their jobs.

Luke didn’t ask any more questions and simply left with Selina. Driving away from the police department, he made a call. “Palmer, do you have time? I have something important to ask you.” An hour later, the three of them were seated in a corner of a fast food restaurant not far from the DEA.

Palmer, the beautiful agent, had some juice before she cut to the chase. “What’s up?”

She knew that Luke wouldn’t come to her unless it was a serious matter

Luke asked, “Have you heard about Martin and Roger?” After a brief silence, Palmer said, “I have.” Luke said, “I’m not clear on their situation, so I wanted to ask you what the worst possible outcome is.”

Palmer heaved a sigh. “Losing their jobs, probably. But your Westside is pretty good in this respect, not making make them take the blame.” Luke chuckled. “What if – and I’m only saying if – the DEA stands up for them?”

Frowning, Palmer sighed and said, “I’ve already tried, but Martin and Roger weren’t working with us… There’s strong objection in the DEA.” Looking at Palmer’s expression, Luke knew that she had tried her best, but to no avail. He said with a smile, “What if it’s a deal?”

Palmer’s heart jumped. The deepest impression she had of Luke had to do with favors.

In their previous cooperations, she either owed him favors or was returning them.

Now, another deal? She remained calm. “What kind of deal?”

Luke said, “I have information on Dito Flores’s businesses.”

Pondering for a moment, Palmer shook her head. “If it’s general intelligence, that won’t be enough. You probably don’t know how big a mess Martin and Roger made in Mexico.”

Selina was already smart enough to lower her head and take a big bite out of a donut so that her cheeks were puffed up and it was impossible for her to laugh.

Luke said with a smile, “What if it’s Dito’s personal ledgers?”

Palmer narrowed her eyes. “Where did you…” She instantly stopped before she could finish the question.

Asking someone about their information sources was a big no-no, especially when it was information related to drug gangs. The slightest mistake could lead to an informant’s entire family being killed.

Luke said, “I can give them to you first, on one condition.”

Palmer asked, “What is it?”

Luke said, “If the ledgers are valuable enough, try your best to persuade your side to save Martin and Roger’s jobs.” Palmer hesitated.

Luke didn’t say anything as he watched the changes in the beautiful agent’s expressions. Several minutes later, she nodded. “Deal.” Luke nodded with a smile. “Don’t feel too pressured. n.o.body can guarantee that things will definitely work out. I just hope that this information can be even a bit of use.” With that, he handed Palmer a USB. “I won’t waste any more of your time. Text me if there’s any progress.” Watching Luke and Selina get into their car and leave, Palmer rubbed the USB in her hand and was silent for a long time. What Luke had given her were photos of Dito’s personal ledgers. While Luke couldn’t understand them, the DEA, which dealt specifically with drug dealers, might be able to.

He trusted Palmer. At least, given her feelings for Martin, she would definitely do her best to help if the information proved useful.

If the DEA was willing to take responsibility for the whole thing, the problem on the Mexican side could be taken care of easily. After all, the DEA was the only American law enforcement agency that could fly a chopper across the Mexican border without notice. Their power in Mexico was huge. Crossing the border without prior notice in order to directly capture drug traffickers was something they had already been doing, so they could totally take the fall for this matter.The premise was that Luke’s information had to be worth it.

After dealing with this matter, Luke and Selina went back to their regular schedule of working cases. Except for the fact that they got up earlier and came home later, life was exactly the same as before.

Luke went out again that night. However, he summoned Dollar first and seized its big head. “Be good and stay home, and don’t encourage Selina to follow me again, got it?”

Dollar stared blankly and whined.

Luke got up with a smile and rubbed the dog’s head. “You’ll have delicious food tomorrow. Don’t step out of line again, or your punishment will be extended.” Dollar whined again, before it turned around and went back to bed. Naturally, it was Gold Nugget who was expressing its dissatisfaction.

In the end, Luke came back just one hour later.

He hadn’t encountered anyone on this little jaunt. The Demonic Saints’ base had actually been abandoned.

They had clearly been freaked out by the downfall of Black Bones the previous night, and their boss and mid-level execs had run off to hide. Luke wasn’t really bothered by it.

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