Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 516 He Said He’s Not Interested in Money

Chapter 516 He Said He’s Not Interested in Money

Hobbs gritted his teeth. “I’m fine.”

Luke nodded. “Then you take your car. I’ll lead the way for you. Which airport is your plane at?”

Hobbs stared at him. “How did you know that a plane is picking us up?”

Luke sneered. “You’re FBI agents. Would you escort your prisoners back to America by boat?”

Hobbs also thought that his question had been a little dumb.

Soon, Hobbs’s men got into their Hummer, and Dominic and his partners got into Luke’s car.

The two Hummers started up and drove toward the airport.

After escorting Hobbs to the airport, Luke pulled over not far away and waved at the yellow Hummer.

The yellow Hummer slowed down a little before it picked up speed again and left.

Luke wasn’t surprised at all.

Hobbs was more concerned about his men’s lives than the prisoners in Luke’s car.

Of the five men in his squad, three were severely wounded, and two had mild injuries.

One of the two who had mild injuries had broken ribs, and the other had a broken leg. The injuries weren’t severe, but they couldn’t fight anymore.

The three gravely wounded men had to be sent back to America for treatment. They might not survive if they were sent to a Brazilian hospital.

It was the reason why Hobbs didn’t stop.

Between his men’s lives and the captured suspects, he chose his men’s lives.

Watching Hobbs get his men onto the plane, Luke turned around and left.

The car drove to an abandoned garage. It was silent in the car.

Looking in the rearview mirror, Luke said, “Okay, ask whatever you want.”

Dominic exchanged looks with everybody else before he asked, “Who are you?” Luke chuckled. “An American.”

Everybody was lost for words. Do you think anyone would mistake you for a foreigner? Dominic asked, “Why did you rescue us?” Luke laughed and said, “I was rescuing the FBI agents, but I’m not with the FBI.”

… There was something strange about this logic.

But they weren’t stupid, and quickly understood the implication.

This stranger was an ally of the FBI, which was why he saved Hobbs and his men.

But he didn’t work for the FBI, so it was unnecessary for him to help capture Dominic and his group.

Okay, that made some sense.

Also, everybody saw that the stranger was still wearing his helmet, and didn’t bother to reveal his ident.i.ty at all.

Dominic and Brian were proud people, and didn’t say anything. But when the car stopped, everybody looked at the driver again.

Luke said, “Alright, get out. I’m Vanessa’s friend, okay?”

Everybody exchanged strange looks and got out.

“Bye bye. Have a great day.” Luke bid them farewell like from an ad, then turned the car around and quickly drove off.

Everybody was speechless. Were there really still good samaritans like this in the world?

Luke didn’t go too far. He found another abandoned factory and hid his black Hummer inside.

After today, this black Hummer would definitely be hunted down by Hernan’s men as soon as it appeared on the streets.

200,000 dollars! My new car! He heaved a sigh and cleaned up all traces in the car, before he left quietly.

In the abandoned factory, Dominic and his teammates gathered together once more.

Without the leaders, the group hadn’t gone through with the planned robbery today.

Fortunately, the leaders were fine.

After hearing them relate what happened, everybody looked at Vanessa, who was in a corner.

She kept her head down. There was no telling what was on her mind.

“Vanessa, are you sure you can’t invite your friend to join us?” The tall black man made the suggestion again. “With him around, I think we’ll be able to break out easily even if Hernan discovers us.”

This time, even Dominic didn’t stop him. Though they hadn’t clearly seen what happened outside when they were in the car, the image of the dozens of dead criminals which the black Hummer had left in its wake after doing one round on the street was fresh in their minds.

There was nothing wrong at all with what the tall black man said.

Vanessa opened her mouth several times. Eventually, she sighed. “I’ll give him a call, alright?”

Naturally, Luke had given her his contact. It was a local number.

The call went through, and after exchanging a few words with Luke, she hung up.

Looking at everybody, she was too embarra.s.sed to speak for a moment. Brian observed her keenly. “He didn’t accept


Vanessa’s expression was conflicted, but she could only nod. “He said he’s not interested in money.” “What the h.e.l.l!” Everybody cursed at the same time.

How could anyone in the world not love money? If they didn’t, that only meant it wasn’t enough money to tempt them!

For them, at least, that was the only reasonable explanation.

“Do we need to relocate?” Vincent, that minor a.s.sistant, asked.

Everybody looked at Vanessa again.

“He won’t rat us out, but Hobbs knows this place too.” Vanessa fell silent after saying that.

Dominic shook his head. “Hobbs won’t tell anybody about our hideout. He isn’t an idiot. He definitely knows who attacked him just now. I’m actually surprised he didn’t stick around to pay them back. Alright, enough of that. We’ll proceed as planned.”

Everybody’s eyes bulged. “We’re going ahead?”

Dominic said, “We did so much, and we were almost killed today. Are you really willing to give up?”

n.o.body said a word in the warehouse.

Everybody had worked hard for days and spent so much time and money on this plan. It had finally come together, and was just waiting to be carried out.

If they gave up at this moment, they would regret it for the rest of their lives.

“First of all, we need two cars as hard as that black armored Hummer. That way, we’ll be able to charge straight in…” Dominic began to lay things out.

On the other side, with his knapsack on his back, Luke read the system notification.

System: Rescue the FBI squad under attack and Officer Elena. Completed.

Total experience: 300. Total credit: 300.

Contribution rate: 7%. EXP +210. Credit +210.

That was it.

Luke chuckled. He knew that Daddy System didn’t consider Dominic and his partners civilians. He was already lucky that he didn’t lose any credit points for saving them. He was quite happy now that he had figured out more of the system’s rules.

As for Vanessa’s proposal, he wasn’t interested in it at all.

If he joined their team, what could Dominic and the rest of them do? Cheer him on? That would be a waste of their talents!

They had to stir up as much trouble as possible, so that they could distract everyone and take the blame for Luke.

Luke’s favorite thing was to fish in troubled waters.

Even if the FBI found out that he was the one who had taken action earlier, they had to owe him a favor.

He had saved six FBI agents, after all, purely out of civic duty.

However, if he worked directly with Dominic’s group to rob Hernan Reyes’s vault, it would be a stain on his record in the future.

But flirting a little with Vanessa was fine. He wasn’t married anyway. Every man wanted to be nice to beautiful women.

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