Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 572 The Little Monsters Are Always Protected

Chapter 572 The Little Monsters Are Always Protected

The thing that looked like a black briefcase wasn’t the same as Luke’s previous crude products made from everyday materials; it was a top-grade product made out of specialized materials which was guaranteed to burn at an unimaginable temperature and duration.

Setting the timer for ten seconds on the LCD screen, Luke threw the Super Crematorium into the center of the cavern and ran.

Not only did he have to get away from the inferno that would ignite soon, he also had to watch out for the egg-shaped objects around the entrance, which were starting to open slowly.

Luke didn’t even need to look to know that it was the weird long-tailed insects inside the eggs. He didn’t want these disgusting creatures jumping at his face. After charging out of the cave, he turned and ran back the way he came.

After this interlude, it would be time for the ruins to transform as well.

Ten seconds later, there was a ma.s.sive explosion in the monsters’ nest as a burning, sticky substance splattered the entire cave.

The substance stuck to the eggs, the walls and the roof of the cave, burning like crazy.

The eggs exploded one by one as they burned. The long-tailed insects inside were covered with the burning sticky substance the moment they burrowed out and instantly ran around like crazy.

However, the substance was all around them. They didn’t run very far before they curled up from being set on fire and burnt to ash. The ruins started to shake again, and with a deafening rumble, the enormous cavern that had become a sea of fire dropped down.

At the very bottom of the ruins, a large group of black monsters turned their heads, as if sensing something.

However, they promptly turned back around at a loud roar, and looked at the colossal creature in front of them.

This gigantic creature was lying on an enormous sac-like object, its head, torso, limbs and tail restrained by iron bars and chains. It could barely move.

Overall, it resembled the black monsters, but its head wasn’t a simple and smooth spindle Instead, its head was bigger at the back and had deer horns that looked like a crown.

The colossal creature was howling in pain. Greenish-yellow body fluid gushed out of numerous gaping wounds on its body and swiftly corroded its iron shackles.

In just a couple of minutes, half of the iron shackles restraining it were broken. It struggled, and the metal bars and chains crumbled.

Looking up, it roared and stood up on the gigantic sac-like object. It broke away from the sac, and thick and dirty fluid poured out of the broken sac.

The colossal monster roared, and with the first step it took, the ground shook.

With the second and third steps, its unsteady gait stabilized.

The gigantic creature raised its head and roared again, as if excited that it had finally escaped its cage.

Luke, who had just reunited with the other survivors, looked at a certain pa.s.sageway, as if sensing something.

In another room inside the ruins, the four-eyed creature and the creature with the dog head helmet dropped the broken limbs of the black monsters in their hands and looked in the direction of the roar.

They looked at each other and put on their helmets again.

Different from just now, a symbol that looked similar to a propeller appeared on the smooth forehead part of their helmets.

Then, the four-eyed creature and the dog-head creature roared at the same time, as if responding to the gigantic creature. They sped up and charged to the bottom of the ruins.

Luke set off again as well after the terrain changed.

The changes this time barely impacted the survivors’ defensive position, so Luke could go out again to eliminate more black monsters.

Detouring and running for hundreds of meters in the labyrinthine ruins, Luke paused.

Roars were coming out of the pa.s.sage in front of him.

With a strange look on his face, he moved to the entrance of the pa.s.sage and craned his neck to look inside.

Here, another enormous s.p.a.ce had appeared. A square-shaped site about sixty meters on each side sank down to a depth of about seven to eight meters to create what looked like an auditorium.

It wasn’t surrounded by spectator seats, but had various sculptures and thick, square pillars that were arranged in an organized fas.h.i.+on.

Of course, all these things were now in a mess. Two sides were currently fighting it out in the site: the black monsters and the two creatures in helmets.

And there were two battles going on at the same time.

The four-eyed creature was being chased by a gigantic black monster. It had completely lost its previous momentum and was clearly in a difficult position.

The colossal black monster was seriously horrifying. The four-eyed creature could barely resist its attacks with its long spear.

Most of the time, the four-eyed creature could only obstruct the enemy using the sculptures and pillars in the field.

The dog-headed creature, on the other hand, was fighting dozens of the regular black monsters. With the odd, six-clawed disc in its hand, it chopped off a monster head, or sent it flying every now and then to cut apart a monster body.

The double-headed spear in its other hand spun constantly as the helmeted creature killed the black monsters in its way.

Luke smacked his lips and didn’t think that these two would be able to last for much longer.

Who should he help? The question popped up in Luke’s head.

A moment later, he decided: He wouldn’t help anyone. The black monsters had killed dozens of members of the exploration team, but the helmeted creatures had also killed many people.

For the exploration team, both sides were enemies.

If they wanted to fight each other, they were free to do so.

The four-eyed creature and the dog-headed creature shot glances at Luke soon after he showed up, only to see him leaning leisurely against the wall at the corner, as if he were enjoying the show.

They seemed to sense that Luke didn’t want to get involved, so they instantly s.h.i.+fted their attention back to the battle.

Unfortunately, Luke’s hopes of enjoying a good show were quickly destroyed.

As he played the spectator with one hand in his pocket, Luke suddenly sighed. “I hate the brainless monsters most.”

He suddenly raised his HK416 and stepped back.

Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang! The two black monsters that had charged into the pa.s.sage one after another howled and twitched.

As if Luke had predicted their movements, he shot them in the head the moment they scuttled into the pa.s.sage.

The rifle bullets couldn’t directly penetrate their big heads, but they could injure them.

The two black monsters jerked and fell back.

Standing in place, Luke bent slightly in the standard shooting posture and raised his gun with both hands before he pulled the trigger.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Fluid burst out of the black monsters’ mouths while they were still struggling. They twitched and then rolled down the giant stone stairs.

The two parties locked in fierce battle both noticed the noise.

But the four-eyed creature and the dog-headed creature were too busy to care. After all, the bullets weren’t aimed at them.

Only ten or so of the abundant force that was the black monsters charged toward Luke, as if determined to kill him instantly.

Luke smiled mockingly. “There’s no one else here to help you.”

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