Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 602 Selina Will Train You

Chapter 602 Selina Will Train You

Claire missed the “big bathtub,” but she wanted to give a Luke surprise so she hadn’t taken a soak earlier.

Now that Luke had come home, she decisively chose to enjoy life.

Luke sat next to the pool and handed them drinks every now and then. He also asked Claire about her itinerary for this trip.

Claire was about to be an adult now and would be going to college, so naturally, Luke shouldn’t arrange everything for her.

Claire also wasn’t someone who couldn’t take care of herself. She was very independent. Luke wouldn’t help arrange everything for her; letting her handle things herself would be the best option.

Claire then nattered on.

In short, there were two points. Firstly, she would stay in the college dorm in her first academic year to better adapt to college life.

Secondly, she would go out on her own in a couple of days to check out the study and living environment.

In other words, Luke and Selina weren’t part of her plan.

Luke wasn’t really surprised.

Claire would be staying here for the month, so they would be seeing a lot of each other.

But this was just the summer vacation.

Next year, Claire would rent her own place, and she wouldn’t stay at Luke’s often during the holidays.

Naturally, that was just Claire’s plan.

Luke might be in New York next year. If she wanted to visit him, she would have to fly to the east coast.

But he didn’t have to tell her that yet. Besides, Claire coming to a college in Los Angeles wasn’t entirely because of Luke.

This was Los Angeles, the City of Angels where all the stars of America were gathered.

One of Claire’s dreams was to be a star, but she hadn’t thought about whether she wanted to become a singer or an actress yet. So, just let her take her time to think about it.

Truth be told, there were some English songs from Luke’s previous life which did leave a very deep impression on him.

Of course, he didn’t listen to that many English songs in his last life.

What he did remember were the popular English songs that were global hits, like “My Heart Will Go On” and “Diamonds.”

If Claire wanted to become a singer, that really would spare Luke worry.

After all, most of the time, it was the song that made the singer popular, not the other way around.

There was a very simple reason why Luke didn’t rely on these songs to make a fortune – he had no talent in singing or dancing.

Not going out of tune or dancing embarra.s.singly was already his limit.

Also, after Daddy System showed up, he didn’t need to take this path.

The three of them spent the night chatting in the backyard.

At nine the next morning, Claire suddenly sat up when she smelled food through the door, which was slightly ajar. “What’s that smell? It smells so good!” She put on a random loose T-s.h.i.+rt and walked out.

She saw that Luke was on his computer in the living room, and Selina and Dollar were having breakfast.

She jumped onto the couch next to Luke. “Why aren’t you having breakfast?”

Luke: “I already ate. Selina and Dollar will still be eating for a while. Aren’t you hungry?”

Claire touched her belly. “A little bit.”

Luke: “Then why don’t you go and clean up?”

Claire snorted. “Nagging so early in the morning; you’re just like mom.”

Luke wasn’t bothered. “If I don’t say anything, you’ll probably just laze around on the couch for ten minutes. Can you blame me?”

Claire sniffed and jumped up. “I’m on vacation. Of course I’ll be lazy.”

After Claire came out of the shower, she was shocked to see that Selina and Dollar were still eating. “How much have you eaten?”

Selina blinked and replied tentatively, “It’s because… I exercise a lot?”

Saying that, she lifted the lid on a steamer. “Have a taste of this. This is Luke’s best dish, steamed buns.”

“Steamed buns?” Claire sat down and picked one up with a fork. “Mm, it’s delicious!” Two people and one dog ate for another ten minutes and finished all the buns.

Luke finally said, “Now that you’re full, come here. I’m going to give you a lesson on safety.” Claire pulled a long face. “But I’m on vacation. You still want to give me a lesson?”

Luke: “It’s very simple. You remember Catherine’s rules on safety, right?”

Claire nodded and went over to look at the screen of Luke’s laptop.

“It’s actually the same thing, except that I need to update it for you with information about Los Angeles.” Luke clicked on a map as he spoke, and a bunch of red spots popped up. “These are locations where people have been severely injured or murdered in Los Angeles in the last twelve months.” He clicked again. “These are the sites of robberies that took place in the last twelve months.” Far more yellow spots appeared all over the map.

“You only need to remember the areas where most of these cases happen on this map. Don’t hang around those places at night, and don’t walk through remote alleys in those areas during the day. Simple, right?” He patted her head with a smile.

Claire: “That’s all? That isn’t too hard. Why do you look so serious?”

Luke sighed. “I work in the Major Crimes Division. Those are the cases I’m responsible for. Many people became victims just because they were careless or went out at night and took a remote shortcut one time. This isn’t Shackelford. Single women easily become targets in certain areas at night.”

Claire nodded and said again, “I’m a fast runner. Hm, I also know self-defense skills for women.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “They all have guns, and most of them operate in small groups. You think you can run in the face of several guns? Or do you think you’re good enough to seize the guns with your bare hands?!”

Claire choked; she wasn’t that good. She could only nod. “Fine, I got it.”

Luke finally got up. “Selina will tell you what other things a girl should pay attention to. I’m leaving for cla.s.s.”

Claire: “For cla.s.s? You’re teaching now?”

Luke pondered for a moment and shook his head. “I’m not sure yet.”

Puzzled, Claire watched Luke leave the room, before she looked at Selina. “What cla.s.s is Luke going to? Isn’t he a detective of the Major Crimes Division?” Selina: “Police training.”

Claire scratched her head. “He’s going to train the new police officers?”.

“He’s the one getting training. Did you forget? He never went to police school. Just keep it to yourself and don’t tell anybody,” said Selina.

Claire laughed out loud. “Fine, I almost forgot that Robert got him into the Shackelford Police Department.”

Selina got up as well. “Let’s go to the gym. I’ll give you some basic training for women.”

Claire grew curious. “What is it?”

Selina glanced at her. “The real self-defense skills for women.”

A moment later, Claire’s exclamations rang out from the gym. “Huh? Seriously? Isn’t that too ruthless? “Hitting that? And so hard? OMG!

“Grip it until it breaks? That’s not necessary, is it?”

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