Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 610 Big Seafood Looks Delicious

Chapter 610 Big Seafood Looks Delicious

Luke suddenly turned his head and looked at one side of the boat as a black shadow broke the surface of the water and lashed out with astonis.h.i.+ng strength at the helicopter in the air.

The pilot reacted fast enough and promptly veered to the side.

The black shadow swept past ten meters under the helicopter, far from hitting it, but both the pilot and the special force soldiers rappelling down were already yelling, “c.r.a.p!”

While the sudden attack didn’t hit the chopper, the four dangling ropes couldn’t avoid it.

The black shadow struck two of the ropes, the enormous force immediately stopping the helicopter from moving forward as it was swung in a half-circle before it was whacked into the ocean.

Luke didn’t need to take a closer look to know that the helicopter and the soldiers were doomed.

Those black shadows would definitely eat them alive.

A moment later, a shadow that looked like a small mountain slowly rose out of the ocean, and several thick black shadows stuck to the s.h.i.+p as it climbed up to the aft deck.

At that moment, Luke could hear the s.h.i.+p creak sharply as the entire hull slowly leaned backward.

The Atlantic cruise liner was a behemoth which weighed almost ninety thousand tons when empty, but it now shuddered under the pressure of this ma.s.sive shadow.

“d.a.m.n, this is really one h.e.l.l of a monster!” Luke mumbled to himself.

In the face of such a terrifying colossus, the one thing Luke had always worried about had now become a reality — what should he do in the face of a far, far bigger opponent? This super “big seafood” before him was gigantic and had many limbs; Luke wasn’t sure if it weighed a thousand or two thousand tons. If he had to describe its appearance, he would choose between an octopus, a cuttlefish or a squid, yet it wasn’t exactly like any of them.

He contacted Gold Nugget. “You’re looking at this giant octopus, right? Can you take care of it?”

Gold Nugget, who was watching the battle from a distance, instantly replied, “I think… it’ll take me a whole year to finish eating it.”

Luke: “…I’m talking about symbiotic control, not asking you to eat it.”

“But it looks very delicious, and a lot like that roast squid you made for me.” Gold Nugget couldn’t help drooling as it spoke. Luke: “It does look like a squid, but how can you eat it when it’s still alive? So, can you control it or not?”

After a brief silence, Gold Nugget replied, “I think it’s very violent. Are you sure you want me to take control of it?”. Recalling the distinctive trait which Gold Nugget had confessed to Selina before, Luke thought for a moment, then vetoed the idea. “Forget it. Help me keep an eye on Robert and Catherine; you must make sure they’re safe. Don’t worry about me.”

Gold Nugget: “Are you sure? You’re not even the size of the smallest sucker on the tip of its tentacle.”

Luke: “I’ll kill it if it dares kick up a fuss. Do you believe me?”

Gold Nugget: “…I do.”

…Not! the dog head silently added in its heart.

Luke ended the communication and kept watching the big guy. The giant octopus-like creature moved over the deck, swallowing up the scattered bodies of the special force soldiers.

It didn’t swallow the bodies with the mouth on its head, but with the mouths on the tip of its tentacles, which also had dense barbs along their edges, unlike a regular octopus.

In terms of appearance, this fellow was a little similar to a certain monster that Luke had encountered back in Rumford.

This mountain of an octopus looked clumsy, but it actually moved very fast and soon reached the mouth of a pa.s.sage.

Exerting strength with its tentacles, it easily tore the pa.s.sage opening wider. Luke didn’t have that kind of strength.

The deck, which was made from all kinds of metal welded together, couldn’t withstand the terrifying brute force of this huge seafood.

Luke quietly backed away, his mind whirling with all kinds of thoughts.

Finally, the monster forced its way into the narrow hole in the deck… and then made its way to the main hall on the bottom level.

Was this guy going after the tourists in the main hall? Luke murmured to himself.

He had never stopped moving, and already detoured around to the back of the giant octopus after picking up two M4A1s and a HK416 dropped by the special force soldiers. He then aimed at the back of the octopus’s head and fired.

That was, if that oval that was ten meters tall really was its head.

The giant octopus roared in pain but didn’t turn around. It continued heading downward, its tentacles sweeping out like giant snakes. Luke didn’t stop firing. Whenever he emptied a clip, he would promptly switch to another gun so that there was no break in the gunfire.

Unlike the hostiles earlier, his shots were on point as he hit the mouths of the tentacles, causing them to writhe frenetically.

Once he used up the bullets, he reloaded with the backup clips in his inventory. That was the advantage of the M4A1; its clips could be used in HK416s and most AR rifles. It was the most common firearm in American combat units.

Using three rifles in turn and firing in a swift rhythm, Luke very quickly reduced the sharp tips of the tentacles to pulp.

Even if the octopus was a mutant of some sort, it couldn’t take this.

While a consensus had been reached over whether or not invertebrates could feel pain, Luke now wasn’t sure.

From what he had seen, he noticed that this giant octopus probably felt pain.

Or should he say, being shot at made it uncomfortable.

As for whether or not the sensation was pain, n.o.body could tell.

To this mutant giant octopus, the rifle bullets were probably nothing more than needle p.r.i.c.ks, but if a person’s finger was jabbed hundreds of times with a needle, it certainly wouldn’t feel great. The giant octopus, however, simply recalled its tentacles and covered its back end with its thickest tentacle before it continued downward.

Luke frowned. Was this guy that determined to eat up those tourists?

Mulling over this, he suddenly took out a can of the unknown substance from his inventory and threw it onto the aft deck.

When it was several dozen meters away, Luke raised his hand and fired.


The bullet pierced the milk can, which sprayed white milk over the deck.

The giant octopus didn’t react and continued forward.

Luke frowned and quickly took out the other milk cans.

a.n.a.lyzing them for a moment with Sharp Nose, he threw one of them onto the aft deck again and blasted it apart. Bright ruby red liquid splattered from the milk can.

Several seconds later, the mutant giant octopus suddenly paused, then abruptly changed direction and charged madly toward the back of the s.h.i.+p. Luke took a running leap to the side and watched as a soft, mountain-like body squeezed out of the hole on the deck and stretched out its tentacles to the red liquid.

When the tentacles touched the liquid, they shuddered slightly.

Luke even saw the pulpy tip of one of the tentacles start to swiftly regenerate.

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