Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 677 Daywalker? Blade? You Called?

Chapter 677 Daywalker? Blade? You Called?

With his keen eyes, Luke noticed that everybody was focused on the four tall figures in the center of the dance floor.

Even when they were talking to each other, their eyes never left them.

It wasn’t until Luke appeared that he drew some people’s attention.

Ignoring them, Luke walked over to a table next to the dance floor. “Alexander, it’s time to settle the score.”

Sitting on the edge of the semi-circular couch, Alexander asked curiously, “Who… are you?”

Luke chuckled. He was speaking in a British African accent this time. “How dare you actually refuse to sell me a suit! Do you think your rotten clothes are that great? Die, you b*stard!”

With that, he raised his left hand and fired.


Alexander didn’t react. There was a bullet hole in the center of his head, and he collapsed on the couch.

Almost the same time as Luke drew his gun, a figure lunged at him.


Luke sent the figure flying over the couch with a dull thud. Covering his face that had suddenly become a lot flatter, he screamed in pain.

Their surroundings suddenly quieted down.

Except for the deafening music, all the noise paused for one moment.

Then, people started shouting. “He killed Alexander!” “Alexander is dead!”

“Kill him!”

The bystanders yelled.

“Ahhh!” The models screamed.

Vanessa’s three best friends, on the other hand, didn’t say anything. They just slowly backed away.

The British accent rang out again. “I’m only here for Alexander. Don’t mess with me. I have a bad temper. Once I’m angry, I start killing people.”

In the audience, someone suddenly said bewilderedly, “You’re… a daywalker?!”

As soon as he said that, the crowd suddenly backed away.

Many people were shocked and angry, but most of them were terrified, as if they had run into their natural enemy.

Luke looked around and was stunned. What the h.e.l.l was a daywalker? He was just shooting off his mouth. Come at me, why are you avoiding me?!

Fortunately, these people had no intention of letting him go.

After retreating some distance, the people around him gradually surrounded him, like wolves looking for an opportunity to attack.

Luke promptly heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, they weren’t overestimating him! It seemed it was still better to be more straightforward in getting things done.

With that thought, he drew a longsword from its sheath with his right hand. The silver blade glittered under the lights on the dance floor, and the crowd stirred with fear.

Looking at the people around him, Luke found it strange once more. Why did they look like they were about to run away in fear? Something wasn’t right!

He didn’t hesitate, however, and with a flash of light, he slashed at a man several meters away.

The moment the blade flashed out, he put on a burst of speed and was instantly in front of the man.


The terrified man could only raise his hand before the silver light flashed past his neck. His head flew up and blood spurted out of his neck.

Luke, on the other hand, had already moved away, and he swung his longsword in the opposite direction.


A woman who had bent forward slightly and spread her claws wide paused in her attack, before her head fell.

Several people on the dance floor started shouting

“It’s him! It’s him!”

“He’s a daywalker!” “It’s Blade!”

At that moment, there was a loud bang as the bar’s main doors were sent flying with a kick.

A dark figure walked in and scanned the room, his grin the only white part about him. “You called?”

Everybody on the dance floor was stunned.

Even Luke, who had just killed two people, stopped and looked at the person at the door with interest.

Silence fell once more.

Almost everyone had the same reaction — they looked at the person at the door, and then at Luke on the dance floor.

Some diligent people even looked back and forth two or three times in a second.

Luke and the man looked at each other.

On the dance floor, the bodies and heads of the man and woman who had just had their heads cut off exploded and disappeared. Luke, on the other hand, tilted his head and observed the newcomer. “Daywalker? Or Blade?” The person said, “Both. Who are you?” Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “A bystander pa.s.sionately against racism?” The newcomer: “…”

The four models: …

Everybody in the bar: “…”

“Kill them. They’re in cahoots,” someone in the bar finally said.

Luke raised an eyebrow. Are you blind? While he and the daywalker carried guns and a longsword, and one was wearing black while the other was wearing black and gray, they clearly had different styles! At the very least, he wasn’t black! But the people in the bar didn’t think much about it. Someone gave the order, and everyone moved.

Many people aimed their guns at them.

Luke and the man raised their guns almost at the same time.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

The criminals who had raised their guns were immediately killed.

They were all normal human beings, but as people who accompanied the vampires here, they weren’t anything good either.

Almost all of Luke’s targets were shot in the head, while most of the newcomer’s targets died under a hail of bullets.

After taking care of the armed criminals, the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding. Using the center of the dance floor as the boundary, they attacked from both sides.

Their movements were very similar as they alternated between their guns and swords.

Amidst the intense music on the dance floor, the two worked in rhythm and their swords danced as they slashed at the people who lunged at them one by one.

Most of the people who charged forward were killed and turned into sparks and dust which disappeared, and only a small number of bodies was left behind.

In less than a minute, they were facing each other once more.

This time, only the bodies of more than twenty human criminals were left on the dance floor.

The person grabbed a man by the neck and looked at Luke’s longsword. “Your weapon won’t work.”

As he spoke, he stabbed his blade into the back of the man he was holding.

The man screamed and exploded into sparks.

“You have to use silver weapons or a garlic concentrate and ultraviolet light to kill them effectively.” The newcomer drew back his empty left hand and spun the longsword in his right hand before he sheathed it on his back.

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Thanks for the reminder. I’ll be more careful next time.”

The newcomer grinned. “Next time?”

Luke also sheathed his sword. “They p.i.s.sed me off.”

After a brief silence, the newcomer said, “Don’t let them bite you, or I’ll kill you too.”

With that, he waved his hand and left.

His black long coat fluttered with his movements, revealing a red lining that was as dark as blood.

Luke watched him leave helplessly. Hey, you’re too pretentious! Why am I always the one who has to clean up?

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