Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 680: Very Good, We Won’t Meet Again

Chapter 680: Very Good, We Won’t Meet Again

Two lackeys were just about to raise their guns, when they were hit in the head with the stakes.

The two vampires next to them, on the other hand, were stabbed through their chins and up into their skulls.

As the two vampires howled, Luke and his two stakes didn’t stop at all as he swept through the crowd.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of dull thuds, Luke quickly went around the battlefield and knocked out more than twenty lackeys.

At that moment, he had the heads of two vampire servants in armlocks.

He had broken their necks, but they weren’t dead and were still struggling weakly.

Holding their chins up with his short stakes, Luke chuckled. “Hehehehe! Such weak sc.u.mbags can also be food for humans.”

In front of him, only four guys who could still stand had embarra.s.sed expressions on their faces.

The three who were standing at the front had fear on their faces, but the person behind them roared, “Who the h.e.l.l are you?”

Luke chuckled and didn’t answer his question. Instead, he looked at the three people in front of him and said, “Tell me everything you know about vampires, and I’ll spare you this once. Otherwise…”

He stabbed his stake into the head of the vampire servant on the right, who screamed and turned to dust.

This time, even the high-level vampire servant under his left arm s.h.i.+vered.

n.o.body wanted to die, especially a vampire servant.

They didn’t have any ailments, nor did they have the worries of most humans. Except for not being able to enjoy the sun and needing to drink blood regularly, they lived far more comfortably than ordinary people.

“Kill him!” ordered the man behind the three servants.

Even the servant under Luke’s arm struggled to attack him.

Luke raised an eyebrow. Was this… mind control?

Throwing aside the unlucky b*stard, Luke lunged forward.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The three servants were struck in the stomach and sent flying.

Luke’s stake was aimed at the forehead of the last person.

The man whose hands had always been behind his back suddenly stretched them out and grinned maliciously. “I don’t believe you can’t be killed!”

In his hands were two exquisite pistols.

Luke curled his lip.


He tilted his head and his body dropped slightly as a bullet brushed past his head.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The man didn’t stop shooting with both pistols, and his eyes suddenly widened in fear.

He realized that even though he had closed the distance between them, he still couldn’t hit the gray and black figure.

Every bullet missed its target by a hair’s breadth.

The moment the gunshots rang out, Luke was right in front of him, and a silver stake struck his wrist.

Before he could block it, another stake hit his other hand.

The two pistols flew out of his hands as his hands cracked and bent in the shape of an L.

When Luke brushed past him, he pressed one silver stake under his chin and held the other to his back. “Now, tell them to stop.”

“Stop!” the man shouted.

The four servants immediately stopped and stood still.

Luke chuckled again like some devil king in a game. “Now, tell me everything you know about vampires.”

Half an hour later, Luke raised his hand and pierced the vampire’s skull with his silver stake.

Looking at the vampire’s disbelieving expression, Luke coughed and said, “I never said that I would let you go after you told me everything; that was for the four of them.”

With a miserable howl, the only vampire (hybrid), Arthur Taros, was turned to dust.

Luke flung the stake up in the air and looked at the four servants. “Now, it’s your turn.”

After another half an hour of interrogation, Luke nodded in satisfaction. “Very good; we won’t meet again.”

The two stakes flashed twice and the four vampire servants felt a chill in their hearts, then stared at him in disbelief.

Luke shrugged. “I said that I would let you go once, but that was before you attacked me. It was already useless.”

Bright sparks exploded, and the four servants disappeared from the world.

Looking at the twenty human lackeys who were still unconscious, he heaved a sigh. “Accept your fate! If you want to be safe, you have to clean up the mess.”

An hour later, Luke left the bar and disappeared into the night in his car.

It was already four in the morning, but he was in a good mood when he saw the system notification.

System: Eliminate the main branch of the UK vampires and kill Arthur Taros. Completed.

Total experience: 3,000. Total credit: 3,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +3,000. Credit +3,000.

Host’s experience: 38,880 / 90,000

Credit: 27,580

As expected, vampires were huge gift bags of experience and credit! It was a pity he couldn’t do this forever.

According to the information he had obtained through the interrogations, this was the main force in the UK.

Luke didn’t think that this was the truth, or at least not all of it.

Unfortunately, the only vampire (hybrid), Arthur Taros, stuck by his words, and his servants and lackeys didn’t know anything else.

Apart from hearing from the servants that Arthur Taros had a sister named Danica Taros, Luke still didn’t have any information on the other nests.

Luke could only say that he was slightly disappointed, but when he saw his gain of 10,000 experience and credit points, it could be said that this was what he had expected.

The reason why this gift bag was called a gift bag was that it was very rare! He hummed a tune as he entered Coventry’s city center.

He found a small apartment in the city center whose owner happened to be away, and he slept for two hours before he woke up in high spirits.

He looked at the sky that was gradually getting lighter, the golden-red light in the blue sky indicating that it would be a beautiful day.

The one thing a person had to do in England was have afternoon tea.

Luke made himself a cup of black tea and checked the surveillance footage from yesterday.

Unfortunately, no other suspicious targets visited the bar after what happened.

Maybe it was because he had been too ruthless, or maybe he should let off a few servants next time instead of lackeys.

Vampire hierarchy was even simpler than that of human society.

The four levels – purebloods, hybrids, servants and lackeys – were basically determined by the purity of their blood.

Of course, the true purebloods had disappeared long ago.

The so-called purebloods now were a joke. At most, the ancestral blood which they had inherited was thicker.

The lackeys were completely normal human beings and the situation was complicated; they could be set aside for the time being.

The biggest problem with servants was that they couldn’t turn other people into vampires; the people they bit would just die, and wouldn’t become new members of the vampire race.

Only purebloods and hybrids could be considered real vampires, because they could create servants or even new vampires.

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