Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 709: They’re All Cunning Fellows

Chapter 709: They’re All Cunning Fellows

Thinking that, Colin made up his mind. He would check all the surveillance and cameras later. All the footage related to Batman had to be safely kept.

These were precious resources that were priceless.

With so many chips in hand and immense vigor, Colin’s finesse as a top talk show host was on full display.

Every question was refined and interesting, and he gave Batman as much time as possible.

Colin had worked it out.

In a five-minute interview, even after “wasting” time on Colin and Sheerah, Batman could still speak for three minutes and ten to forty seconds.

That was enough!

He would be the first host in the world to interview Batman!

He would be the first host in the world to interview a superhero!

After answering Colin’s questions, Luke suddenly raised his hand to stop him. “Five minutes and thirty seconds. The extra thirty seconds are a gift.”

With that, he stepped off the stage.

Colin was stunned and didn’t know what to say. So, Batman was even more exacting than he was. He thought that he had gotten the upper hand just now.

“Wait!” someone said.

Everybody looked at her.

Ignoring their gazes, Sheerah hesitated for a moment before she asked, “I wrote a new song about you. Can I release it?”

Luke turned around and bowed. “It would be my honor!”

As he spoke, he grabbed the rope dart on the door handle, and with a gentle shake, the rope returned to his hand.


With a loud bang, the two security guards who were pounding on the door outside rolled inside for several meters before they got up dizzily.

As the door opened, a dozen security guards swarmed in.

Luke looked at Professor Lawrence and said, “I won’t send you back. The relevant department will take you away soon anyway.”

Lawrence: …Thanks very much.

The dozen security guards looked at each other in silence, but none of them dared step forward.

This was Batman! The absolute superhero in the eyes of the people of Los Angeles! The Black-Winged Angel who saved hundreds of people in one night!

As Luke stepped out of the studio, the eyes of many people who were watching the scene widened, and they exclaimed in shock.

“Oh my G.o.d, I must be dreaming!”


“It’s Batman!”

“Mom, I see Batman,” a five-year-old girl mumbled as she stared at him blankly. A lollipop covered in saliva dropped from her small mouth.

Luke happened to walk past her, and he caught the falling lollipop before popping it back into her mouth.

He smiled and patted her head with his huge palm. “Yes, you saw me!” Then, he disappeared down the hallway.

Colin’s eyes blazed. “Camera 1, did you get that? Did you?”

One of the cameramen trembled. “We… we got it!”

Colin said, “Camera 2, Camera 3, follow him. Batman isn’t stopping us, so he’s allowing us to shoot.”

With his keen hearing, Luke easily picked up the conversation through his earpiece. His lips twitched. This guy really wasn’t bragging about being the best talk show host in America!

He deserved to be a top host.

Indeed, Luke wasn’t worried about them filming. This wasn’t Batman’s first time on TV, after all.

Those paparazzi hadn’t helped him, but had chased him and even forced him into the sewers.

Ignoring the cameramen and the crowd that was following him, he walked up to the rooftop and sped up before leaping off the roof.

In the night sky, he glided half a circle in the air before he sped west.

Colin asked, “Did you get that? 2 and 3, did you get a shot of him flying off?”

“I did. I didn’t miss anything!”

“I got it too, no problem.”

“I got it on Camera 1 as well. Boss, we’re going to be rich!” the professional cameraman gasped.

He had chased them all the way up here with his camera, and his camera was the best.

He was certain that his footage was the best.

This world always gave those who were prepared and willing to work hard a chance!

“Yes!” Colin said in a low voice as he clenched his fists.

“Colin, what are you doing?” an old man roared at the door.

Colin turned around with a smile. “Boss, you have no idea what I just took!”

The white-haired old man’s face was flushed as he roared, “That’s right, I have no idea what meds you just took. Do you know how many calls I’ve received? The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security…”

Colin quickly walked over and hugged the old man before planting a kiss on his face. “Boss, what they want is the footage in our hands! Footage of Batman! Not me!”

The old man, who was wiping his face in disgust, was stunned. “Footage of Batman? It’s new?”

Colin: “It’s new. Less than half an hour old, and it’s interview footage! I did an interview with Batman, understand?”

The old man’s expression changed. “Let’s talk in my office. Hm, all of you can go back to work. Don’t tell anyone what happened just now… before the show airs.”

Everybody agreed, but they knew that their boss meant that they could discuss it among themselves.

They looked at each other and quickly scattered.

Everything that had happened just now was too bizarre. At that moment, they were bursting to speak, and the best choice was people with the same experience.

Luke, who was gliding through the night sky, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. He could vaguely hear the sound of helicopters, and knew that someone was watching him.

He smiled. They’re all cunning fellows! Do you want to know my real ident.i.ty? Let’s do it.

After flying more than ten kilometers west, Luke plunged into deep sea water.

The Bat Armor had an independent oxygen supply system, and Luke didn’t need to come up for air.

His superhuman strength and dexterity allowed him to move easily in the water, and he soon slipped into the deep ocean.

Flegg listened to his man’s report from one of the two helicopters in the sky. “Captain, he’s entered the deep sea zone. Our equipment can no longer detect him. We’ve lost him.”

Flegg thought for a moment, then ordered, “Continue searching for him in a five-kilometer range. Pay attention to the sh.o.r.eline. If you don’t find anything in an hour, we’ll call it a day.”

As the two helicopters circled overhead, Luke had already gone ash.o.r.e at Malibu Beach twenty kilometers away. His Batman suit had long since disappeared to be replaced by a regular diving suit.

After changing out of his diving suit, he jogged along the beach and entered the nearby woods. He then came out on a motorbike and made his leisurely way back toward Los Angeles.

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