Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 728: Old Man Gold Nugget Is to be Praised

Chapter 728: Old Man Gold Nugget Is to be Praised

Selina and Claire woke up at around the same time in the afternoon.

At the dining table, Selina looked at Claire. “You seem a little distracted. What’s up?”

Claire raised her head. “N- nothing.”

Selina looked at her for a moment before she turned her gaze away and stopped asking.

But in her consciousness, she immediately asked another fellow who would definitely know what was going on: What happened to her?

Gold Nugget was conflicted for a long while, but it couldn’t resist the instinctive reaction to respond, and confessed: She was in danger last night; I just helped her out a little.

Selina immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Gold Nugget’s b.u.t.t was up in the air, and Selina knew it was going to try and pull some sh*t with her. She said firmly, “Cut the c.r.a.p; how did you help?”

Gold Nugget: I just… pretended to be an old man.

Selina: What?

She had already thought up all sorts of answers. Maybe Gold Nugget had saved Claire by controlling her body for a moment, and made her think that she had some sort of out-of-body experience. She had never expected such a baffling answer.

Grandpa… What was that? Selina had a bad feeling.

You know, like those stories that Luke tells! When a young man picks up an ancient item and obtains a mysterious power of some old magician, he gets a promotion or a raise, wins the heart of Miss Perfect, and reaches the top. Gold Nugget expressed everything in one go.

Selina gritted her teeth. What the h.e.l.l did you do? Don’t make me call Luke to deal with you.

Gold Nugget immediately cringed.

Selina usually wouldn’t threaten it with “Luke”; at most, she would shut it up with “go find Luke.”

But if she said “call Luke,” it meant that she was really angry.

Gold Nugget confessed everything.

Selina felt the veins on her forehead pop. If you’re so capable, why don’t you ascend to heaven? That’s Claire! How dare you mess around like that?!

Gold Nugget: At most, when I leave, I’ll let Claire know that I’m off to enjoy life in paradise.

Selina was lost for words. …Do you really want to be sent to see G.o.d? I told you that you have to be careful when it comes to Claire. Luke is most sensitive when it comes to family.

Gold Nugget: But if I had directly controlled Claire’s body back then without asking her, wouldn’t that be just as big a problem?

Stunned for a moment, Selina thought for a moment. That makes some sense. You better pray that Luke won’t be angry.

This time, Gold Nugget was surprisingly bold. I’m not scared! He was the one who said that protecting his sister takes the highest priority; not letting outsiders find out about me is secondary to that. Is Claire an outsider?

Selina choked.

She was Luke’s sister, not an outsider.

After thinking about it, she finally relaxed a little. Fine, you’re smart now. I can’t control you…

Gold Nugget: Are you praising me?

Selina: I’ll praise you after Luke praises you. I can even treat you to cake today. You can choose whatever you want.

Gold Nugget was full of confidence. It’s a deal.

After breakfast, Claire drove to the police school.

After her car left, Luke looked at Selina. “Alright, tell me what the problem is.”

He had long noticed the strange expressions on the faces of these two, and that they were deliberately dragging their feet.

Gold Nugget needed to protect Selina and Claire at the same time, but it also needed to provide Dollar’s old body with energy regularly. Thus, it would stay in Dollar’s body most of the time when it was at home.

To make communication easier, the host on Selina was called Gold Nugget No. 1 and the host on Claire was Gold Nugget No. 2.

Selina raised her hand to Gold Nugget No.1 to indicate it could speak, but the dog gave her a meaningful look.

She knew that the dog head was still afraid of Luke, so she could only sigh and tell Luke what Gold Nugget had done last night.

Luke paused with the tea in his hand when he heard that. He glared at the dog head. “Did you learn that from the novels I was talking about?”

Gold Nugget nodded as if it was only natural.

Luke didn’t get angry right away since that wouldn’t help. He simply leaned back against the couch and frowned thoughtfully.

No matter what happened, impotent anger was useless.

Looking at the current situation, the most important question was — had Gold Nugget really done something wrong?

Thinking for a moment, he realized that it hadn’t done anything wrong this time.

From the results, the dog head’s behavior wasn’t perfect, but… it wasn’t bad either.

At the very least, it had used a lot of tricks from movies and TV shows. It was easy for people to be skeptical, and they wouldn’t think that it was a ghost possessing their body.

Secondly, it was like what Gold Nugget said.

When it left, it could let Claire know beforehand, to prevent her from taking risks just because she thought she was protected.

There were repercussions from this operation, but the fact that Gold Nugget could consider the consequences from the beginning was very good.

Even if the trick was a little weird, who would be able to guess that it was an alien dog head who had just arrived on Earth that was playing such a farsighted trick? There was no point nitpicking.

If it was anything else, Luke would have seized the opportunity to berate this dog head, but when it came to protecting his family, he didn’t want Gold Nugget to think it had made a mistake.

Otherwise, if the dog hesitated to protect his family next time, there might be serious consequences.

After sorting out his thoughts, he picked up the teacup on the table and nodded affirmatively. “You did the right thing. You protected Claire, but you didn’t expose your real situation.”

Gold Nugget wagged its tail.

Luke glanced at it and said, “But your way of handling it can only be considered so-so, so I’ll only double your pocket money from yesterday and make it a thousand dollars.”

Gold Nugget whined and looked at him with sparkling black eyes.

It never thought that a so-so method could increase its pocket money by so much.

Luke said, “If you do outstandingly well, your pocket money can be two or even four thousand dollars. So, when you have the time, think about the safety training rules and come up with contingency plans. You’re not that smart, so don’t try acting like it.”

Gold Nugget whined unhappily.

Looking at the dog’s expression, Luke sneered. “Properly reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses is also a prerequisite for living a good life. I don’t think I’m smart enough myself, and you think you are? Carry on acting as an old man for the next few days. If anything happens to Claire, let me know immediately, understand?”

Gold Nugget nodded again and rubbed its head against Luke’s calf.

Luke rubbed its head with a smile. “You’ve improved a lot. Keep it up. Don’t get too proud.”

Selina exhaled.

She had been afraid that Gold Nugget might not be able to deal with the aftermath, so she couldn’t hide what it had done last night from Luke, but she hadn’t wanted Luke to berate Gold Nugget either.

Thankfully, the result was unexpectedly good.

“Let’s go. We’re going to be busy today,” Luke said as he got up.

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